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Friday, April 25, 2014

#11 John Batho

Go to John's webpage HERE and check out the series "Photocolore".

1) Describe John Bathos' approach to still life. What art element is he placing emphasis on in these images?

2) Now navigate down to the series "Colour Froide". Again, what stands out in how he handled still life in these photos? How did he edit these?

3) How might you apply John's style in your own work?


  1. I think his approach on still life is very simple and colorful. He is really working with color in his photos and making them pop. What stands out his that he edited them so that they are in negative color and all the photos have to do with the homeless. I could apply his work by havig lots of color and also maybe editing one so that it is negative.
    Shaw, T

  2. John Bathos emphasizes color and movement in his photos. His photos really come to life. The color stands out in his photos and his use of color to attract the viewers eye to various parts of the photo. These were edited with color adjustments and the second series has negative color. Adding an emphasis on color in my photos and bold objects would help create a composition similar to his.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  3. Bathos really puts a lot of color in his photos, pretty crazy colors as well. I really like that when he does have a human in his photos he makes the point to block their face or most of their body. His photos have a color pop to them with colors that clash together as well.

  4. I see the first still life as color and a little bit of juxtapositon with the mini wind mill in front of the persons face. The second follows definite abstraction. He edited these with a black and white but almost made them in like a negative format. I like the way he takes the photos and I could apply that style to my photos.


  5. He takes pictures in a way not everyone really thinks about doing. I think he is putting a lot of emphasis on the texture and form of the things he is taking pictures of. He really focuses on the life of homeless people and it's really interesting and sad to think about how they live and sleep on the streets. He made all of them in a negative edit which I think emphasis a lot on the people. I could apply his work when I find something cool and try and put in in negative or maybe just see how I can really make my picture stand out more
    -G Hays

  6. It really seems like he's puttig an emphesis on juxaposition ANd putting object where they don't necisarily belong and place them in a uunique place. I also really liked that he chose to do red on the green background on the first image iy really made the colors pop and stand out. I could apply Johns style to my by putting colorful items in various different places.-Murphy,C

  7. John Batho places emphasis on color. He changes the colors in some of his photos so they don't look real. Some of the other photos have really bright colors. I can try to get really bright colors in my pictures or edit them so they don't look real.
    Holli Cook

  8. 1: His color chose they are all bright colors and very focused on one certain object.
    2: He edited them with negitive color he made in inverted colors in those pictures.
    3: By adding more color and invert my photos.
    Aplanalp T

  9. His approach seems to be to emphasize or to dramatize the color of all of these still life photos to put into perspective something that we see past such as the textures and shades of one color that we just don't realize enough. He made all of these photos negative to kind of make you think what is actually being captured in these photos rather than choosing the obvious to where you would just glimpse then look away as we do in life all of the time. I could choose one or two things in a picture that I really enjoy and dramatize the color to focus other people's attention to what I want them to view.

    -Nelson, G

  10. John Bathos' approach is mostly through color, whether that be bright vibrant colors, dull colors or even black and whites. He changed the hue/saturation.
    I would not I prefer my work to be more natural looking but if I was trying to get a message across I might use very bright colors like he did so in his first set of photos.
    Miller, S.

  11. It really pops in color especially warm colors and I think the element he is placing emphasis on is color. The things that stand out in the second series is its negative and it homeless people on the streets. I would apply Johns style by maybe taking pictures of things that are totally different from eachother.

    Van Voorhis. K

  12. Jim Bathos' photos are taken in negative color so grab the viewer's attention. He makes the simple things around us look interesting by the variety of color the object has to offer. Most of his pictures have an eye-popping color to it and gives it that kick to the viewers. I can apply his work into mine by having a picture with a colorful background as well as a colorful object. I can also take pictures of ordinary object in a negative format. -Francisco Ferreyra

  13. In the first series, I notice a lot of complementary colors and very vibrant colors being used and in the second series, all of the photos are in a x-ray sort of photo filter. I can apply John's style into my own work by using cool edits and a lot of color pop to enhance my photos. -Allison Kirk

  14. 1) John Bathos' approach to still life is pretty simple in the first set of pictures, and a little more complicated in the second set. The art element that he's placing emphasis on in these images is color, contrast and hue/saturation.

    2) John Bathos' handled these pictures by editing them a lot and making them look a little bit unreal. He edited these pictures by playing around with hue and saturation and contrast.

    3) I might apply John's style in my own work by working with monochromatic pictures.

  15. I don't know what John Bathos approach to still life is, his two series are completely different from each other.The art element he is using to emphasis on the images is color. What stands out is that there is so much editing and it is all about homeless people. He edit the color for the series. I don't know if I would apply John's style that much, but it is a unique style. Bjorkman,K.

  16. I am confused on his take of still life, both of his galleries are completely different and I am not sure what to think. To me it looks like he takes one background then shoots many different subjects within that background. With his second gallery I can tell he focus on color sort of like the fist, and he uses the negative edit in the sond gallery. I could take some photos of objects with a lot of color.
    Smith, C.

  17. He approaches his work with bright colors. The art element that I think he is placing emphasis on in these images is movement and color. I like the way he has handled the still life images. I really like the way he edited the last set, I like how he changed them into the negative. I would like to maybe try and edit like he has done in his second set of work.
    Wille, Mackenzie

  18. In his still life photos he approches the concept of color pop and inverse photography. He's places emphasis on the color the most. The color stands out the most and he probably edited the contrast to make it pop more and inverse and get the negatives. In my opinion I don't like his style, so I wouldn't use it in my work.


  19. His approach to still life places emphasis on abstract elements, contrast, and bright colors. He edits his pictures to enhance the colors and contrast. He creates beautiful images by inverting the colors of everyday items that would normally not be viewed as beautiful. I could apply this to my own work by inverting colors and taking pictures of bright colors.
    -Anna Z

  20. I think that the artists emphasis is on vibrant colors, contrast and making smaller parts of the picture the main focus. I think that he edited these photos on the unrealistic side with lots of pop. To apply his style in my pictures, i would change the hue and saturation greatly, and play around with the blurring tools. -Moon, K

  21. 1.) All his photo's seem to be in sharp focus, with almost everything in detail, given the blur effect to project motion...

    2.) He still uses a very broad focus, and put the affect into negative mode. He also uses a theme of some what "poor" or the homeless feeling.

    3.) You could put some of your abstract photo's into the negative effect.

    (Max, Shearer)

  22. John Bathos' approach to his still life, is placing things where they don't belong. It's abstract, but still, it makes sense. I can see the items clearly, and I can recognize what they are. However, it's abstract to me, because nothing looks like it belongs. I would apply John's style to my own photos, by making un-belonging objects pop out in the photos.


  23. John Bathos' approach to still life is taking pictures with many objects in them and then editing them to make them negative, which gives them a totally different look. He emphasizes the things that wouldn't be noticed in normal lighting. I could apply that to my own work by editing the hues a certain way or the lighting. (Stewart, S)

  24. The element that he puts emphasis on is the negative colors. In stead of just being a casual picture he pulls the negative pigments out of the photos. He also adds a lot of movement into his photos.

  25. 1) He likes to put a lot of emphasis on colors in the images. He matches up a lot of different colors to make the photo pop.
    2) In these photos he did a lot of outside junk or things that you wouldn't normally take a photo of, aka the man lying down on the side walk, or the home less lady with a shopping cart. He edits them by using negative color.
    3) I would try and mesh more colors together in my photos and would try different color ideas, even if I don't think they would look good together, I still need to try different ideas.

  26. 1. He puts a lot of emphasis on color and the negative color in the image
    2. He edited these by using a negative filter or really saturating the image's color.
    3. You could apply this to your own work by learning your way around photoshop and emphasizing color in your own photos.


  27. He is placing a lot of emphasis on color as well as movement. He uses very simple objects and color schemes in each photo. He also contrasted the colors very well the colors do not blend together but seem to just roll together. He edited the photos in the second file to negative. The brighter colors stand out way more than the more natural colors in the photo. The way he contrasted the colors can help in the still life because the contrast of the vibrant colors helps draw you eye to the photos.

    Ford, J

  28. 1) It looks to me that John likes the surreal aspects of taking a still life. In his first series, he chooses odd, bright colors and backgrounds for his still life photos.

    2) In the second series, John seems to favor regular, urban objects included in a still life. However, the thing that stands out about these is that they've had their colors inverted.

    3) A color inversion is a little strong for my taste, and I'd only consider doing it if the photo contained dull, muted tones, and the focus was a surreal still life.

    -J, Brown

  29. i feel like he has a lot of movement even though this is "still life" i also like his color choice! everything stands out so much
    its really cool how he used the negative affect. its cool how all the whites turn black.
    i could use the editing style he uses, it really makes his photos "pop"
    michael, s

  30. 1. I think the element he is placing emphasis on is color.
    2. The color stands out. I think he edited the vibrance of the color.
    3. I could edit the vibrance and make my own photos very colorful.

    Allen, C.

  31. He has a very odd approach to still life. All of his pictures are very colorful and very abstract. I like that these pictures are all out of the ordinary and something that not many people would think to take pictures of.
    The negative balance of the image is what stands out most. The other thing that stands out is that he took picture sof homeless people. He edited these pictures in a very odd way.
    I might take more time focusing on making things a little more abstract. I might also try to make my pictures a little more colorful and really focus on the color aspect. Some of them are very minimal, that could be a cool way to takel pictures.

    Anderson M

  32. 1. He obviously placed a lot of emphasis on color because it's either monochrome or color pop.
    2. He edited these by using the invert colors tool in photoshop to make the photos of homeless people look interesting.
    3. If I needed to make something dull more interesting, then I could use the invert.

  33. 1. The art element he is placing emphasis on is still life and also the combo of still life and movement are thrown together. Also I feel like he emphasised patterns and texture.
    2.Johns' series called "Colour Froide" is very interesting. what stands out the most in how he handled his photos is what objects he used and how he edited them with brightness and contrasted colors put together. There is a lot of super saturated colors.
    3.I might apply Johns' style to my work is saturate the colors a lot in my pictures, and take more of portrait shots.

  34. 1.He is taking pictures of things you could see really anywhere. They way he takes them makes them look very interesting.
    2.The colors really pop out to me. I don't think you would get the same effect if he didn't edit it like he did.
    3.His work is really different from most people.
    Beebe M.

  35. Cox, S.
    1) Color, there is a lot of super saturated red and green.
    2) There is a lot of geometric lines, and colors stand out a lot.
    3)Ar more saturated color, and make the color jump out.

  36. I think John Bathos is putting a lot of emphasis on color in his photos. He inverted the colors in the photo which makes the them look almost abstract. There is a lot of form and shape in his photos. The photos look like chaos shots. I'm not a big fan of the inverting on the pictures, but I can play around with it in my photos.

    Moore, S

  37. in one series he concentrates on bright color contrast with average items against a vibrant background while in the other he seems to focus on what looks like mostly the homeless life style using negitive to capture the photos.
    He doesn't have very much going on and they are all very simple i can take from his work by keeping it simple and uncluttered


  38. 1)He is putting emphasis on objects with a lot of color. The colors pop out of the picture and make the pictures look cool.
    2)He turned the pictures to negative and the pictures focused on homeless people and how their life works. Again, the colors really stand out.
    3)I can apply a bit of his work to mu pictures by making them negative and having a lot of color in my pictures.

    Samimifar, T

  39. 1. He emphasizes color a lot.
    2. He edited them with a negative filter and very vibrant colors.
    3. I could apply some of his photo style by making some of my photos negative and other very bright and vibrant.
    Maguire, K

  40. 1) he is focus is the color and a lot of contrasts and some of the colors are popping out and mainly around the streets.
    2) in some photo he has one that was inverted and it looks good like that to and the colors he uses stand out to me and he buts it where ever he was and do what he wants to do with them maybe.
    3) I can use inverts on some of my photos and use some different color in my photo and take them in different places.

  41. 1. Bathos approach to still life is a lot of different color and movement. He is emphasizing bright colors.

    2. He uses negative colors to bring out different colors of an image.

    3. I could bring brightess to a color and maybe change a photo to negative.

    George, S

  42. 1. A lot of his pictures have many colors in them.
    2. He made the colors pop more than anything else in the photos.
    3. Focusing on colorful items that pop against a bland background.

  43. 1. Abstraction
    2. Cluttered and edited in negative
    3. Use super bright colors in contrast with each other and use negative filtering

    Steele, J.

  44. Mr Bathos' places emphasis on bright colors. He also likes to take pictures of moving things. I might apply these techniques in my photo's by making my pictures of more real life objects.

    Jarmer, A.

  45. The element he is putting emphasis on in these images is the color.

    He edited these heavily!

    I could use more bright and vibrant colors that stand out in my photos.

    DeMers, Victoria

  46. 1. his work is very bizzare and not natural, i dont know what kind of element he is placing on these images
    2. he made them seem really unnatural, he edited these by cropping images
    3. I might make the image seem really unrealistic

  47. his approach is really weird.
    I think he really likes the color red and blue.
    I might take really colorful pictures with a bright colors and really saturated colors.
    Flores, T

  48. 1. He edits the photos heavily, from the small sample I saw. The cart photo seems to be in a negative color scheme. Lots of bright colors in his photos.

    2. The photos seem to be extremely bright and highly saturated. Lots of contrast in a lot of the photos as well. In the second series there seems to be a negative color scheme, again, in all the photos. Makes it more abstract as you're more likely to have to think about it is that you're looking at rather than just knowing instantly.

    3. I can apply the style to my art by experimenting more courageously with color.

    - Kameron Bates

  49. John Bathos' approaches still life by putting abstract in real life things. He does a lot of contrast in all his photos and makes the colors pop. He really edits the colors to make them bright and stand out against the background. He made one of his photos negative that way the colors would be really vibrant. I could apply his work in my own by making sure to add a lot of contrast to my work and editing it to make the colors really vibrant.
    Chastain, M.

  50. He is using an approach of contrast with colors.

    These photos are incredibly simplistic but they are colorful so that makes up for it. Creating an interest factor.

    I think I will try to apply more color into my pictures.

    Devyn McVicker

  51. 1. He definitely likes to make the bold spots bright and colorful, and adding the emphasis on those points.
    2. They appear to have a negative look to them... Like the edit done to the photos have been edited with a negative filter or the hue and saturation levels have been changed a lot on those areas.
    3. By using bright things that stand out and make the pictures pop.
    thornhill s

  52. 1) Color, and inversions of color.

    2) I suppose the negative effect looks cool.

    3) He edited the photo's, by inverting the color scheme. Other than that, I only see very minute edits, to brighten up.

  53. 1. His approach is very weird, it seems that he likess to use a lot of colors in his different selections of photos.
    2. the colors of the photos stand out to me, he used lots of saturation on some of these photos.
    3. i could try to use lots of colors and saturation in my work.
    -Curtis, ANDREW

  54. 1. I honestly have no clue what he was trying to do with the photos. They dont make any sense to me.
    2.What stands out in these photos is how he reversed the colors.
    3. I honestly wouldnt apply his work in my photos, I dont really like them.
    Logan loosmore

  55. He uses nature as the negative space in his photos but puts emphasis on the objects he is using in the photos which makes it still life. He makes the photos very bright. I could use more nature and bright colors in my still life photos.

    Paul Sierra

  56. 1) John's approach to still life is that he uses nature.
    2) He uses very bright and vibrant colors.
    3) I will add a lot of contrast in my work.

    Brandon, Marissa

  57. 1. He uses nature as his background in still life.
    2. He uses very bright and vibrant colors.
    3.I will add a lot of contrast in the pictures I take.

    Slack C

  58. 1.) Bathos uses a lot of high contrast. All of the colors pop out on their own.
    2.) He uses a lot of bright colors. He took ordinary items and made them stand out and seem unrealistic.
    3.) I could use more color contrast in my photos.
    Devyn Glenn

  59. Batho takes a non real approach to still life. He takes things that are very simple and colorful and makes them intriguing. What stands out to me is the different colors and inverse he chooses. I might make my images more vibrant and occasionally try inverse to see if it helps my photos.

    Reneau, Austin

  60. 1.) He is emphasizing high color contrast on all his photos showen.
    2.) His photos are not centered and have super bright colors that contrast each other.
    3.) I might not have things centered and have thing bright and put with other things that dont really go together.

    Goldspink, X

  61. 1.-He approaches to still alive because he really big colour contrast of abjects that you can tell what they are, but the photo itself is abstract and unrealistic.
    2-He reverses the colours to its opposite.
    3- I will put more contrast and make the edges less visible.
    Ciriza, Francisco

  62. John Bathos takes very bright almost festive still life images. He is placing emphasis on color in his images. He edited his pictures with brightness and contrast. I might apply his style to my own by avoiding it because I don't like it very much

    Nelson, s

  63. 1) He's emphasizing the color in these photos and how they pop out with their almost vibrant and neon feel.
    2) He emphasizes on homeless people and their life style that they have to live with while adding a almost eerie look to the photos that almost seems translucent. He inverted his colors.
    3) You might apply it by adding some human body parts but not the overall face as more of a still life look.

  64. Most of his pictures are bright complementary colors. In these pictures he used more nature and everyday things. Also the way he takes the pictures are unrealistic. For the still life in the negative photos he used more homeless things and street life. In this series he changed the color to negative. If you wanted to do this yourself you could work with the color.

    Willhite, A

  65. 1. John's approach is more into the bright colors that POP out of the picture, which is mainly including the colors red, orange, yellow, and green.
    2. He went into the negative editing for the edits and went toward the chaos section of still life.
    3. The bright colors would be a nice thing to some of the photos to be made.
    -Hegel, A

  66. 1) The still life of the Photocolore and the other photography in 1975 to 2010 are colors of other photos.
    2) Then invert froide is like the nagetive source of photograpy.

  67. 1. Hes approaching still life objects and not so much human
    2. The lighter color stands out and reverse the color.
    3 Reverse colors in the pictures
    Maughan Sam

  68. Batho's approach to still life has a lot of emphasis on color. What really stands out is the negative color effect on some of his photo's. It really throws you off at first but soon becomes interesting because all of the dark things in the photo pop out and you see details you wouldn't normally see. I could apply his work by messing with the color on some of my photos.
    (Stroh, H)

  69. 1) Describe John Bathos' approach to still life. What art element is he placing emphasis on in these images?
    He is placing emphasis on the color of the objects in the photographs.
    2) Now navigate down to the series "Colour Froide". Again, what stands out in how he handled still life in these photos? How did he edit these?
    He handled the color in the photographs. He edited them by reversing the color.
    3) How might you apply John's style in your own work?
    I would apply John's style in my own work by keeping in mind that I don't want my photographs or artwork to look anything like his.

    -Montenna Morrison

  70. 1) His approach to still life fell into an abstract category. In these images, he puts an emphasis on man made products.
    2) Throughout these photo, the color scheme stands out. He edits these with an inverse of colors or a dramatic change in contrast.
    3) In my own work, I could try changing contrast more or add unique color.
    (Brown, K)

  71. 1. He really puts emphasis on the color of the photos, he really makes them bright and in the second one almost neon.
    3. Make black and white pictures then make one object a bright neon color.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1
