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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#4 Klaus Leidorf

"Remember Summertime" - Klaus Leidorf

Go HERE to see more photos.

  1. What are we looking at here? Photographs, paintings? explain.
  2. Pick your favorite from this collection and describe what the subject is and what's compositionally strong about the image. 
  3. Describe what elements and principles you can see in the image you chose as your favorite (if you’ve forgotten what these are, look over on the wall to the right of the window).


  1. 1. it looks like a painting because of how not detailed the umbrellas are.
    2. My favorite one is the wave pattern, it shows just an intersesting technique with how the water ripples like that.
    3. I see line, where the depthness drops off, and also a good display mixure of colors.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1

  2. It looks kind of like the artist took a picture then painted it. The artist seems to do a lot of birds eye view photos with repeating/rhythm. My personal favorite of all the photos is the tire photo.
    Agee V

  3. I think im looking at a photograph of someone taking a picture up in the sky of people on the beach. The photo also has high key lighting, the colors are very bright, and the camera distance is far from the subjects.I like that the photo has a rhythm, dividing it into three parts the water into two different blues and then the beach.
    Van Voorhis. K

  4. 1. We are looking at photographs for the most part, except the first one. The lines and edges in the first picture are too soft to be a photograph.

    2. My favorite from this collection is the picture of the stacked logs. The picture is compositionally strong is the areas of rhythm or pattern and the camera angle being down.

    3.The elements and principles that I can see in the image are rhythm because the repetitiveness of the logs, the texture the logs give off, and the lines that the logs form. -N. Hugo

  5. I think this is a picture taken maybe from a plane or a helicopter because by looking at this image you can see that there is a lot of movement going on with everyone at the beach. My favorite thing is all the people in the water because it just seems like they are having fun. I can see movement and shape and color. There is a lot of different colors in this image and tons of implied movement.
    -G Hays

  6. I think Im looking at a picture because it just looks lie one. I could see why people would see a painting too, but i just asume its a picture because we're in digital photography. My favorite was the one with the river flowing through the middle of it. This is compositionally strong because it uses a downward angle for the camera and also has very bright vibrant colors. My favorite element would have to be shape, and the shape of the river.
    Shaw, T

  7. It is a beach somewhere in the summer where people go to relax from their everyday lives. This is a photograph because it has too much detail to be a painting, also to get the divide in the water it would be really hard to do that in a painting rather than a quick picture in a helicopter. I really like the scrap tires picture because it shows all of the used tires and opens our eyes to how much we consume. In this image I see camera angle pointed down, Rhythm and pattern, camera distance far, and the focus is sharp.

    -Nelson, G

  8. I look at this art work as a picture of a beach. My reasoning is that we are in digital photo class, so I assume that it would be a picture, and also it looks very real. My favorite photo from the collection would be "Scrap Tires''. I like this piece, because it looks so up close and detailed, but it actually is from far away and captures a lot of tires. In the picture I see far distance and up close photography, shape, and rhythm. -Moon, K

  9. Fr0m the l00ks 0f it, it l00ks like a beach scene fr0m an Arial view. What i'm als0 guessing is that it's a painting.
    My fav0rite picture 0ut 0f his c0lecti0n is "Surr0unded." it's very c0mical.

    ~Kendrick Dent0n

  10. These are photographs. One because it says he is a photographer and two because the images look realistic and not painted. My favorite was Popular Avenue. I liked the rhythm of the trees and their shadows. The trees are the subject and they obviously stand out in the image. This image also has informal balance. This photo implies nice movement and texture and form. The photo just seems overall peaceful and well presented.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  11. I think that this image is a picture but it is taken in a certain way that really makes it seem like a painting. My favorite from the collection is the one on the boat and the rhythm of water ripples trailing the boat because it is very eye catching and it is amazing how well timed and angled the camera was. The image I chose has movement, color, and rhythm.

    Webb, R

  12. These are photographs. We know this because it says that he is a photographer and because they look real and not painted. My favorite is Under Snow. The subject is the trees. It has rhythm and contrast. In this photo I can see line, form, balance, contrast, and pattern.
    Holli Cook

  13. This looks like a painting of someone looking down at the beach and painting what he saw. My favorite one from this collection was the one with the highway on the mountain. The element used in this photograph was the angle of the camera pointing down at an object. In this case it points down at the highway at a high amplitude. The lines of this picture is also another element. -Francisco Ferreyra

  14. I am looking at a beach from the top.I think it is a photograph because it's kind of detailed for a far away picture, and in a painting it isn't that detailed. My favorite is the beach one because I like the beach and I like the picture. I think the subject is something about beaches and summer. It has space, color, contrast, and line. Bjorkman, K.

  15. I feel like we are looking at photographs and paintings. My favorite would have to be the Under The Snow picture because it has a sense of rhythm. The value of the picture is really neat and it shows rhythm with the way the trees are put.

    -Smalley, C

  16. I think we are looking at a photograph that has been painted on. The water looks like a photo but the other objects look like someone painted them on. My favorite is the bue water because it just captures my eyes, and that is what I look at before the objects floating above it. What makes it strong is how the horizon is positioned in a high place. The principles and elements I see are balance, line, and color. My favorite is line for it draws my eyes to it.
    Smith, C

  17. I could be wrong but i think this a picture, i think the photographer wants us to think it's a painting but thats just the way he shoots pictures. My favorite picture from his collection as the power plant, the subject in the picture was mainly focused on the smoke and clouds. This photo has emphasis, movement and balance. Murphy,C

  18. I am looking at photographs with many different principles of art. I really like Public Avenue. I like the way the shadows add another whole element. There is pattern, movement, contrast, balance, unity and line.
    - Miller, S.

  19. I think it is a photo. I think this because of the way it looks where the water meets the sand and just the way the water looks. My favorite out of these is Scrap Tires. I like that one because its a dark photo but it has some light spots. I like the texture of the tire photo.

  20. We are looking at photographs. My favorite from the collection is "Surrounded". The subject is a car surrounded by sheep and a few goats, and if you look closely there is a man getting out of the cat yelling at the sheep and goats. If you look even loser, the car is pulling a trailer that is filled with sheep. In the photograph, I see leading lines being the sheep, the camera angle is high, and I see some rule of thirds.

    -Anna Z

  21. 1: its a bunch of photos that are taken from above the objects.
    2: The isar nucular plant this show a nucular plant smoke stack and the clouds and horizon line .
    3: depth, horizon line, space, texture,balence.
    Tristan Aplanalp

  22. This image is a photograph looking down on a beach. The camera angle looking down makes the image look a lot like a painting and that was my first interpretation of it. I like how the photo is hard to interpret, it makes the picture more interesting. The color in this photo also stands out to me. -Allison Kirk

  23. These are photographs because next to the Leidorf's name it says photographer. My favorite one from his collection has to be "Poplar Avenue" because of the sense of unity and completeness I get from it. The photo also has rhythm with the trees and shadows.
    (Stroh, H)

  24. 1.We are looking at photographs
    2. I like the photo overhead view of the straight roads with the winding roads running all about. It has a strong focus on the entire picture and a birdseye view.
    3.Line, Emphasis, Movement, form
    (Shearer, M)

  25. 1. It looks like its a painting.
    3. You can tell there is movement in the picture and a lot of color.
    Beebe M.

  26. 1. We are looking at photographs because all of the photos are crisp and sharp.
    2. My favorite from this collection is the 11th one, i really like the wave pattern. The subject is a boat going along in a lake or wate source and the wave pattern coming up behind the boat. It's composition that is strong is the repeating pattern of lines from the wave pattern.
    3. There is a repeating pattern of the wave lines creating a sense of unity and rhythm.

    Walker, C

  27. 1. We're looking at photographs from high camera angles.
    2. My favorite image is the one of the logs in piles. It looks almost unreal. It has a lot of rhythm in it.
    3. It has texture to it, because it's the tree logs. It has rhythm because it has logs next to eachother and is continuous. It also has high contrast because the logs are really bright and the background is dark and black.

    George, S

  28. 1. We are looking at photographs that were just taken from looking down on each item, like a sky view of the area.
    2.Autumn In The Vineyard is my favorite. It is a picture looking down on a vineyard with all the changing color of plants. There is a perfect mixture of greens and reds. There is a good balance of color and the lines are equal distributed.
    3.There is balance in the line and color. The shapes are very close in size and there is a rhythm in the patches of plants that creates a pattern.


  29. Cox, S.
    We are looking at photographs. My favorite photograph is the Summer Tobogan Run. The Leading line is very strong in this image. This image has great movement, and Emphasis on the road. I like how he uses the trees and green grass to make the road pop out in the photograph.

  30. 1)It looks more of a photograph because I see a lot of details on the umbrellas and in the ocean.
    2)My favorite thing in this picture is the ocean. I like the way it changes colors and has lots of details. The water is so clear, you can almost see right through it.
    3)I see some contrast, a lot of different colors, and finally I see some value in the ocean.

    Samimifar, T

  31. They are photographs, they're so detailed though it looks like some of them could be paintings. My favorite one is from the beach, I love the angle it is taken from. I"ve never seen a photograph like it, I think what is compositionally strong is the straight down angle and how the horizon line is so different. I just love this picture altogether. Stewart, S

  32. 1. I think these are photographs, some of them look like they could be painted but I do believe they are all photos.
    2. My favorite picture is "Popular Avenue". I love it because I love how the trees look lice a painting even though it is a picture, and how they create a sense of pattern.
    3. The elements I see are High Angle, Pattern, somewhat of Leading Lines, for me, and it is an un-symmetrical photo.

  33. 1.We are looking down at a beach with people who are swimming and have umbrellas. I think the upper half which is the beach looks like a painting but the lower half looks like a picture.
    2. I like the lumber yard picture where it's looking down on the yard. This image has pattern with the repeating of logs and a down ward camera view for compositional view.
    3. The elements I see in this image is Patter and unity from the stacks of logs and also a downward view and some contrast with the logs being so light and the gravel and dirt being dark.

  34. I'm looking at a photo of a beach, populated with people swimming and enjoying the sun. The subject of this photo is the many people enjoying their time on the beach. THis is a strong image, because it makes me long for summertime. It also is taken with a upward angle, so the whole scene is visible. There is a contrast with the dull sand compared to the bright, aquatic, blue ocean.

    Vitek, M.

  35. These images look like digital photographs. They have a lot of realistic detail, wich is really hard to do in a painting. My favorite picture from the collection is Summer Toboggan Run. I think leading lines and movement are particularly very strong in this picture. My eyes kind of move with the roads and lead my eyes down the path. There is a lot of movement in the picture.

    Moore, S

  36. I think that we are looking at an above view of a beach photograph. The umbrellas make it look almost like a painting but the water makes it look like a photo. Out of all of the photos Sailing Hay Bales is my favorite. The subject of the photo i would say would have to be the stacked hay bales and the lines leading to the bales. I think that one element used is leading lines. All of the lines in the photo were leading to bales of hay. Another element would be above camera view, the photos looks to be taken from a plane or object way up above the field. The camera focus is also sharp, it pulls out details of the field and the patterned lines in the field.

    Reck, T

  37. We're looking at photographs taken from a downward, overhead camera angle. My favorite would be Remember Summertime.What is compositionally strong about this photo is the demanding camera angle.It has pattern, contrast, and balance.

    Thomas, S.

  38. I dont think that these look like a paintings at all, they definitely looks like a photographs. Their insane! Their taken from super high ariel views of crazy places in the world. If these were framed I'd totally hang them all over my house. I wonder where in the world and how he/she took these amazing photos. My favorite is for sure the photo with the windy roads. I see a lot of far views and rhythm. I really love these photos.

    Sparks, L.

  39. 1. It's a downward view of of a beach and the ocean. There's people along side the beach and in the water.
    2. I like this photo the best because it's bright and clear and very colorful. It's a good imagine shot from up high looking down on the beach and water. The camera is faced downward shooting and image from above.
    Maguire K

  40. 1. Photographs. They're all taken from an aerial view, maybe from a helicopter.
    2. "Clones." It has rhythm.
    3. I think the picture has texture, because when I look at it, I feel like I could run my fingers across it and feel the trees.

    Steele. J.

  41. 1. Remember Summertime is the photography called "Aerial Archaeology". It is a beach scene, and the water is dividing the strange horizon.
    2. Remember Summertime is my favorite from the collection. The subject is summertime and beach-goers. The color of the water and the small pops of color on the beach make this strong.
    3. I can see informal balance very strongly.

  42. 1) We are looking at over head shots of things that are very detailed and natural. Most of the pictures are of natural or humans in a natural setting.

    2) My personal favorite is scrap tires. i like this piece because there are so many tires it seems fake... and i like tires.

    3) In my favorite piece there is balance, texture, and also a small sense of rhythm.


  43. I think these pictures look more like photographs. The details are too perfect and I think that they look like aerial view pictures. They look too realistic to be paintings.
    I really like remember summertime. I think the colors are really pretty and I really like how the rule of thirds is used in the picture. The camera angle is down and the camera distance is far.
    I see lines in this picture. There is a line between the beach and the water and the water and different colored water. The colors are very warm on the beach and cooler once you get out to the water.
    Anderson M

  44. 1. They are all Photos. He takes them from a very high place
    2. My favorite one is the the one with the hay bales. I like seeing the pattern the bales give, but at the same time there is chaos from cuts out of the field.
    3. It has lots of pattern and almost leading lines. The shot is super far out and looking down.

    KC Lopez

  45. 1) It looks more like a photograph because it has details and a clear view of it .
    2) sailing hay bales because it has lots of lines I see texture in it. It might have rhythm.
    3)informal balance, unity and some movement. It has lots of space.

  46. We are looking at very high angles of different landscapes and places.
    my favorite photo from this is "scrap tires" it just seems as if they go on forever because we can't see the edges of the pile we don't know how big it really is.
    It has rhythm with the only thing in the picture being tires, and contrast of the black rubber with the light shining in some places.

    Stiff, G

  47. 1. Photographs, its says "Photographer Klaus Leidorf’s Aerial Archaeology" if you click on "HERE" right at the top of the next page.
    2. I actually love the beach one, because i'm a summer person, and I lived in a beach house for more than 6 years when I was younger. The downward angle, and camera distance far are both strong compositions in this picture,
    3. Color, Balance, Contrast, emphasis, and space are all reasonable elements in this picture I suppose.
    Barker, A

  48. didnt realize that was a beach, but really cool.

    hecker, jacob

  49. 1.) I believe that we are looking at photographs because most of the photographs look too real.
    2.) My favorite is the photograph of the beach. There's balance, contrast, and color.
    3.) I noticed that this photo has rhythm, balance, pattern, and color.
    Devyn Glenn

  50. 1.) We are looking at a Photo of a beach because most of the photos look to real to be paintings.
    2.) My favorite it the one of the logs because it is looking at it straight on and has an outdoor feel to it.
    3.) I notice that the photo had rhythm and a pattern and also it most of it is to the left of the photo so it is also kinda rule of thirds.

    Goldspink, X

  51. 1Photographs.
    2 The tire, because it looks so grim, and barren. Also, very hypnotizing.
    3 Unity, Rhythm, and pattern

    Nathan M

  52. I think it is a photograph that someone painted over.

    I personally like the photo "Under Snow" from the collection because it has a strong rhythm.

    The photo has rhythm, a downward camera angle, and high key lighting.

    McVicker, Devyn

  53. These are photographs with a camera angle down. My favorite is the image of all the tires. It has a lot of repetition and patterns. The elements and principles you can see are unity, balance, pattern, and rhythm.

    Reneau, Austin.

  54. 1. We are looking at a painting with the water, it is very hard to tell what it is though.
    2. My favorite picture is "Remember Summertime" I like it because it is looking down and it is very detailed.
    3. There is tons of color and balance, also everything is sorta spaced out everywhere.

    Slack C

  55. 1) I think it is a photograph of a beach because it looks so clear.
    2) The beach picture "Remember Summertime" is probably my favorite because I love the summer and at first it is hard to tell what you're looking at but after a while you can see it's a really cool photo of the beach from camera distance far.
    3) In the image I chose as my favorite the camera distance is very far and above and it is a sharp focus with high key lighting.

    Brandon, Marissa

  56. I think that we are looking at an actually looking at a photograph of the beach from a helicopter or airplane. The beach one is probably my favorite and I think there's contrast in the picture with the bright colored umbrellas and the color of the water. There's a feeling of unity in this photograph because you get the feeling of summer and a fun, relaxing time on the beach.
    Chastain, M.

  57. I believe the first photo is a photograph that was painted over. The ground and water look realistic, while the people look like they are made of paint.

    My favorite photo from the collection is definitely "Scrap Tires" because it is extremely interesting. I wasn't sure what I was looking at for a bit, I figured it was tires but I wasn't entirely sure until I read the title of the photo. The bottom right has a lot of strong white while the left and top portions of the photo are a lot darker. It gives strong contrast.

    There is a lot of contrast, rhythm, unity, and pattern, I think.

    Kameron Bates :~)

  58. 1. I think some of them are a little bit of both but most of them are photos
    2. the picture with the water and the boat because it is a very sharp and has a pattern to it
    3.the elements I can see are form shape and space

    Taylor Schwindt

  59. 1.- I'm looking at a photographs.
    2.- In my favorite photo, I can see a road with a lot of curves and turns that goes through the forest.
    3.-I can see that the camera angle s down and the distance is very far. the main subject is the road, and eve tho its not focused more on it, we can know it because theres a formal balance at both sides of it, made by the forest, trees etc. theres also a high key lighting. There isn't a horizon line in the photo.
    Francisco Ciriza. P5

  60. This to me looks like a water paint image. This is the camera angle down element. Looking down on a beach. That's my favorite.

    DeMers, Victoria

  61. I think this is a photograph but it really looks like a painting. It looks like a painting to me because at the top and in the water the people and umbrellas dont look really but the colors of the water do look like what water looks like from and airplane. My favorite from this collection is this beach picture because I love the beach. There is a lot of contract in this picture. There is definitely color, contrast, shape, and value in this beach picture.

    Paul Sierra

  62. Its a painting for sure. The paint gives a dull and blur look on paper,and if it was a picture the image would have a clear look.
    2. The picture I chose is the road winding down the hill.
    3. Some elements are space and rhythm.
    Loosmore, Logan

  63. Oh just kidding about the painting over a photo thing, I guess I'm just dumb.

    Kameron Bates :~)

  64. 1. Photograph, I think so because there is so much detail in it.
    2. I like the one on the ocean with the boat ripples because its symmetrical.
    3. The tone and texture that the water shows.
    Maughan Sam

  65. I believe that we ar looking at pictures from different angles. My favorite picture from this series is summer toboggan run, Because it shows a beautiful landscape barely touched by the man kind made stucture within it, and the two almost compliment each other. This picture uses downward camera angle and leading lines.

    Nelson S.

  66. 1. I think the picture is a painting. I think this because of the vibrant colors.
    2. Out of the other pictures in the collection, I like the one titled "Under the Snow" the most, it has rhythm and texture to it with the different trees, plus it's also symmetric.
    3. As I said before, the picture has rhythm and texture to it.
    thornhill sydney

  67. 1) I feel these images are paintings because although the picture is clear, the texture makes it obvious that it was painted rather than captured through a camera.
    2) My favorite image was the nuclear power plant because it was very interesting to look at. The painting draws your attention to the smoke and high horizon line and includes a low value which is interesting to look at.
    3) In this photo, there was a high horizon line and a straight on camera angle.
    (Brown, K)

  68. I think we are looking at a picture, it just looks more real.
    I like the river one it just looks relaxing and abstract at the same time.
    It is the camera angle looking down.
    Flores, T

  69. I think we are looking at photographs. Some look like they're paintings but you could change the settings on the camera so it looks the way it does. My favorite is River Vils At Schalkham, Bavaria. This is my favorite because the color of the water is amazing as well as how clear it is from so far away.There is leading line, Camera angle down, Clear Picture, and it's somewhat symmetrical.


  70. 1.i am looking at a photograph, because you can tell because it has a very liveliness to this
    2. i like the summer toboggan run piece because the nature and the man made stuff in the picture comment each other. it uses leading lines technique.
    3. camera angle down, leading lines, contrast between nature and man made.
    -Curtis, Andrew

  71. 1) It sorta looks like people playing at the beach and enjoying it, too and it's a photograph and it has some picture pattern or picture flow.
    2) Well the subject is like a fun time picture.
    3) pattern and balance.

  72. 1.) Remember Summertime is a photograph because of the liveliness of the photograph also the shadows make me think it must be a photograph.
    2.) I like the photograph called The Stock of Wood; the photo itself makes a beautiful statement that makes me think that if we keep killing our trees it could be very fatal to earth and us. I also love that the strong wood color pops on the charred dirt background.
    3.) The rhythm is beautiful and so is the texture of the background to the wood.
    (Campbell, Kierra)

  73. 1. What are we looking at here? Photographs, paintings? explain.
    It looks like we are looking at paintings, from far away, anyway. The way the wet sand looks on the dry sand is awesome, and that's what made me think that it looked like a painting.
    2. Pick your favorite from this collection and describe what the subject is and what's compositionally strong about the image.
    My favorite photograph is the the "scrap tires" photograph. I love the amount of repetition in this photograph.
    3. Describe what elements and principles you can see in the image you chose as your favorite (if you’ve forgotten what these are, look over on the wall to the right of the window).
    The principles that I could see best used in the photograph that I chose, are space and shape. I chose these principles because there is a lot of space being used and the shapes are very apparent.

    -Montenna Morrison

  74. 1) I would have to say the collection above is the product of aerial photography, and does not contain any paintings.

    2) "Surrounded" has to be my favorite piece in this collection. The contrast between the top and bottom of the photo makes the entire thing interesting to look at, and marveling to think about. I also like sheep.

    3) The photo I chose above shows examples of contrast, symmetry, a downward angle, rhythm, and sheep.

    -J, Brown
