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Sunday, May 4, 2014

#13 James and Shauna!

James and Shawna - Wedding Photos - By Brenton Salo 

(Note: This is a wedding shot by my friend Brenton and the couple featured are my close friends James and Shauna)

1) Describe to me what types of portrait photography Brenton covered in the above images (think about the categories I introduced Friday. Feel free to cheat and look on the website at the assignment)? Explain.

2) Which is your favorite and why? Describe the mood that your favorite image conveys and how it does that visually.


  1. I think the types of portrait photography would be fashion because of the tux and dress and also creative with how the photos are shot. My favorite is the last one because you get a sense of happiness with all the friends and family celebrating with the newly weds. I enjoy the sparklers and how the kiss shows their love for one another

  2. My favorite of the blog post pictures is the second one, because i have always liked photos that are black and white. Also, if you were to just look at that one photo (not knowing that he was getting married) you might think to yourself about what is going on tin the picture, what is he thinking about.

  3. The last photo would be a candid, the one above that would be a creative because it shows her mood, the one above that I think would also be a creative and the very top one would be a constructivist. My favorite one would have to be the last one because it makes you feel happy. The photo shows that they really love each other and the that they're having a great time.
    Shaw, Taylor

  4. I believe that these photos are environmental and constructivist. My favorite photo is the couple standing together, because I think it represents the ending and begining of a life. The picture really says a lot. -Moon, K

  5. The first photo is constructive because they are posed. The second is creative because it shows his mood. The third is fashion because it shows her tattoo. The last is candid because they aren't looking at the camera and the photo is captured in the moment. I like the last one because it is happy and I like all the sparklers in the background.

  6. The photographer used constructivist, creative, fashion and candid. The first one is constructivist because they are posed and placed for the photo. The second is creative because the photo depicts the mans mood without much detail of his face. The third is fashion because of her tattoo and her dress. The last is candid because the photo is in the moment. And even though they captured the couple kissing the people around them are all unready for the camera shot. My favorite photo is the last one of them kissing. I like this photo because it captures the in the moment celebration of their wedding. It also shows how happy everyone is in the moment rather than their posed happiness in a posed picture.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  7. constructavist, because each image is showing or expressing the type of people presented, the mood, area, and or activity fits each person being photographed. I like the second image because it shows him sitting staring into space fidgeting with his fingers showing that he is nervous or deep in thought about something and which that thing is his wedding.

    -Nelson, G

  8. I think these photos are creative because they are relaxed and shows their moods pretty well and I can feel how happy they are. I really like the last one because it is fun and they aren't really paying attention to everything going on around them.
    -G Hays

  9. I notice constructivist, environmental, and fashion in the above images. I also notice candid in one of the images. My favorite is the last image because it is candid and in the moment. It has a fun mood and you can tell how much fun everyone is having by the way everyone is smiling.
    -Anna Z

  10. The first photo is constructivist, I think the next two photos are candid they both aren't posing Shauna looks happy and James looks nervous. In the last picture I think its environmental they both are happy and seem like there in there natural habitat. The last one is also my favorite, they both seem really happy and are having a good time and its just a really happy photo.
    Van Voorhis.K

  11. He used creative shot when James was sitting in a room, thinking. Environment was also another factor to create the sense of the party environment celebrating their wedding. I suppose the third photo can be categorized as a candid photo. Capturing the shot required to be a spontaneous moment when she was focusing on other things. I like the last photo because it gives you a sense that its a good party and the good vibes of the environment.It shows the invited guest such as friends and family enjoying themselves. -Francisco Ferreyra

  12. The first image is a constructivist shot because they are a happy couple posing for a picture. The 2nd image is creative because it shows the mood of James in his room without having to show his face. The 3rd and 4th images are candid shots because they were not paying attention when the photos were taken of them. I love the 4th image because I love candid photos and it is silly and fun and it seems like a portrait I would hang in my house of me and my future husband! -Allison Kirk

  13. I think the first one is constructive, the second and third are candid and the last one is creative. I like the third one I like it because it looks natural it looks like maybe she getting to go down the aisle. I just feel really happy when I look at it because she looks so happy because its her big day.
    Wille, Mackenzie

  14. The types of portrait photography shown are enviromental, Candid, and constructivist. My favorite photo is the 3rd photo because she seems so happy, and the photo really shows some things of her. Like I know she likes art because of the tattoo on her arm.
    Smith, C

  15. 1: I think the black and white one of james is more of a masculen photo and the one of his wife is more femian.
    2: I like the last picture because its got a lot going on in it and its very cool to look at.
    Aplanalp T

  16. In the above images, Brenton show constructive, candid, creative, and environmental photography. I really like the second photo because of the way it expresses the stress/tension of the scene.
    (Stroh, H)

  17. It has candid,creative,environmental,constructivist because it show all 4 of those categories. I think the last one is my favorite because everyone is really happy. The mood is like happy, and it shows that because everyone around the couple are smiling and look happy. Bjorkman, Kelsey

  18. I think Brenton was showing constructive and candid photography for the portraits because the first two seem like they are posed and the last two seem like he caught them off guard and they seem so natural. My favorite photo would have to be the profile view of the lady in the wedding dress because she seems so happy, yet you can sense some nervousness.

    Smalley, C

  19. The types of portrait that tephotoagrapher used was candid and fashion. I personally like the first picture because they both stand out really well and its interesting with the blurry background.-Murphy,C

  20. I think that the first three photos are constructivist showing the happy couple, the nervous groom and happy bride, the last photo seems very candid with everyone in the moment.
    My favorite is the last photo because there is so much life with everyone celebrating it just seems like it's a loud upbeat party.

    Stiff, G

  21. 1) I think he used constructivist, creative, fashion and candid. For constructivist I would say it is the second one, it could be "The grooms with cold feet". For creative it would be the third one, you can obviously see that she is very happy and excited about marrying this man. For candid, it would be the last one, he caught them in mid moment when they are kissing and you even see another guy smiling at the camera as a photo bomb. Last but not least, I would say for fashion it is the first one, you can see there nice wedding outfits, the girl in the gown and the man in the tuxedo.
    2) My favorite is the last one, the mood is very happy and it rubs off on me. They are both obviously very much in love and they aren't afraid to show it, plus the guy that is smiling at the camera is extremely happy and having a good time. I think the picture captures happiness very well.

  22. 1. I think a lot of the pictures here are contructivist because the photographer looks like he had an idea for each photo.

    2. I like the side view of the bride holding her bridal bouquet because I like how you can see her tattoos and I really like the texture of the flowers too because I used to be a floral designer and I specialized in wedding flowers and bridal bouquets.

    George, Serena

  23. I would say the types of portrait photography used in these images would be constructive, creative, candid and possibly environmental. I think the black and white one could be seen as environmental because it's like the photographer isn't there in the shot and he is doing is own thing. My favorite is the kissing one because it's candid, I'm a romantic and I love how happy the bystanders look. I also think the sparklers in the background are a nice touch. (Stewart, S)

  24. The first photo is posed. The others are natural, and candid. It looks like the couple didn't know their photo was being took. My favorite is the bride, facing to the left. She sets off a mood of excitement, like she's ready to walk down the isle to marry her fiance. It's happy and sincere to me.

    Vitek, M.

  25. I think that the first photo is a constructivist shot. The photographer probably instructed them how to stand or pose. The next two I believe are creative. These two photos help show the mood of each of them. There is a set mood in the second photo and the black and white really makes the photos mood stand out even more. The last photo is Candid it is all crazy it shows every ones happiness and also is unposed. My favorite photo is the last one. The way everyone is smiling helps show the mood. There is a tremendous amount of happiness as you move through the photo.


  26. 1. I think the pictures are constructivist, Environmental, Candid and Creative (Non-traditional) Portrait photography.
    2.I like the last one. It is a creative shot i think and it tells you a little about the people in the picture.

  27. 1.) He uses quite a few, constructive, candid, ect. To express the type of relationship they have, and i think he does a great job of expressing the two people and their bond together. They look like a couple that would get along.

    2.) I like the very last candid photo that shows them partying, he kisses his new bride and what's most likely a best man standing near by expressing his excitement for his close friends.

    (Shearer, Max)

  28. the first one is constructivist photo they are ready for the photo and placed up under the bridge.
    ll the other photo are candid they are not ready for the photo they are in the moment. on the last one one guy is looking at the camera but the focus is on them kissing it is still candid.
    i like the last one the most the lighting is super cool!!! and there is just a lot of motion it is a good photo.
    schumacher, michael period 2

  29. The first photo looks like a constructivist photo to me, because the photographer constructed the photo to show off the happy couple. The second and third photos both look like creative portraits to me. It brings out how nervous the groom is and how excited the bride is without focusing on their faces. The fourth picture looks like a candid portrait. It doesn't look posed. It shows the newly wed couple sharing a kiss while everyone is celebrating and there's kind of a random guy in the corner being goofy. My favorite picture of these is the fourth photo. It conveys a mood of joy, love, and happiness by the couple kissing and everyone partying in the background with smiles on their faces.

    S, Moore

  30. 1. He used creative, fashion (in a way), environmental, candid, and constructivist. A couple pictures could be multiple categories because they were taken in a way that allows that.
    2. My favorite picture had to be the last one because it has such a great vibe to it. You get this immense feeling thats kinda overwhelming of just how much love they share and the love the people around them have for them. It's a really great photo.

    Thomas, S.

  31. Cox, S.
    I think Brenton used 2 types of portrait photography. Constructivist and creative, because there are straight on photos of the couple, but there are images that show their personality as well.
    Th fourth photo taken by Brenton is my favorite, because it shows a happy newly wed couple. With the sparklers in the background, it shows a sense of fun they have together.

  32. 1. The category I think these photos fall under would be constructivist because they all portray the happy feeling that the couple is getting married and that they are both super happy, and they are ready for the photos.
    2. My favorite photo is the last one because it's a candid and the married couple is kissing and not paying much attention to the camera but the guy on the right side is photo bombing and posing for the picture. I also like this one because it gives me a happy feeling and I like the sparklers in the back ground.

    Walker, C

  33. 1. Environmental, candid, creative and fashion.
    2. The second photo has to be my favorite because it's calm and shows depth as to how the person may be feeling. He is very relaxed and nature.
    Maguire, K

  34. 1)The first picture is constructivist because they are a romantic, happy couple. The second picture is candid because its not controlled and he's caught off guard. The third picture could be used for fashion and also creative because it shows her personality through her smile. I feel like the last picture is more of an environmental picture because you can see the surroundings and know whats happening.
    2)My favorite picture is the very last one because everybody is very happy in it and smiling. You can tell they're having a blast and the couple are happy together.

    Samimifar, T

  35. 1) The portraits he covers are: Constructvist in the first second and third photo. In the fourth photo It's like creative an candid because it looks really natural but also shows the personailty and what they are feeling.
    2) My favorite photograph is the fourth one because it just feels so natural and sweet. The mood it conveys is love and how sweet and happy newly weds are and I can pick up the vibe that they are just so excited.
    Lyon, Mylie

  36. The types of portrait photography covered in the images are constructed, environmental, candid, fashion. I would have to say my favorite one would be the black and white one of the man on the couch. He doesnt seem to notice the photographer and he is in his own world. Its as if you can feel how he is feeling by the setting of the photograph. The photo just seems so peaceful and at ease.

    Reck. T

  37. 1) The photo is a constructivist portrait it falls in that airport because the couple are having a romantic moment and they look happy to.
    2) I like the last photo because the photo is environmental portrait and you can tall that the couple are having a party for some they and all the people look happy.

  38. Mr Salo's pictures focus more about happiness and love. My favorite is the very last one because it expresses a lot of happiness.

    Jarmer, A.

  39. 1. They are posting self portraits.
    2. My favorite image is the second one, you can tell by his expression and by turning the picture black and white that he is nervous.
    Slack C

  40. The photos are constructive because they show a theme of a wedding.

    I like the last one the best because it captures the excitement at the wedding.

    McVicker, Devyn

  41. Constructivist, because they all detail people in their surroundings. A husband and wife, at a wedding.

    Last, because they look so happy, and the wau it is captured will never not make me smile.

    Nathan Matthews

  42. 1. The last one I think is a candid shot, the second and third photos are fashion shots, and the first one I think is a constructivist shot of the couple.
    2. My favorite of the four is the last photo, because the image of the couple makes me happy inside for some reason. I like the brightness of the sparklers mixed with the darkness in the background.
    Thornhill, Sydney

  43. 1. I would say there is creative because of having Shawna turned to the side and everything else is blurred and constructivist because of having the couple together in the top picture.
    2. I don't know which would be my favorite, but I would pick the bottom picture because you can see everyone together having fun together like family and friends.
    - Hegel, A

  44. 1) I feel these photos are constructivist because they are naturally posed to portray a moment or scene.
    2) My favorite is the individual shot of the bride. I like the positive attitude she portrays with her bright smile and the warm colors surrounding the portrait.
    (Brown, K)

  45. 1.) I think constructivist because the photographer posed them that way, environmental because you can feel how nervous he is, and candid because that photo wasn't posed.
    2.) My favorite picture is the last one because you can tell how in love the couple are and how happy their friends are.
    Devyn Glenn

  46. I think this photographer was using constructivist in these portraits to focus on the happy couple on their wedding day. But there is also two with just them by themselves so you can see their expressions and guess what they're feeling. My favorite is the one with the bride by herself because you can really see how vibrant and happy she is.
    Chastain, M.

  47. 1.) the first photo is constructivist cause i think the photographer , the seconded is environmental making you feel his emotions and how deep it is, The third is a mixture of constructivist and fashion caste they are showing off what she is wearing and what she has in her hands and the photographer probably set her up that way, the final picture is a candid shot of the two k-i-s-s-i-n-g

    2.) My favorite is the last one of the two kissing because they look so happy and joyful and so does everyone around them, it is a over all good feeling picture.

    Xena Goldspink

  48. 1. Environmental: The photo focuses on the couple but also shows the environment they are in. Shows the details on what the other people are doing in the photo.
    2. My favorite picture is the second one with just the man alone. Just shows how the dark room gives out energy and how is a calm environment. You can tell he is focusing really hard and has a nervous look to him.
    Loosmore, Logan

  49. All of these photos are constructive. they all show emotion in an obviously posed way. my favorite one is of the guy looking stessed out or nervous, the mood is well stressed out or nervous because it has dark colors and his body language is obviously nervous.

    Nelson S.

  50. I think he did mostly candid, constructive, and environmental because in the last photo it is kind of just a fun photo and people don't necessarily know it is being taken, so that one is candid. The first and second ones show constructive by showing emotions and environmental by showing them ready for the wedding. My favorite one is the last picture because the reception is always one of my favorite parts of weddings and it shows how much fun they are having.

    Paul Sierra

  51. 1.) He covered constructavist photography which is you putting your idea into a portrait like this happy couple.
    2.) My favorite is the wedding shot were they're kissing because it's a spontaneous photo and conveys them as a happy and in love couple. The mood is happy and I like that.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  52. 1. The pictures are portraits and they show a couple. The first picture is constructivism portrait, the second one is creative, the third one is candid, and the last one is environmental.
    2. My favorit image is the last one, because it transmits a party, happy mood, because theres a couple kissing surrounded by a bunch of people smiling and having fun etc...
    Francisco Ciriza

  53. 1. The first one is constructive, the second is candid, the third is fashion, and the fourth is candid.
    2. My favorite image is the last one, it displays extreme happiness and excitement and love.

    Allen, C.

  54. 1. I would say all these pictures are fashionable and constructive. The photographer had these shots planned and made perfect moments.
    2. I like the last picture the best, because it's basically in a nut shell the definition of a perfect moment. The person you love by your side, and all your friends there to see you get married would and should be one of the happiest moments of your life.
    Barker, A

  55. 1. He uses a variety of categories. The first picture is constructivist because he posed the subjects in a manner that he wanted. The second is environmental. There is a good use of space wich gives the feeling that the subject is interacting with the area around him. The third is fashion. Her hair and tattoo and dress and flowers all give the sense that she is showing off something. The last one is candid because the photographer captured an unplanned moment.

    2. My favorite is the second one. There is a load of drama and emotion and it really tells a story to the viewer.

    KC. Lopez

  56. 1) I feel like Brenton was able to set up some photos that fit into a wide variety of categories. The first and third are good examples of constructivist fashion shots, while the second could fall under both environmental and fashion, and the fourth is a perfect example of a candid photo.

    2.) The fourth has to be my favorite, as it has a much less serious tone to it. The photo conveys a happy, celebratory mood by using warm colors and a lot of friendly figures.

    -J, Brown

  57. These photos are portriats and constructive!

    The last one is my favorite because it is spontaneous and a candid photo!

    DeMers, Victoria

  58. 1. It is constructivist type of photo showing a romantic couple and expresses a certain idea
    2. My favorite is the last one because it shows a happy mood and lively because people are smiling and the sparklers show that it is lively
    Taylor Schwindt

  59. I think he mostly used constructive candid, and a little fashion because he posed the pictures and took them at certain places at certain times. My favorite is the last picture because of how happy everyone seems. People are all happy and partying.

    Willhite, A

  60. The shots seem to be different in each photo. The black and white one seemed to be environmental because you seem him how he is, while the third is fashion because of her dress, tattoos, and bouqet, the 4th is candid because it isnt planned, and the first is constructivist because of the happy couple.
    My favorite is the black and white because you can see sort of how the groom feels. Nervous and kind of worried.


  61. 1) The first picture would be constructivist, the second picture would be environmental, the third picture would be fashion, and the fourth picture would be a candid picture.

    2) I enjoy the candid picture best because it's so complex and fun. I think that it really captures the essence of the fun moment. -N. Hugo
