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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

#6 Ezra Stoller

1) Above are a series of photos from famous architectural photographer Ezra Stoller. Describe what stands out when looking at these images of the built environment in terms of composition and/or the elements and principles of design.

2) Pick your favorite image and explain why it gives you inspiration. If none of these inspire you, explain why.

3) Would these photos have the same results if they were in color? Why or why not?


  1. The things that stand out most about these photos is leading lines and camera angle up. I like the last one because it is different. I don't think that they would have the same results if they were in color because when they are black and white, the shadows stand out and make the photo look good.

  2. To me what stands out is the person standing randomly and then in the last one the car that is parked there. The second one inspires me because it looks cool and I don't know what it is that I'm looking at. No they wouldn't because there would be to much going on I don't think I would know what to look at.
    -G Hays

  3. There are very large structures that stand out the most and I see right away. All of them really inspire me, but my favorite is the first one; I really like how the shadows are very dramatic and deep. I have always loved black and white photos and they seem more interesting to me. I also like that they have a car or human that we know the size to so we really see the scale of size to the structure.

  4. What stands out is that they are all black and white and they carry straight structural lines in each image except for the last one which is not similar to the other three above it. It's curvy structure gives it a unique design and just oddly different from the rest, which i like a lot because things that stand out usually gives us more thought behind them and it isn't something you can just look at and get bored with. Probably not because the colors would be kind of distracting and take away from the theme or mood of the photo.

    -Nelson, G

  5. The most prominent feature in these photos are leading lines. The lines of the building lead you throughout the photograph. Also, all the photos are on black and white which adds contrast to the photos.I like this first image. It has the dramatic leading line in the middle of the photo that leads your eyes to the end of what appears to be a bridge. The photo also has a dramatic contrast between the bright bridge and the dark shadows. I don't think the photos would be the same in color because they wouldn't show the dramatic contrasts between the black and white and grey.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  6. The architecture in these photos are unusually shaped from things i'm used to seeing kind of has a abstract feeling.. I really like the first photo, I like how the building draws your attention to the person under it. So in that note it could be leading lines. I don't think these photos would have the same results if they were to be in color I feel like they would not be as abstract looking as they are.
    Van Voorhis.K

  7. I see a lot of contrast in these pictures and i also see camera straight on. I really would choose the first one as my favorite because it stands out to me in the way you see the darkness behind the object and it is very fantastic. I dont think these would have the same effect because you would lose the mysteriousness and you wouldn't have any shadows.
    Webb. Robert

  8. In a couple of the photos leading lines stands out to me. They are also mostly abstract and unconventional. My favorite image would have to be the first one. I like the way that the structure is so big compared to the person standing next to it. I also like the way you can't tell what the structure is. I'm not sure if it inspires me; maybe a little. It reminds me how small we are and how great the things we can build are.
    -Anna Z

  9. The one thing that really stands out to me is the contrast in these photos and how they all really just have a straight on angle. My favorite would have to be the last one because I love how unique the shape is of the building and the car in front just gives it kinda a old time feeling. These photos would not be the same because the black and white contrast is what makes the picture so great.
    Shaw, T

  10. What stands out most is the low key setting where its all black and white and give the picture an interesting setting. The shape also play a role in how this picture grabs your attention. It's very interesting how the buildings are shaped.
    My favorite picture is the first one because it give you a sense as if it was leading over to the point that it looks impossible to actually create such a building.
    Maybe not because the black and white setting makes the photo feel a bit antique. -Francisco Ferreyra

  11. I think the contrast in the photos really stand out and make you look at the pictures differently. My favorite image would have to be the last one, it inspires me to want to shoot architectural photos. I think the second one would be darker because it seems like the photo was shot at night.-Murphy,C

  12. 1: the buildings/architecture stand out the most in these photos.
    2: the very top one inspires me the most cause i like how high the person is taking the photo and the detail to the shot is fantastic.
    3:I dont think these photos would look good in color because i think it would make them look bad.

  13. 1) What stands out when I look at these images is the compositional technique of leading lines. In each of these photos, the objects curve or form a path for our eyes to follow. Since all of these photos are black and white, we can also see the compositional technique of contrast because of the shadows cast by the objects.

    2) My favorite image is the first one with the big structure and a little glimpse of the clouds. I like this one best because it incorporates both nature and architecture in one image.

    3) I don't believe that these photos would have the same results if they were in color because the color would soften how intense this images are. -N. Hugo

  14. The back lighting in these photos is what stands out the most to me. Framing, is also greatly represented in these photos. My favorite picture from these series is the second one down from the top. I love the lighting in this picture, and the way that framing is being used. They would not have the same result if they were in color, because the contrast, shading and framing wouldn't be as dramatic. -Moon, K

  15. The thing in the photos that stands out most are how the buildings are very curvy and odd shaped and not just vertical. My favorite is the first picture because it shows balance and had detail. I don't think that they would look as good in color because it gives it a more interesting effect.

    -Smalley, C

  16. All these photos have a lot of dark and light values. They all have leading lines as well. I really like the last one, it's kind of abstract and I like how the base breaks off almost tree like. I do not think these photos would have the same results if they were in color. I think this because if it were in color it would not be as dramatic.
    Wille, Mackenzie

  17. What stands out to me in these photos are the contrast and the camera angles really capturing the cool shapes of these pieces of architecture. My favorite image is the 1st image because the contrast is the strongest of the 4 and I definitely think it is the most dramatic with the shadows. If these photos were in color, the shadows and highlights would not be nearly as dramatic as they are in black and white.
    -Allison Kirk

  18. The backlighting in the images really catch my attention and force my eyes to wonder around the whole image. I also really like the angle of which he took the photos it gives them a grand appearence. My favorite one is the last one, the shape of the building is so foreign to me that it seems grand and important. And the shadows give it an intense look. NO because color would take away from the intense shadows from the image.
    Smith, C.

  19. In all of the photos listed above, they feature great contrast with the shadows. My favorite one has to be the first one, because of the sense of scale with the man standing next to the structure. I don't think that the photos would have the same results if they were in color. Manly because the shadows wouldn't be as dramatic.
    (Stroh, H)

  20. 1.) All his photo's are in black and white. There is emphasis on the edges of the building. I notice the architecture Stoller captures all is similar. Rough edges but a smooth surface. I notice texture a lot in these images.

    2. My favorite image would be the first one of the leaning building. I like how at the angle captured the camera is upward but it almost feels like a downward angle because of the slant on the building.

    3. I don't think they would. Because they're all in black and white they all look really similar, but if the buildings were all different colors I don't think they would all fit in the same theme.

    (M, Shearer)

  21. 1. The upward angle of the camera stands out the best in all of the photos. Also the black and white stands out a lot.

    2. The first photo really inspires me. The little spec of a person is my favorite part of the image, because it's tiny but still a big part of the image.

    3. I don't think they would have the same effect if the pictures were in black and white because it would loose the attention of the white elements that stand out the best.

    George, S

  22. what really stands out is the movement of the lines and the contrast that really makes it work.
    I like the first picture because it looks like a building that was built diagonally and the shadows that are cast create awesome contrast.
    I don't think they would have even close to the same results if they were in color. with the darkness of the shadows and old timey look of the black and white it gives it an almost desolate look that wouldn't come through in color.
    Stiff, G

  23. 1. They are very interesting with different shapes and shadows.
    2. I like the first one because you can't really tell what it is but it just looks interesting.3.
    3. No because i think black and white makes it look older and just better.

  24. I think that what stands out when looking at these images is that there are smaller objects visible and it really shows how large the main object is. My favorite image is the first photo. The way way that the picture is dark every where but on the main focus and it has obvious texture in the structure. I dont think these photos would be the same because the black and white really capture the shadows and different lighting.

    Reck, T

  25. 1. The lines and shapes stand out to me most. The angles capture the architecture in such a way that the shapes and lines really stand out.
    2. The last photo inspires me. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it was a difficult picture to take and is very interesting. It inspires me to take amazing pictures like that.
    3. The lines and shapes would not stand out as much if the pictures were in color.

    H. Botts

  26. 1.The compositional elements that stand out to me our Movement, leading lines and contrast.
    2. The top picture inspires me because the person standing under that big structure is so small compared to it. Makes me think of anyone can achieve anything no matter how big.
    3.No because the color would bring a whole new meaning and a bunch of different elements.

  27. In all of the photos above there is a very strong contrast from the lighter areas compared to the shadows. They all have a low angle. It looks like he stood on the ground and looked up at the sky to get the angle captured in the photos. The first photo is an inspiration to me. I love how it is like a beam in the middle of now where. And it also looks like the ground just drops and it is like a canyon after the person . I dont not believe that these pictures would be the same in color because the black and white makes the pictures very dramatic.

    Ford, J

  28. 1. In each of the photos the element that stands out to me are the lines. They are all leading lines and are curvy giving it a nice taste. They built the environment by giving it a little of pazaz.
    2. My favorite one is the first one because the line kind of fades and leads back to the tiny spec of a person. It inspires me to be more creative with photos.
    3. I don't think the pictures would have the same result if in color because the buildings are all contrasted in the black and white, they really stand out.

    Walker, C

  29. in all his photos he has a lot of shadow! he only took these 4 photos in black and white!

    i like the top photo, i like how it is leading into the sky, like it could be a bridge, or it could never end!!!

    no, these photos are unique, i really like the lighting. it is really cool how he uses light to draw my eye.

    michael schumacher

  30. When I look at these photos, I see a lot of value, leading lines, and in the top photo, I notice some framing going on. Most of his pictures look like they are a straight on camera angle. The second picture inspires me to expand my mind when taking pictures. It may look like a simple building, but by the way he edited it and his placing, it looks more like art. I think the black and white adds more of a dramatic effect on the pictures. I think if they were in color, there would be too much going on and the picture would be more distracting and loud rather than engaging.

    S, Moore

  31. 1. Well the photos are all Black and White. They are also all like buildings and roofs. Which have a nice bit of sun in it.
    2. The second photo. There's just something about it that reminds of something that I've seen before. I think it was in a video game, and it just reminds me how much I love video games.
    3. Not as much, the Black and White just makes it dramatic and interesting.

    ~Tati C

  32. Cox, S.
    1. Every architectural photograph is shaped oddly. She used leading lines, pattern, and form in the photos above.
    2.My favorite image is the 4th one, but none of these photographs really inspire. I think mainly because none of them say anything to me, it's just a simple photo to me.
    3.No, because the black and white gives the image more dramatic effects to them. I think it was better to have no color in the photos.

  33. When I look at these photos,I see impacting lines. The shapes give a unusual sense, a futuristic one. These photos do not inspire me because the lack of color is not attracting my eyes. I think they would have a greater effect if the color was played with more, because it would set off a sense of moodiness and expression.

    Vitek, M.

  34. 1. They're all huge structures. Camera angle: straight on.
    2. The first image inspires me because it reminds me of the Jetsons.
    3. I think the color would distract from the architecture.

    Steele, J.

  35. The movement of the picture is what stands out the most. The leading lines and the angle of each of the photos creates a different point of view that a lot of people wouldn't think of.The last photo is pretty inspiring because it is unique. The photos wouldn't have the same results if they were in color because the black and white creates contrast and deep shadows that create more impact than color would.

    Thomas, S.

  36. 1) Above are a series of photos from famous architectural photographer Ezra Stoller. Describe what stands out when looking at these images of the built environment in terms of composition and/or the elements and principles of design.
    For me, I feel that he used a lot of contrast in his photographs, and made the environment feel antique.
    2) Pick your favorite image and explain why it gives you inspiration. If none of these inspire you, explain why.
    In my opinion, the most inspirational photograph would have to be the very first photograph. I feel this because there is a man under something so big, and when I saw that I thought of ways to portray messages through photography.
    3) Would these photos have the same results if they were in color? Why or why not?
    In my opinion, these photographs would not have the same results if in color, because they could all be different colors, which could lead to distraction from the subject that the photographer is attempting to portray.

    -Montenna Morrison

  37. All these pictures are very futuristic looking. They are black and white and all have an upward angle for the camera. They are very odd and out of the norm. They look more like sculptures.
    My favorite image is the second one. It looks like a spaceship and it's really cool. I really like black and white photos so these are all really cool to me. It really makes me want to look at things in a new way.
    These photos would not look as good if they were in color. There is so many shadows being used in these pictures that they wouldn't be as dramatic in color. They look best in black and white because it really gives the pictures the right amount of drama.

    Anderson M

  38. 1. They're all black and white, there's shadowing, dark contrast, weird shaped buildings.
    2. I like the first image the best because it's simple and calm looking. It's just someone standing outside in the grass maybe just enjoying the air and simplicity.
    3. Maybe or maybe not because we don' know the colors of the buildings. They're all different but the same because in every photo there is a person or something smaller than the building to emphasize the size of the building. It draws you in when looking at the photo.

  39. 1) Theres a lot of contrast and shadows. They all include weird buildings. The pictures all have dark shades and light shades.
    2)My favorite picture is the first one. It looks like the building is kind of side ways or falling over. It inspires me because the building reminds me of problems someone might have in their life, but their life isn't over yet , they can still stand up and fight it.
    3) I don't think they would have the same effect if they were in color. The pictures would have more of a happy vibe to it. The black and white makes them look more dramatic.

    Samimifar, T

  40. 1) All of his photo have same sort of leading leans and all of them are black and white and dark. The environment is where the landscaping and big buildings.
    2) My favorite is the second to first and because the contrast and the curvy and the line makes it look very good and have a glowing touch.
    3) They would not have the same results because the shadows would not look the same in a normal photo and the lighting would not look the same.

  41. 1. There is lots of drama that comes out from the shadows and also from the lack of color.

    2. My favorite is the first photo because of the great use of space.

    3. No because the black and white add a level of mysterious to them

    K.C Lopez

  42. What stands out are the different depths of each picture with the different types of architecture. The photo I like best is the second one, I like the way the building is shaped and the leading lines. I think if they were in color they wouldn't have the same effect of depth that they do in black and white. Stewart, S.

  43. 1) The towering architecture tends to stand out. The compositional one sidedness, and weight, is also an ever present design.

    2) None. Because I don't feel like aspiring to anything while looking at them. Sorry.

    3) Probably. Nothing would change, they wouldn't be any less grand, or any more breathtaking. They would just have a bit more depth.

    Nathan, Matthews

  44. I feel like in all the photos there's a sensation of movement. There's a lot of shadows in the pictures and low lighting. My favorite out of these photos is the last one because I think the building is really cool looking and the angle he took it from was great. No, I don't think they would. They wouldn't have the same shadows or eerie feeling to them without black and white.

    Chastain, M.

  45. 1) These photos are all very low lighting and all black and white. They also all have leading lines and many details.
    2) My favorite one is the first photo because there's not much to it but there are little details that are inspiring.
    3) I do not think these photos would have the same results if in color because these all seem dark and gloomy but with color I think they would stand out more.

    Brandon, Marissa

  46. 1. they are very big and dramatic structures with a dark texture
    2. the fourth photo because it is a really bizarre and unique structure
    3.yes because it would not change the kinda of majesty of the photos

    Taylor Schwindt Per. 5

  47. The first thing that stood out to me was that all these photos are shot in black and white. And then I realized they were all of modern looking buildings. This picture shows leading lines. My favorite image is the first one because I like the dark shadows and then the light shining through the picture. The sky gives it a cool background. I dont think that these photos would have the same effect in color because it would kind of take your attention away from the buildings and the black and white brings out the darkest and lightest parts of the picture.

    Paul Sierra

  48. What stands out to me is the contrast between lights a darks. Also there is a lot of high lighting and low lighting. My favorite image is the first photo because the person really shows the scale of the object and the angle of the shape is very different. I don't think they would have the same effect because our eyes would judge how well the colors look in the photo and not the shapes themselves.

    Reneau, Austin

  49. 1. I noticed that all the pictures are based on architecture and black and white.
    2. I would say the picture on the bottom with the wavy building structure is my favorite because of its unique design and its contrast type between white and black, having a mix in the middle.
    3. I don't think they would have the same result in color because the black and white gives the pictures a old look, while still having the modern structure.
    - Hegel, A

  50. 1. Every photo is of architecture, duh, because he's an architectural photographer. So that is a common principle, but the biggest thing I saw was the high contrast between the dark shadows and the bright whites in the photos.

    2. None of these inspire me, really, but the first photo gives me the largest sense of power. The photo itself is very powerful and seems like something out of a video game or a painting. The scale seems massive and interesting.

    3. They wouldn't have the same effect, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be good photos. I think each of these photos would be decent with color, but they wouldn't give off the same feeling these photos give. Especially the top one.

  51. 1. Some of the things that stand out to me is, black and white, leading lines and every photo has shadows.
    2. My favorite image is the first image, it draws my eyes to the shadows and the image in the middle. it inspires me to try to take photos in different ways.
    3. i do not think so because the black and white gives it a special feeling and a different look that color would not give
    - Curtis, Andrew

  52. 1. The photos are very abstract and contain leading line and low value.
    2. I either like the fourth photo or the second one the most. I like the movement in each of the pictures and how different the lighting is in them. I like the photos but I don't really know if they inspire me at all...
    3. I don't think we would get the same result if the photos were in color because when they're in black and white they look more classic and clean than if they were in color.
    thornhill s

  53. what stands out the most is the white from the pictures
    None of these pictures really inspire me in anyway
    i dont really think they would pop as much as they do.
    Flores, T

  54. 1. Leading lines really stands out to me, the pictures above are very deceiving to the people looking at them.
    2. The 1st one is my favorite picture because it really catches my eye and there is a lot of detail in it.
    3. No, the darkness about it makes everything seem so much better. Putting color into these photos would look like any regular picture.

    Slack C

  55. 1. A few things that stand out are leading lines and rhythm.
    2. The first one is my favorite picture out of all of them because it has a lot detail and it catches my eye more then the others.
    3. No because when you add color it changes the picture and how it appears to the human eye. I wouldn't attract my eye as much as it does black and white.

  56. All the photos seem to have low key lighting.

    I like all of the photos equally and I think the inspire me to look for new things to take pictures.

    I don't think they would be the same if they were in color. They would be less dramatic.

    McVicker, Devyn

  57. 1) When looking at these pictures, the first thing you notice is the black and white, meaning it has low value. These images also seem somewhat abstract which makes them interesting to look at.
    2) My favorite image is the first one. This photo gives me inspiration because I like the how the lighting gently gets lighter as you follow the leading line. The shadows are also a nice edition to the picture.
    3) These images wouldn't be as powerful in color because the black and white makes them a bolder piece.
    (Brown, K)

  58. 1. The shape of the architecture being shown stands out most to me because of the leading lines being showed.
    2. The first one because it's odd to me because I cant tell what exactly the figure is.
    3. I dont think so because it changed the time era in the photo.
    Maughan Sam

  59. I can see a rule of thirds in the first photo of where the person is placed in the image. Framing is also used to bring your eyes to the person; My favorite image is the last one because it almost looks like it is moving! These photos would have the same results if in color I think.
    DeMers, Victoria

  60. 1.) Leading lines, contrast, and low key lighting all stand out to me.
    2.) The third image is my favorite because most buildings tend to have hard and sharp lines and edges while this one has soft edges. I enjoy seeing a not so average building.
    3.) I don't believe this photos would have the same effect if they were in color because the black and white gives these buildings an emotion.
    Devyn Glenn

  61. 1.) The cool grey colors mixed with the different angles of these manmade architecture really make the photo stand out.
    2.) They don't really inspire me; the photo's are too dull and lack vibrance and color that makes you feel a deeper and happier experience than these lacking color grey photos.
    3.) No they would not have the same results as if they were in color. The color would bring more of a happier and sharper contrast.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  62. these photos are really interesting. They all show the great scale that human beings can build up to. My favorite one is the top one because it looks very imposing and yet almost kind of welcoming. I do not think that these pictures would have as much impact as they do if they were in color because the color would distract from the picture.

    Nelson S.

  63. To me these pictures are abstract. Some things that are used in these pictures are low key lighting and the camera distance is far. Also theres a scaling in some of them. My favorite is the bottom picture because of how oddly shaped the building is. This shows that you can take a picture of anything and make it look cool. I think most of the pictures will not have the same affect in color because of the random distracting colors in the rest of the picture. It also looks cooler when you can see the shadows easier.

    Willhite, A

  64. 1.- Theres a lot of different values of black and white. The principal fact you can see is that he uses leading lines. Theres always a person at the back of the photos. Theres a lot of contrast.
    2.- All of them are inspiration, because they all have one fact in common, and its that he hakes something big and compares it to man size.
    3.-Because there would be more value, probably less balance.
    Francisco, Ciriza

  65. 1) Ezra Stoller has nice photos,but these photos have different types of elements or principles of design.
    2) My favorite is the second photo, because it looks ordinary to me.
    3) well the colors are black & white because it looks awesome.

  66. 1. The way the objects are distort and the way he makes the coloring and shading in black an white look super sick.
    2. I like the last one because it shows a very distinct distortion and the shades and lights go great in black and white.
    3. No because you would not see the contrast as well.
    Tanner Leitner period one

  67. 1) What really stands out in all of these photos is how surreal they are for architectural photos. I feel like the lack of color in these images gives a sense of consistency between them. It ties them together in a way that makes me feel like each location carries an unspoken significance in relation to one another.

    2) I feel the first image is the most inspiring. The large, monolithic structure and the silhouetted figure stand beneath it really adds a contrast between what we are and what we can achieve. It gave me the sad sniffles.

    3) I have a feeling they would lose their connection to one another if they had been presented in color. While each image could stand alone better in color, I feel the lack of color brings them together.

    -J, Brown

  68. 1. Some things that stand out are that every building in the photos is kind of weird and futuristic, there is ia person in every photo and they're all in black and white.
    2. My favorite image is the first one but it doesn't really inspire me.
    3. I don't think they would be as intense if they weren't in black and white.

    Allen, C.

  69. 1. In all these pictures the buildings and structures stand out most, but because the large objects take up so much of the picture I actually looked more at the little things.
    2. Image #2, because I just like the way the photographer got the perfect angle in order to get the edge of the building, the statues, and that fountain in the middle of the building, and also that building in the far off distance.
    3. Not exactly. The B&W effect gives the shadows, and outlines of the buildings more of an impact on the photos.
    Barker, A.
