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Monday, April 14, 2014

#8 David Bayles

Go to David Bayle's website HERE and look at his series of photos titled, the "Urban Forest".

1) What types of things is David interested in depicting here in this series?

2) What is something visually / conceptually consistent in this series of photos that stands out to you?

2) What do you think David's point was when capturing these images? Was there some driving intention, or are these just strange images of trees?


  1. Bayle does a lot of photos with both nature and architecture. In the photos, for me, it seems like he is capturing the image of nature being taken over by man made sculptures or a sign of human interaction. He also makes them look very simple, like the stick coming from the ground; but the stick has rope around it (almost like its being contained).

  2. David is interested in depicting photos of trees in a unique way. I notice that in his photos there is a consistent amount of photos with architecture in them. I think Davids purpose is to have people see normal things in a strange way.

    Van Voorhis.K

  3. He likes taking pictures of trees that are randomly placed. Some form of a tree is in ever single picture. I think his point was to show people that trees don't need to have flowers and there doesn't have to be a lot of them to be a beautiful picture.
    -G Hays

  4. In all of these pictures there is some part of a tree. Half of the photos are black and white. I think he was trying to take pictures of trees that have not been taken before. Most of them are original photos that I have not seen anything like before.
    Holli Cook

  5. 1: He is interested in taking photos of nature in urban areas
    2: All his photos have at least 1 or more trees in them,and thats what stands out the most to me.
    3:well since the name of the whole theme for these photos is urban forestit shows that he was intent on taking pictures in urban areas with trees.
    Aplanalp T period:1

  6. David is depicting nature mixed with the industrial world. The pieces of the architecture blend within the natural elements. Many of the photos are in black and white. I think David's point in capturing these photos was to blend the natural and industrial worlds into one. Therefore, there isn't nature and architecture, it simply becomes a photograph. He wasn't just taking pictures of everyday trees, instead he was using the background of the image and incorporating the tree into the scenery around it. He wasn't photographing common trees eiher, instead he was finding unique trees.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  7. I consistently see at least one tree in each of his pictures. He is showing how nature and man made things collide and sometimes form something beautiful. I think his point was to show that sometimes you can find beauty in unexpected places.
    -Anna Z

  8. 1.) Different types of nature shots in urban areas.
    2.) I think he is into depicting the way our urban culture might be destroying plant life.
    3.) I think he is just trying to make us more aware of what we are doing.
    Miller, S.

  9. He is interested in capturing the way nature is in today's modern society but he has included all of the ways we have excluded nature and capturing what is left of a series of wild life such as stripping the land to build things on then adding one or two trees to make it look nice suggesting that these are lone survivors. They are mostly black and white showing the serious sides of the photo's. His point is to make you feel how nature probably does with being alone in an urban environment.

    -Nelson, G

  10. 1) The types of things that I think David is interested in depicting here in this series is the incorporation of architecture and industrializing into nature.

    2) Something that was visually/ conceptually consistent in this series of photos that stands out to me is that in every single photo both architecture and nature are present. They balance each other out in the photos, or sometimes one of the two dominates the other.

    3) I think David's point was to show how architecture has taken over nature. I think his other point was that the difference between the two is quite interesting and beautiful.
    -N. Hugo

  11. David is showing how urbanization is taking over the plants life, how buildings or structures have completely surrounded and trapped the plants. What stands out to me is how all the nature shown is surrounded by architecture or has a piece of architecture nearby. I think David is showing how urbanization is taking over the trees life, for example one of the photos depicts to me that the tree is trapped and cant escape.

  12. David is contrasting things from a forrest such as a tree with modern and urban structures. I think it's cool that he uses a lot of black and white for his pictures, because it almost makes it seem as if the forest and urban belong together, and it makes them blend. I think his intention was to express that all the urban things in the world are taking over the forest. -Moon, K

  13. David Bayle tends to like taking images of trees in human landscape. He takes a variety in black and white and other in color. Bayle follows some of compositions by getting some close ups and I also noticed he used the rule of thirds in some of his pictures. His purpose in these series of pictures were to demonstrate how trees have adapted to our human environment. -Francisco Ferreyra

  14. He is into taking pictures of trees out of there natural element, which is with other trees away from buildings and the city. He has taken pictures of two things that people do not think go together. I think he was trying to prove that these two things do go together.

  15. Bayle was trying to capture nature and architecture intertwined together. Something that is very consistent is the way he shows one side getting hurt/destroyed by the the opposing side. In most of the photos he shows nature getting hurt though. I think his intention was to capture photos other photographers would ignore or find "meh" and show how much human civilization has affected nature.
    (Stroh, H)

  16. He is depicting trees in the midsts of man made environment. Davis is very consistent with showing unconventional photos. I think his point was to show that we are slowly killing all these trees with our life style and we need to do something to change it.

  17. David is taking pictures of nature in urban areas, he especially favors trees in a manmade landscape. In all of the photos, you can see all the evidence of humans around or on the piece of nature. These photos are very unusual because they are not images that you would think to take a picture of. I think his point for capturing these photos was to show how nature has been changed or forced into a human environment. -Allison Kirk

  18. 1.) He's interested in mixing urban landscape with natural terrain.

    2.) All the images are of man-made things mixed in with nature. They all have sharp focus.

    3.) He was showing that urbanization is not necessarily destroying nature, and they can live side by side.

    (M, Shearer)

  19. 1) David, is obviously, interested in trees and tree like plants.
    2) One thing that is consistent would be that he uses black and white theme, he also loves to show all shapes and forms of trees.
    3) The point of these would be to show the beauty of nature and it's slow arrival to that stage of beauty. Trees live for a very long time, and in that time, anything can happen to it, and yet every time they still have the ability to be beautiful.

  20. The type of things that Davis is interested in depicting are the trees. The trees are the dominant object in the photos and stands out in all of the photos. I think that he was bringing objects that people may have seen as ordinary, an was showing the beauty in them.

    Reck T

  21. 1. He is depicting Trees in nature and trees in urban areas and by buildings or in them.
    2.Something visually consistent to me in these photos are palm trees and also just trees and they are in industrialized areas and in cities.
    3.David's point in capturing these photos and intentions were to show how nature is interwoven into cities and industrialized places.

  22. 1) What types of things is David interested in depicting here in this series?
    David is interested in depicting the different types of symmetry.
    2) What is something visually / conceptually consistent in this series of photos that stands out to you?
    Something that stands out to me is the way he uses informal balance. Also, I did notice that he used trees a lot.
    3) What do you think David's point was when capturing these images? Was there some driving intention, or are these just strange images of trees?
    I think that David's point when capturing these images was that we, as humans, use trees, and natural resources, for our own personal gain.

    -Montenna Morrison

  23. Cox, S.
    1) David is interested in involving nature and trees.
    2) Every single picture has at least one tree in it. He is very consistent with that.
    3) I think he was taking picture of different kinds of trees to show everyone how beautiful and unique Earth's nature is.

  24. David is interested in photography that shows nature. Something that stands out to me in the photos, is informal balance. I think the point of these photos was to capture the importance of trees and how much we walk by them, not admiring their beauty.

    Vitek, M.

  25. 1. It looks like David is interested in like nature, nature and man made things and black and white pictures.
    2.One thing that i see in each of his pictures is that there is a tree or parts of a tree in each picture. a lot of them are black and white too.
    3.I think there was some meaning ti why he took the pictures. I dont know what those reasons were.
    Beebe M.

  26. 1. He mostly is taking pictures of trees and nature.
    2. I see that Bayle's has a lot of contrast on his images that are black and white.
    3. He point was to take pictures of trees in different ways and capture pictures of abnormal trees too. I think these were just strange images.

    George, S

  27. Allen, C.
    1. I think David was mainly interested in depicting trees in his photos.
    2. In every photo there is at least one tree
    3. I don't know what his point was, maybe he just likes trees.

  28. In every picture there is a tree or a cactus that are all in city places. In every picture there is a something that runs vertically in each photo creating leading lines. Also the black and white photos are way more dramatic. Some of these items bend while others just run straight up. I think he was trying to show that even in places we dont realize there are little forests. We have built around the nature that was already here.

    Ford, J

  29. 1. He is interested in depicting trees within our everyday lives.
    2. The trees are either broken or restricted by the work of people which is what really stands out to me.
    3. The point was to show the impact that humans have on the natural world.

    H. Botts

  30. 1. I think David is interested in trees and nature in the series.
    2. What stands out to me is the colors and the main thing in each picture. I really like the colored pictures because the colors contrast each other and contridict. The colors are really pretty.
    3. I think his idea was to capture different angles and pictures of trees, and try and get a abnormal view.

    Walker, C

  31. would there be line and nature! he is taking a lot of photos of trees.
    i really see line, how the trees lean on each other, or how the are standing!
    i think he was trying to show that you can get a lot out of nature, it depends on how you look at it
    michael schumacher

  32. I think what David is trying to depict here is that the "forests" are being demolished to produce an urban area. Some things that are visually consistant are informal balance & some formal balance. There is also a consistant horizon line. I think he is trying to show how much we are cutting down and replacing it with buildings. (Stewart, S)

  33. 1) It seems like David is interested in photographing instances of nature surrounded by man-made structures.

    2) There seems to be a consistent theme of nature almost being overwritten by urban structure.

    3) I feel his intention in taking these photos was to convey an environmental message. David's past experiences as an Oregonian logger also strengthen this impression.

    -J, Brown

  34. David is interested in depicting the urban landscape and the trees in the landscape. I see a lot of lines and odd shapes. In every picture there is a tree. There is also an urban landscape or background for each of these photos. The pictures are very modern. I think the point David was trying to make was that humans are destroying the natural landscape. The trees are all surrounded by human made things and it doesn't look natural. Things are being made to look better because "natural" isn't good enough anymore.

    Anderson M

  35. 1. It seems that he is trying to capture different types and sizes of trees and what is left of trees.
    2. There are a lot of palm trees captured consistently through these images. Also there are are some trees that are chopped off at the top. All of the trees are different shapes and sizes.
    3. I think Davis's point on capturing these images was to draw our attention to the urban effect they have on this world.

  36. 1. Trees. David doesn't have a single picture in that series without a tree in it.
    2. A lot of the trees in these pictures are dying or being cut down.
    3. I think that David's goal in taking these pictures is to show the natural beauty of trees that can't really be compared to other things in life.
    Barker, A

  37. It looks like David is very interested in trees and nature. I notice he doesn't have any photos that are too dramatic or loud. They are plain and simple. He takes the world into a whole new perspective. Instead of being just trees, he puts his own twist on his photos by angle of camera, editing, and contrast. There is movement, value, and both high and low key lighting in his photos. His photos remind me of how we manipulate and destroy nature sometimes for our own purposes.

    S, Moore

  38. 1) David's photos have a forces on one or 3 things and it has some sort of leading line and most of them are and token in a urban area.
    2) They are taken with a lot of threes and they are in a lot of different shapes.
    3) The trees are meet to be in there nature way but everyone is tying to control how they want them to be but they will always be what they are became the same way it always was.

  39. 1) He likes including nature in his pictures. Especially palm trees.
    2)I noticed that some of the trees in his pictures are cut down or they're broken or even tied down. More than half of his pictures are black and white.
    3)He is trying to prove that trees or nature aren't supposed to be tied down or broken because we can't control them and shape them into something we want them to be.

    Samimifar, T

  40. He captures photos of plants in man made places. almost making them look sad and alone
    All feature trees that are being controlled or manipulated by humans.
    I think he's trying to show how horrible it is to impose on nature so much.
    Stiff, G

  41. 1. A lot of nature pictures. Trees. Lots of them, plus a lot are in Black &White.
    2. They are tall trees in empty areas or big landscapes.
    3. To maybe show off his job because he was a logger.
    Campbell, T

  42. 1. He takes photos of plants in urban areas.
    2. Trees
    3. I think there was a driving intention.

    Steele, J.

  43. David seems to be more interested in nature, more specifically trees. Something that stands out is the tree trunks. I believe his point in capturing these images were to make the tree's the point of focus, there isn't a lot in the background or anything to distract us from the trees.

    Jarmer, A.

  44. David is interested in depicting trees and landscape. Every single one of them consists of trees. There might have been an intention for capturing these trees, like maybe to say not to cut down trees and let them be.
    Chastain, M.

  45. 1.) David's interested in depicting a almost urban forest full of trees that show a different and unique side with it in the series.
    2.) The trees and also bent look to the trees with the side of manmade to it is pretty consistent.
    3.) His point was to show that trees have become unnatural and that our manmade has taken a turn into our nature or it could just be he was trying to take unusual photos.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  46. 1) How humans seem to shape, and contort nature to their own whims.
    2) Black and white.
    3) Driving point, to show how humans have pushed nature, in favor of their own ideas of perfection.

    Nathan Matthews

  47. 1) I think David is interested in depicting nature and he really captures the whole landscape of things. It looks like he is focusing on trees.
    2) Many are in black and white so that stands out to me. They are all also very basic yet stand out.
    3) I think there was some driving intention or maybe he just loves nature.

    Brandon, Marissa

  48. 1. In the series he is trying to show a contrast between natural landscape and nature with manmade architecture.

    2. Most of the photos are in black in white. All of them mix natural with unnatural and they make you think. Lots of horizontal and vertical lines. Horizontal for landscape and vertical for trees and whatnot.

    3. He's trying to make you think about how man is taking over natural land. Or maybe he just likes black and white photos of trees and manmade structures.

  49. 1.) How sparse nature is and how urbanization has taken over.
    2.) How little nature there is.
    3.) I think he wanted to show how much nature we have destroyed and how now this is our idea of nature.
    Devyn Glenn

  50. I think David Bayle is interested in showing how nature and architecture coexist. I think the one nature item in an architectural area is visually consistent throughout his photos. I think his intention is to show that nature and architecture can coexist. And not to fully eliminate nature when making architectural structures.

    Reneau, Austin

  51. 1. The detail he showing with one object and a somewhat blank background that gives focus
    2. How he only has one thing he try's to focus on with a dull background
    3.To capture and focus on one key item.
    Maughan Sam

  52. 1.) He likes to make an impact with his picture showing deep colorful picture and also strong and bold black and white.
    2.) He captures nature senes that one would not normally see as nature like plants being cut down. His pictures make you think about that.
    3.) His point was to show a different perspective of nature and places. I noticed that the colors seemed darker and had more of an impact

  53. 1. He is interested in trees, specially palmtrees, and buildings, and contrast, changing directly from withe and black.
    2. He puts the principal element very defined, he concentrates most of the attention in what ever he wants very good and defined.
    3. I think he just took random pics of trees.
    Ciriza, Francisco.

  54. 1. He is mainly interested into trees, more like palm trees. Also like general buildings and contrast.
    2. The contrast.
    3. To focus on one object then more, but it looks like a tiki torche.
    Loosmore, Logan

  55. 1. He is interested in the black and white and is interested in mixing nature and architecture into one photo.
    2. The mix between nature and architecture is the major thing that stands out to me the most.
    3. I think his intentions were to show that architecture and nature are equal.
    - Hegel, A

  56. i think he really likes trees.
    most of his pictures have palm trees and are in black and white.
    i think there was no point on these pictures.
    Flores, T

  57. 1. It seems to me like he likes things that seem or look like they are from a different world or dimension. He's also into different trees, types and shapes.
    2. There is also a tree of some sort in his photos.
    3. I think his point was to capture something abstract within the photos of the trees.
    thornhill s

  58. 1) In David's many images of trees, he likes depicting interesting images that are simplistic, yet far from common.
    2) In all of his photos, he chooses to use a medium distance from the point of interest.
    3) I think David's point with these images was to show that you can create an interesting and eye-catching photo with simple subjects.
    (Brown, K)

  59. David is interested in depicting the beauty of nature, even in urban environments. There is always something having to do with trees and the "modern" world, such as buildings and technology.His point was to show that even in the overpowering presence of the modern world that nature is beautiful.

  60. He is taking pictures of trees in different environments. I think in these images leading lines always stands out.And he is usually in urban areas. Maybe he was trying to show plant life in homes and next to buildings and contract the trees with the different architectures.

    Paul Sierra

  61. I MADE A COMMENT I SWEAR - Kameron Bates. :~)

  62. David seems to be interested in nature and mostly trees! Something that stands out to me is all the different things he can do with forestry. The point to capture these to me is just strange images of trees, I don't think there is a meaning behind it!

    DeMers, Victoria

  63. All of Devid Bayle's pictures in this series have some type of tree or plant in the photograph. Many of the photographs in this series are black and white. Also many have a man made building in the same photo. In these photos you get a different look on the trees. Something I notice is how strange some of the trees are and how oddly shaped they are. Trees are being killed and cleared so more buildings can be built and I think he is trying to show that.

    Willhite, A

  64. 1. i think he is interested in depicting different photos of trees.
    2. Something visually consistent in this series is that all the photos have trees in them.
    3. I think davids point might have been trees not being how they should be. Something strange is where natural trees and in man made places or how trees a dead.
    - Curtis, Andrew

  65. 1) The types of things that interest me is the 3rd picture out of the 21 pictures is cool.
    2) The reason why the series of photos stand out is the way they do it.
    3) Ya david's point is good.

  66. In this group of photos he is using strong impact of the color and changes from black and white. He captures a very different side of plants and that is important to the viewer. His goal was to take the pictures that were very different from all the others

  67. In this series of pictures it seems like hes trying to show the nature in urban areas. Well it's kind of obvious but the main thing that stand out in the pictures is the trees/ nature in the urban areas. I think that hes some what trying to show that that urban times and construction is killing nature and taking their home.-Murphy, C

  68. He finds an interest in the contrast between the trees and the urban setting they're in. His contrast is very consistent between the trees and their surroundings. Also when the pictures are in color, contrast is strong. I think he wanted to show how urban life and nature coincide with one another and how they influence each other.

    Thomas, S.

  69. 1. he is interested in showing the nature in urban areas
    2. Nothing is extremely consistent besides the trees and cactuses
    3. I think he was trying to show that there is natural beauty in every day life

    Schwindt, Taylor

  70. He is interested in photographing trees. The trees are mostly all in odd places or grown in a certain way that makes it look different. I think he was showing how nature and urban life correspond with one another.

    Smalley. C

  71. Greetings,

    My thanks to each of you for looking at, and thinking about my photographs.

    With all of my tree and forest images, I am most concerned with the relationship between human beings and nature, or trees. My hope is to explore and express the complexity of that relationship.

    In each image I see the tree as a metaphor for a human being. In the picture shown, 'Tree with Red Diamonds' the palm tree could also be a person. Is the tree/person tied up to protect it from something, or tied up to keep it from becoming something... to keep it from growing up tall and strong and beautiful?

    Perhaps the relationship between humans and trees is not that different from the relationship between humans and humans.

    --David Paul Bayles

  72. 1. He is showing lots of nature inside of an urban setting.

    2. He really likes showing the relationship that nature and architecture have on each other in common places.

    3. He really wanted to show the simple beauty everyday objects have and contrast between natural things and man made things.

    K.C. Lopez

  73. He's interested in capturing trees around the world with very different surroundings. Nothing is extremely consistent besides the trees and the cactus'. I don't really understand the point of these photos other than them being trees.
