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Monday, April 28, 2014

#12 Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy 

1) After looking at these images, how would you describe this artist's work? Is he a sculptor, a photographer, both? Explain.

2) Does Andy's work fit into the category of still life? Are his photo's interesting and engaging? Explain what catches your eye (or doesn't).

3) What do you think he's trying to say with his work?  


  1. I think hes both because he sculptures things he wants to take pictures of. yes because he makes the things he wants to take pictures of. They're interesting because all three photos have something circular that really catches your eye.
    Shaw, T

  2. I think he is a sculptor and a photographer because he does a great job sculpting the objects in his picture and then he uses photography to capture the image. I feel like the last picture fell into juxtaposition with the tree coming out of the snowball and the first one fell under color with the patterned leaves. I think he is trying to say that sculpture should be more integrated with photography.


  3. I would say both because he is creating sculptures to take pictures of and not just running around to find something interesting. I think his photos capture still life but more on the Nature and Architecture side of photography. I think he is trying to make a point with his work that you don't need to be patient to take a very good picture but you can create art and share it in more ways than one such as his examples of photography and sculpting.

    -Nelson, G

  4. I think that this artist is both a photographer and sculpter. I think that the artist sculpts what he is going to take a picture of. I think that this is still life, and it catches my eye that it looks as if the figure is floating in the air. I think hes trying to build a lot of contrast in his photos. -Moon, K

  5. Well the artist likes circles, and I think he is a photography and sculpture because he is fixing the surroundings to make it look like some kind of sculpture. It is still life, and I think his pictures are kind of cool. The circles in each picture is what catches my eye. I have no idea what his work is trying to say. Bjorkman,K.

  6. I think Andy Goldsworthy is both a photographer and a sculpter his work looks like something someone created. I dont think his work is still life but they definatley draw your eyes in. The first two pictures draw my attention to the middle where theres a hole. I dont really know what he saying, I do think the first one is warm but the other two are more dark.

    Van Voorhis.K

  7. I would say that he is a sculptor and a photographer. He arranges things and then takes a picture of them. His photos are interesting because they aren't something you would normally see. I like the one with the tree in the snowball. They do fit into still life because the artist has set up the picture in the way he wants to. I think he is trying to show how anything can make a good picture if you arrange it right.
    Holli Cook

  8. 1) I would describe Andy's work as very interesting and each photo having a center of focus. I believe that his work is a sculptor and photographer because he arranges objects in a way that suggests sculptor, but he captures the items with a camera.

    2) Yes, I believe that Andy's work fits into the category of still life because he can arrange the objects in any way he wishes. Yes, I think that his photos are engaging and interesting because I'm drawn to the focal points he creates.

    3) I'm not entirely sure what he's trying to say with his work but maybe that everything has a center or a middle. -N. Hugo

  9. The artist's work is very controlled. He sculpts an image and then takes a picture of it. So I think he is both a sculpter and a photographer. I think the photos are still life because they are controlled and arranged and the artist possess complete control. I think his photos are engaging because they are set in the nature scene but arranged in a way you wouldn't typically see in nature. I think the artist is trying to show that arrangement is key to a good photo.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  10. 1: I think he is a sculpter and a photographer because in theses photos have circles in them that were created.
    2:yes these photos should belong in the catagory of still life because they have one main focus in them the circles and the grand landscape in the background, and the circles catch my eye first i always wanna look directly at them.
    3:I really cant figure that out i mean its really good photos but i cant decribe what he is trying to show in his work. Aplanalp T

  11. Andy Goldsworthy is s photographer who I believe photoshopped those images on top of his work. I don't think these photos are still life because they are pictures of lanscapes and plant life. what really catches my eye is the first photo and how it seems like a void almost. It really makes me look at it. I honestly am not sure what he trying to say with his work.
    Smith, C.

  12. I think this artists work is really spontaniouse, but i really think hes a sculpture more than a photograpger only because i could take pictures of those things but i wouldn't be able to make them before i shot them. The main one the really standed out in the catogory was the first photo was abstract. I think hes trying to show life in nature.-Murphy,C

  13. Its actually both because the photographer created the sculpture and later took an image of it. Yes it does, Andy takes a unique picture of still life by creating his own vision of an object. I believe he uses his creativity to produce these still life photo. -Francisco Ferreyra

  14. After looking at these images, Goldsworthy appears to be a sculptor and a photographer because of the way the photo was set up and how the photograph was executed. In a way the photo fits into still life. What catches my eye is the formal balance in majority of the photos. I don't think the artist is trying to speak with his work.
    (Stroh, H)

  15. He is both, he sculpts the images into what he wants them to be. Yes, they engaging. Because they are bright colors and certain things like the snow ball that draws the eye. Something to do with nature.
    Miller, S.

  16. I think he is both because it's not like he stumbled upon these items just laying like that so he put them together like that. This is still life and the thing that catches my eye in the first one is the leaves and the colors because it looks so cool and I kinda questioned what it was at first. I really don't know what he is trying to say to be honest.
    -G Hays

  17. I think he is both. I think this because these are things you do not find in nature so he would have had to make these then take there picture. I all of them fit in the still life category. I really like these photos. The color is good and I just like the way he has placed things. And on the top to I like how its like a tunnel. I think he is trying to say that you are not limited you can take pictures of anything and make them interesting.

  18. I would describe his work as abstract. He is a sculpture, who then takes photos of his artwork. I believe that his work does fit into the category still life. When I look at the photos I notice that each of them have a circle somewhere in them and your eye is drawn to that circle. I am not sure what he is trying to say.
    -Anna Z

  19. It looks like he is a both a sculptor and a photographer. His photos would fit into the category of still life because he has arranged the subjects in his photos. All of his photos really interest me because of how he has arranged objects of nature to make really cool still life photos. His sculptures don't really look like they would last a long time so he is probably trying to capture the beauty of something that is not exactly permanent. -Allison Kirk

  20. Looking at these images I think he is both a sculptor and photographer because the way he arranges the items and edits them. I think they do fit into the category of still life. I think his photos are interesting, but not my favorite. I feel like he's trying to say that everything has a center.

    Smalley, C

  21. 1. I think he is both because he makes the things he photographs.
    2. Yes. They are engaging because they aren't exactly normal.
    2. I don't know what he's trying to say.

    Allen, C.

  22. 1.) Goldsworthy is a artistic sculptor and photographer, in this series he works exclusively with nature.

    2.) Andy's work does have still life qualities in the sense that he is in control of the shaping, placement and background (Somewhat), but it also incorporates some things you cannot move, the tree, the water, the grass.

    3.) To me he is putting emphasis on the last of the changing season. The snow is the last snow around. Those red and orange leaves surrounded by what looks like green grass.

    (Shearer, Max)

  23. I feel that he is both a sculpture and a photographer. He sculpts these circular shapes for all his photos so they are compositionally easy to view.I think that is photos are still life because there are no animals or people in the pictures. His photos are engaging, all the circles catch your eye easily.Also some of the colors help liven the photos. I think that he is trying to single somethings out and show that sometimes we dont open our minds we just look through things like tunnels.


  24. 1. I think he is both. I think he is a sculptor and photographer . His pictures look like he made them first then took a picture of it.
    2. I think is pictures work as still life. They are very interesting to me. They are not something you would see every day.
    3. I think he's trying to say something about nature.
    Beebe M.

  25. 1) I feel like Andy is primarily a sculptor, but, due to the short life-span of his sculptures, he preserves them with photography.

    2) I feel like, while his photos are not necessarily a conventional form of still life, they contain object I am familiar with, and they capture my attention well.

    3) I feel the message goes along the lines of "Some of the most beautiful things are also the most temporary."

    -J, Brown.

  26. I'd say he is both a sculptor and a photographer because he makes his own work and then photographs it. I think that even though his photographs fit in to the category of still life, they have this liveliness about them since it's nature but it's unnatural at the same time. His photos are very engaging because of the way he formed things that in nature that normally wouldn't be there. (Stewart, S)

  27. 1. After looking at these photos I believe that Andy Goldsworthy Is a scluptor and also a photographer. Because in the last photo there is this ball molded around the tree, also he positions the objects in the way he wants so it could also be considered sclupting.
    2. Yes I believe andys' work fits into the category still life because they are just single object photos and he has complete control. The way he positions objects are interesting because they draw your eye in and the colors are popping out too.
    3. I think Andy is trying to say with his work that photography can be sclupting as well.

  28. 1. I think the artist's work is definitely unique. It looks like he created these images in a specific way and arranged everything himself, so he is both a sculpter and a photographer.
    2. I don't think it fits the main category of still life because still life is not living and it's usually something you can pick up. And you cant pick up a tree obviously.
    3. I think he is trying to say that still life can also be living things too, even though it's technically not under that category.

    George, S

  29. This guy is both a sculpter and photographer. It's obvious he's a sculpter, because he put together the subjects of the photos. The only photo I would count as a still life is the tree. However, the first photo is more eye catching because of its color. I think the photos are a abstract version of a subject. He is trying to show a different look of the subject.

    Vitek, M.

  30. 1. I would say that he is both because he photographs and really likes the shape of a circle, and a sculpture because it looks like he sculpted the circles and made them so they have a cool and interesting look.
    2. I feel like his art would fit into still life. His photos are engaging to me and the first photo really catches my eye. The first one is full of a variety of fun colors and then right in the middle is a big black dot and I think it contrasts it really well.
    3. I think he is trying to show that still life can be more than just inanimate things that you can move because he has a tree in there.

  31. 1. I want to say both because it looks like he creates the image and the captures the objects. So he's both, a sculptor and a photographer it looks like.
    2. His images are very odd and different but in a pretty good way. They're different and I think that's what really captures my attention. Yes, i guess they're considered still life images. For example, the tree in the snowball, it's different and weird because there's no other snow on the ground or anything so im wondering where he got the idea of putting the tree branch in snow.
    3. I honestly cannot figure out what he is trying to say through his work. Maybe he is trying to show how things can be different and out of the unordinary.
    Maguire, K

  32. 1. I would say that he is both because he photographs and really likes the shape of a circle, and a sculpture because it looks like he sculpted the circles and made them so they have a cool and interesting look.
    2. I feel like his art would fit into still life. His photos are engaging to me and the first photo really catches my eye. The first one is full of a variety of fun colors and then right in the middle is a big black dot and I think it contrasts it really well.
    3. I think he is trying to show that still life can be more than just inanimate things that you can move because he has a tree in there.

    Walker, C

  33. its both, he makes things then he captures the photo, it is very unique.

    i dont know actually if this is still life. i dont think i could move the 3rd picture at all, it looks pretty big then in the second photo everything looks like it is floating so im clueless.

    well everything i see is odd, how there is a huge snow ball in a place with no snow, and there is flying sticks over a lake and red and orange feathers on grass, maybe he wants us to put a story behing the image, and figure out where this came from!

    schumacher, michael

  34. 1. This guy is both a sculptor and a photographer. He takes pictures of his sculptures.
    2. I think that it fits into the category of still life and landscape. The way that he puts circles and spheres in the center of his works.
    3. He is trying to say something about the beauty of the natural world.

    H. Botts

  35. 1. To me he looks like more of a sculptor. His photos are unique because of what he creates with his hands not with a camera.

    2. I think they are still life because the arranges what he wants in the photo. His photos are very engaging because of the unnatural use of nature.

    3. He is trying to relate nature to other things that couldn't happen.

    K.C. Lopez

  36. After looking at these photos I think that he is both a sculptor and a photographer. They are very odd looking but they all include circles and lines. They aren't just being photographed but they are being shaped and modeled to look a certain way.
    Yes, it fits into the category of still life. There is nothing living and everything can stay the same. I like that the circle in each picture is at the center and draws your eyes to it. I think the photos are very interesting.
    I think he is trying to say that you can make really interesting things out of things in nature you just have to take the time to make it.

    Anderson M

  37. 1. I believe that Goldsworthy is both a sculptor and a photographer. He creates the best photo opportunities by sculpting interesting and pleasing works of art.
    2. I don't think it fits in the category of still life because he didn't have complete control over the lighting or the surroundings of the focal point of the photo but the photographs are both interesting and engaging. What catches my eye is that he uses his art to draw your eye to the center of the photo while still looking at the beauty of the whole photo.
    2. I think he's trying to say that there is pure beauty in nature that only lasts a short time and that you should admire.

    Thomas, S.

  38. 1. I think both, and it seems like he has a very vivid imagination. That helps with ides for his pictures.
    2. I don't think these 3 photos do, but maybe another photo of his.
    3. A lot. That's he's creative. Has a wild mind.
    Campbell, T

  39. Cox, S.
    1) He is both a sculptor and a photographer, because he places and builds things for an image that e creates.
    2) His work does fit into the still life category. He really likes images that have to do with sculptures.
    3) His work is about time. The spontaneous moment when something is created and how fast it can be gone.

  40. 1. He likes using circles/spheres.
    2. Yes and no. When I think of still life, it's with everyday items. He put snow around a tree; you don't see that in everyday life.
    3. I don't know

    Steele. J.

  41. 1) As i can see, this artist is both a sculptor and a photographer. He uses unique items in his pictures. He also takes the pictures at good angles.
    2)In my opinion, these pictures are still life because the things in the pictures don't move. These pictures caught my eye! They're so interesting because he's basically sculpturing nature. I've never seen anyone else do that! All three of his pictures include circles. They also have the right colors and shapes.
    3) I think hes trying to say nothing lasts forever and to not take everything for granted. You should remember everything that happens in life because they're not going to be there forever.

    Samimifar, T

  42. I definitely think that he is both a sculptor and a photographer. He uses things from nature, arranges things the way he wants then photographs them. I'm not really feeling the still life kind of photography here. I really like the first photo but the second and third don't really interest me that much. The vibrant colors and leaves and sort of ombre thing is really pretty. I honestly have noooo idea what he's trying to say? just that he gets paid to go around and do this? Not really sure.

    Sparks L.

  43. 1) For all his photograph they look like an eye and the of the three photos have some sort of circle.This photo are all nature.
    2) I think the photos are still life because the objects don't move.
    3) In my opinion he tying to say that everything doesn't last for ever and you just need to enjoy it as much as possible.

  44. I think Andy Goldsworthy is both a sculpture and a photographer. He uses cool sculptures and photographs them. I think his photos are very engaging. I notice that there is a lot of shape and texture in these photos, especially circular/round shapes. I really like these pictures. They have a lot of motion, rhythm, and framing. He uses a natural environment to create a beautiful piece of art.

  45. I think he is definitely a sculptor who focuses on circular centered things he purposefully set up to capture as a photo.
    I think they would fit into still life because they are of something he minipulated, yes they are they pop and aren't natural looking but are created from natural things and setting.


  46. 1) I think is both, he is a sculptor who photographs his art.
    2) I think it does capture the concept of still life, they capture a moment of life in a split second before it crumbles away in front of him. I find his photos very engaging, they make me want to go into his photos and be able to see the art for myself and watch as is slowly degrades and breaks. The thing that catches my eye in the first one is for instance all the colors, the way all the leaves blend and fade into each other and how the colors pop from the picture.
    3) I think he's trying to make a point by pushing the limits of being a sculptor and a photographer, also pushing the limits of still life, he's taking this pictures of things you wouldn't expect to be in existence or be considered still life.

  47. 1) After looking at these images, how would you describe this artist's work? Is he a sculptor, a photographer, both? Explain.
    If I had to describe this artist's work in just one word, I would call it controlled. I would say that he is not just an artist, and not just a sculpture, but an artist in general.
    2) Does Andy's work fit into the category of still life? Are his photo's interesting an engaging? Explain what catches your eye (or doesn't).
    Yes, his work fits into the "still life" category. His photographs are interesting and engaging. The precision in his work is what catches my eye the best.

    3) What do you think he's trying to say with his work?
    With his work, I think that Goldsworthy is trying to say that he knows how to make still life look really precise and amazing.

    -Montenna Morrison

  48. I think that he is photographer and a sculptor because it looks like he made what is in his work. His work does fit into the category of still life and I think they are pretty interesting because he made them happen. They are like his unique view on things. His work is pretty interesting, but it doesn't really catch my eye too much because I don't really understand what they're supposed to be.
    Chastain, M.

  49. 1. He is both. These things are not naturally found in the world; he put them together and then took the photo.

    2. Yes, his photographs are still live images. He has lots of strange objects and subjects. His photos are engaging because you have to think about them for a while before you really know what's going on.

    2. (heh heh heh) I think he is really trying to say anything, and I think he could very easily just be creating art for people to look at and enjoy.

    -Kameron Bates :~)

  50. I think he is a sculpter and a photoagrapher. He is setting things up like sculpting but also taking photos. I do not think his photos fit into the still life category. His photos are interesting! The snow and tree catches my eye. I think he is trying to look at things from a different perspective with his work.

    DeMers, Victoria

  51. i think hes both because he sculpts the things but makes a good picture out of it.
    i think it does fit in, his pictures are engaging because they are trippy.
    i dont think he is trying to say anything in particular.
    Flores, T

  52. I think he is both a sculpture and a photographer. He takes pictures of his sculptures. I think some of the pictures are still life but it uses nature and plant life as well. I don't know what he's trying to say with his work. But he uses a lot of circles. And the first photo kind of reminds me of an eye.

    Paul Sierra

  53. 1) I think he is a photographer and a sculptor because it looks like he made what is in his photos but they also have a lot of good photo qualities.
    2) I think his photos work in still life. They are very interesting and difficult to figure out. They are also very interesting with all the colors and the randomness.
    3) I think that he's trying to make things stand out more.

    Brandon, Marissa

  54. Mr Goldsworthy is a sculptor and a photographer. He manipulates and builds his subjects then photographs them. His work does fit into the still life category. The most intriguing part to me is that he can build/sculpt such out of style subjects. He has made them is own. I believe he is trying to be different with his work.

    Jarmer, A.

  55. 1. I think he is both. The pictures just looks like he photo shopped new things inside the original photo.
    2.The first photo catches my eye the most, because it looks like fire kinda and then a black hole.
    3. I have no clue. he likes color and shapes

  56. I think that Andy Goldsworthy would have to be a sculptor and a photographer in order to achieve what he is achieving.

    His photos are engaging. I think they could be considered still life.

    I'm not sure what he is trying to say with his work in these pictures, but I like them.

    Devyn McVicker

  57. 1.)II would consider him both cause he changed the photo to his liking, and he likes thing that are round and not flat.
    2.) Yes because he is setting up the picture himself in a interesting way to him, these are engaging cause they are odd and different.
    3.) I think hes trying to say things have shape and they are not all flat

    Goldspink, X

  58. 1) Sculptor, definitely. He obviously has some photography skills, but he is best, at forming the picture.

    2) I say no, because of the fact, that this isn't life. It is all artificial. The center, catches my eyes first.

    3) I have absolutely no idea. Probably something about circles.

  59. 1. He seems to be both. Maybe he sculpts something and then takes a picture of his artwork.
    2. I would say they're still life because he's placing an object or piece in a surrounding and capturing it. I really like his artwork and photos and how there's a circle in each photo, it really draws the eyes in as the focal point.
    3. I'm not sure, maybe he's just trying to make the circles the most promenant shape in the images.
    thornhill s

  60. 1) Although the first image looks like it could involve sculpture, I feel the artists work leans more towards photography. I think this because it looks more like a straight image captured rather than sculpted work.
    2) This is still life because it is a calm image without motion. These photos are not that interesting to me due to the lack of details that would catch my eye.
    3) Maybe the artist is trying to portray the circle of life as he puts emphasis on the circle in a nature scene.
    (Brown, K)

  61. 1. I think he is a sculptor and a photographer. He takes pictures of his sculptures.
    2. This photo does fit into still life, I think these photos are very interestion.
    3. I think he is trying to say that you can put sculptures into your still life pictures.

    Slack C

  62. 1.) I would consider him both because he changed the scenery to match his photo idea.
    2.) Yes, I would consider this still life. I find his photos interesting because they're different from your typical nature photos.
    3.) He's trying to say that nature can be abstract and interesting.
    Devyn Glenn

  63. It seems to be that he is both a photographer and a sculptor. I think his work fits into a still life abstraction because like on the first and second photo, you don't know what it really is. What catches my eye is his use of circles. I thinking he is trying to say something about things never ending, like a circle.

    Reneau, Austin.

  64. 1.) Yes he is both because he is able to incorporate and set up these art pieces while making the photo still feel artistically his.
    2.) He fits into a theme of circles and juxtaposition. His photos are indeed interesting as they vary with many varieties. The odd feel of the colored leaves and the snowball and also the sticks draw your eye because they are not normally placed.
    3.) I think he's trying to tell the viewer that normalcy and regular every day photography isn't the only type of art that can draw your eye in to something that's beautiful and exquisite.
    (Campbell, K)

  65. I think this artist is both a photographer and a sculptor because he sculpt or arranges things in a unique way for a cool picture. For the first and last picture what catches my eye is the color. For the first picture it is a darker dull color but leads into brighter colors. For the last photo most of the back ground is simple colors that blend and are similar but then there is the white sphere. I think he is showing how you can take ordinary nature into cool sculptures for great pictures.

    Willhite, A

  66. 1. I would say both because he probably set up his photos with sculpting
    2. The color thats used in the photos
    3. Change the way you look at things
    Maughan Sam

  67. 1. I would say he is both because his work looks like something a sculptor would build.
    2. I'm not sure the third picture fits still life because it's a tree with some of it inside the snow.
    3. He's trying to say how things don't stay here forever, and you have to see it now.
    - Hegel, A

  68. I would describe this artists work as still life of sculptures that he made, he is both sculptor and photographer, because he makes these sculptures and than takes pictures of them. I believe that his work does count as still life, his work is very interesting and engaging, the interesting designs and colors catch my eye, as well as the fact that he likes circles.

    Nelson, S.

  69. 1. His work is very different and somewhat looks like it was photo shopped a lot. He sees like a sculptor because these photos looks like he forms all these stuff and puts them together.
    2 I think it does fit into the category of still life and they are pretty engaging because they make you think and wonder.something that catches my eye is all these photos have circles in the or spheres and are very odd.
    3.Nothing really stands out to me on what he is trying to say, but maybe hes trying to say odd things being how they are not supposed to be.

  70. 1) Well I think Andy Goldsworthy is both a sculptor and a photographer, because the photos or sculptors.
    2) Well yes it does fit in the category of still life and they do catch my eye because of the dark and light cycles.
    3) I think Andy Goldsworthy trys to make the photos and the sculptor interesting and unique.

  71. 1. He is making sculptures then takin pictures of them.
    2. They are kind of interesting, its interesting especially in the snow one because where did the snow come from? Why is there a tree in a snow ball?
    3. That he has a creative mind.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1

  72. 1. he is both a sculptor and a photographer because he makes a center piece and then captures it and his photos are very engaging because the images are unusual
    3. I really dont know what he is trying to say with his work maybe just show the art in circles

    Taylor Schwindt
