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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#3 Eva Besnyo

Starnberger Street - 1931

Untitled (Vertigo #3)

  1. Look at these photos by Eva Besnyo and describe what compositional technique stands out to you as the strongest in both photos.
  2. Is there more than one technique that she’s working with? What other techniques or elements/principles of visual art do you notice?
  3. Which piece is your favorite and why?


  1. Both of these photos have a downward camera angle and low key lighting.I really like the first photo it reminds me of the early nineteenth century giving me a old time feel.

    -Van Voorhis.K

  2. The compositional technique that immediately stood out to me was that the camera angle was looking down in both photographs. I also see low key lighting in both, rhythm in the second, the camera distance is far in both images, and also contrast. My favorite piece is the second photograph. I like this photo because it shows the depth of the stairs and captures a lot of motion into the photo. It's just a more appealing and complex picture to me so there's more to look at and analyze.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  3. Both photos by Besnyo use the compositional technique of having the camera angle going down. Besides the camera angle, these two photographs also use contrast anf in the second picture the stair case makes the photo have leading lines. My favorite one would have to be the second one. It just has ore going on and is more interesting to look at than the first one.
    Shaw, T

  4. The compositional technique she uses in both pictures that stands out as the strongest is the camera angle down. She is also using contrast in the photos my favorite piece is the vertigo #3 because of the ominous feel the photo brings with the shadows and staircase


  5. The compositional technique that stands out is camera angle down is the strongest technique can see in the pictures. there is another technique she is working withit is contrast. I personally like the second picture more than the first because there is more going on in the picture. -Murphy,C

  6. The compositional techniques that stand out the most to me are rhythm and camera angle down. There is also low key lighting, camera distance far, and contrast. My favorite is the second photo because I like the way the stairs look.
    Holli Cook

  7. Both photos are displayed from the camera angle down. I also see contrast in both of the photos. The second photo also represents leading lines with the staircase. I like the first photo more, because it shows more going on and has a vintage feel. -Moon, K

  8. The technique that stands out most from both of these photos is the angle of the camera the way it looks down at the objects. She also works with a lot of low light settings and like taking pictures in black and white. i like the second picture because it draws your attention down the center of the stairway. -Francisco Ferreyra

  9. Both photo's have down camera angle, low key lighting for compositional technique. I like the second one because you are looking down the stairs, and I just think it looks cool. Bjorkman, K.

  10. 1. The dramatic black and white.
    2. A particular pattern in both.
    3. The stair picture because it keeps your mind thinking and following the stairs.
    tanner leitner
    period 1

  11. The compositional technique that stands out the most to me is the camera angle is down. Some elements that stand out to me is the dark and light values throughout each of these photos. Its subtle in some areas but really stands out in others. My favorite one is the looking down the staircase, I like it because of the values and the way my eyes follow the stairs down to the bottom.

  12. In the first photo i noticed that they have a high point where they were looking down and took the picture. So the camera angle stood out to me also the distance is far away, low key lighting, and the focus is not really sharp but everything still is in focus. I like the second photo the best because it looks as though you are viewing the stairs straight ahead and they are just up on the walls but instead you realize you are looking down, which to me makes me think about the piece more than just looking at it.

    - Nelson, G

  13. In both photos the first thing I notice are the shadows, but the shadows seem to lead my eyes in other directions (Leading lines, looking down to take the photo). My favorite is photo #1, I love the shadows, it really catches your eye.
    -Agee V

  14. In these photos the compositional techniques that stand out the most is the camera angle down. I also noticed that the Vertigo #3 photo has a sense of rhythm. My favorite would have to be the Vertigo #3 because it seems more mysterious and uneasy.

    - C.Smalley

  15. For me, the compositional technique that stands out the most is the camera angle facing down. More technique that stand out is the rhythm and leading lines in the second photo. I like the second photo a bit more because of the sense that im falling over the ledge.
    (Stroh, H)

  16. The first one uses low key lighting and the second one uses rhythm. There is a bunch of different techniques in these, she uses different lighting and different camera angles. I like the first one because there are people and movement.
    -G Hays

  17. What compositional technique I found that is the strongest is camera angle down. In the second photo I notice Rhythm is pretty prominent. In the first and second photo both have focus sharp. The second photo is my favorite because i love the way the staircase was captured. To me the photo evokes mystery and uneasiness. it also shows to me how the stairs are a bit intimidating.
    Smith, C

  18. The two compositional techniques that stand out to me is pattern in the second photo and looking down or angle down in both photos. Yes, she is also using leading lines and different lightings. I loved Starnberger Street as soon as I saw it, I loved the way she played with the lighting and caused an eiree feeling.
    Miller, S.

  19. 1. In the photo Stamberger Street and also the Vertigo photo, I saw the compositional technique of the camera angle looking down.

    2. The other techniques that I saw Eve Besnyo worked with was Rhythm or Pattern and Leading Lines in the photo Vertigo. I also saw contrast in the photo Stamberger Street photo.

    3. The photo that is my favorite is the Vertigo photo because I like the repeating stairs. It reminds me of illusion pictures. -N. Hugo

  20. The technique that stands out the most to me is contrast in both photos. Leading Lines also stands out to me as a technique in the second photo. I like the piece with the car the most because it is more simple.

    -Anna Z

  21. 1. When I look at both Eva Besnyo's photo's the first compositional technique I saw was a downward angle.

    2. In the second photo I notice a distinctive rule of thirds.

    3. I like the second photo of the downwad spiraling staircase, mainly because I just liked the picture. I enjoy the shading technique's she used.
    (Shearer, M)

  22. 1. Contrast stands out most to me.
    2. In both pieces, she works with the rule of thirds and in Untitled, rhythm is used.
    3. My favorite piece is Untitled; it is very interesting to me in the way that there is so much going on. It makes your eye follow the staircase down.

    Botts, H

  23. 1. There is Low key in both photos as well as a high angle. Each photo is taken looking down on the scene.
    2. In the second photo it is framed. The stairs frame the bottom floor of the building.
    3. My favorite is the second one. The stairs make the photo seem much longer than the actual length.
    Ford, J

  24. 1) Both of these pictures are taken from a tall place. where the angel of the camera is pointing down.
    2)There are some low keys in the picture because I see shadows and they make the pictures look intense. Also, in the second picture the stairs lead your eyes around the picture.
    3)My favorite piece is the second one because I feel like its more entertaining to look at. The first picture doesn't really have anything going on.

    Samimifar, T

  25. 1. For the first photo I would say the strongest technique would be the far camera distance and the downward angle. For the second photo I think it would be the pattern and the downward angle.
    2. I also notice low key lighting in both of them and in the second one, somewhat of leading lines.
    3. My favorite one would be the second picture, I like how it pulls me into it and makes me feel as if I can actually walk down the steps. That is where I got the leading lines idea from, it makes me feel a sense of pulling to the bottom of the stairs.

  26. One of the compositional techniques used in the second photo is rhythm.. Maybe the horizon line for the first one.

  27. 1. The photos look like they have been taken from an upper area where the picture is taken with the camera facing down.
    2. Another technique it looks like she uses is rhythm in the staircase photo because the stair in the image repeat. In the second image it looks likes she may have used high key composition technique because it shadows and brings light as well.
    3. I like the first image because its simple and clear.
    Maguire K

  28. 1. He is using an upper angle on the photos.
    2.He is also using horizontal and vertical orientation.
    3.I like the (vertigo #3)
    Beebe M.

  29. 1) Both photo is taken in a down way angle from a high point of view.
    2) The on one on the bottom has a vertical technique as well as a leading line and even framing maybe.
    3) I like the starise that lead you to the bottom and the rhyme.

  30. I see lots of movement and lines in both photos. In the first photo, the lines make the road, with a car on it, giving me the feel of movement. In the second photo, the stairs are lines that create the illusion of movement and depth. The end pf the stairway is the focal point. I like this photo better because it's taken at a cool angle. The first photo is too ordinary for me.

    Vitek, M.

  31. 1. The strongest compositional technique in both photos is how she has the camera angle down.
    2. I think for the second photo there's also a sense of depth in the photo. And it both photos it seems to have a soft focus and leading lines.
    3. My favorite piece is the second photo because I like the sense of depth and how you can see all the stairs wrap around as they go down.

    George, S

  32. In the first photo I see the compositional technique of the camera distance very far from the subject which gives it an interesting view. In the second photo I see two compositional techniques. First I see rhythm, with the stairs being a constantly repeated. Second I see framing. I almost seems like the stairs are framing the photo. I definitely like the second photo better just because I personally like it better, but also because it used more creativity.

    Sparks, L.

  33. 1) The most prominent technique that stand out is camera angle down.

    2) Another technique that stand out in the first one is contrast. The shadow makes a definitive line across the photo that separates it in half. In the second there is elements of pattern in it. The starts crate a pattern in the photo.

    3) My favoite is the top one. It has a great use of space and isn't too crowded. The camera angle also gives a different perspective that is not often viewed. It takes a basic thing like a street and adds a spin to it.

    KC Lopez

  34. The first thing that stood out to me was the high angle looking down upon people as the go about their buisness.
    The other thing that stood out is the extreme contrast from whites to black.
    I like the stamberger street because you are looking down upon people and have to guess what they are doing in that car.

    Stiff, G

  35. 1. Downward angle
    2. Sharp focus
    3. The second picture is my favorite because the stairwell looks like a tunnel.

    Steele, J.

  36. 1) The technique thats stands out the most to me in these photos are contrast. There is lots of contrast in these photos.

    2)Some more techniques used in these photos is high key lighting mixed with low key lighting.

    3) My favorite piece is the Untitled (Vertigo #3) because it adds a little confusion to the piece and you have to think about it to understand it.

    -Carpenter, Arthur

  37. 1. In both of the photos the artist is using a lot of value and contrast. Both pictures have a highlight and a core shadow, and the blacks contrast the whites and vice versa. Also in both photos the camera angle is downward.
    2. The artist I believe is working with more than one technique. The focus is pretty grainy in both the photos, and there's both low key and high key lighting.
    3. My favorite piece is the second picture because it shows a range of depth and has a repetition of the rectangle shape, being the stairs. It looks pretty sketchy and I like it.

    Walker, C

  38. I think that the compositional technique that stands out to me is that the camera is face downward. She makes the photos feel like the viewer is above. I think that she also uses the camera distance from far away. The photograph with the stairs is my favorite. The objects are more defined and the spiral attracts my attention.

    Reck. T

  39. Eva Besnyo uses a lot of leading lines and shape in her photographs. She also uses a downward pointing camera angle to create a towering effect which I think stands out the most. Untitled(Vertigo #3) would be my favorite because it creates a story with the man and the stairs; It gets your mind going.

    Thomas, S.

  40. Cox,S.
    The compositional technique that stands out most to me is the camera angle. The camera angle is downward. She is also working with the contrast technique. My favorite is the 1931 Stamberger Street photograph. This one is my favorite, because it brings an image to mind of the older times.

  41. The technique that shows up best is a downward camera angle. It makes things look smaller. I also see a lot of lines and high contrast. There are multiple different techniques being used. I see some informal balance. There is also some rhythm and pattern in the second one. The second one is my favorite one. I think it's kind of mysterious and intriguing. I think the stairs look really cool from this angle.
    Anderson M

  42. 1) Both of the photos above have a fair use of contrast, as well as a downward angle.

    2) The first photo uses contrast for emphasis on the vehicle, and the people walking on the street. The angle was chosen to catch their shadows. The second photo uses contrast, leading lines, patterns, and even framing to drawn your eyes to the center of the photo. The second photo also uses contrast to draw attention to the man walking down the stairs.

    3) I really like the first one, as the the emphasis on the shadows makes it seem like every person in the photo has a perfect silhouette following them around. It's as if, by merely viewing the ground from above, we can see the actions of these individuals without putting a face to them.

    -J. Brown

  43. 1.The compositional technique that stands out to me in these pictures are contrast lighting.
    2.Some more Compositional techniques that stand out to me are camera angles looking down and, close and medium distance and Rhythm.
    3.I like the second picture because it's very interesting and leads your eye to the middle of the picture.

  44. I think that the camera angle pointed downwards really stands out the most in both photos. There's also low key lighting in both which makes the photos look eerie and dark in a way. I like the second photo the most because it looks a little creepy but also it's more interesting.
    Chastain, M.

  45. The architecture stands out to me in both these photos.
    The up angle in a technique in both the photos.
    The first photo is peaceful to me and I like that one. The second is more of a darker photo.

    DeMers, Victoria

  46. There is lots of saturation and dark colors. She uses formal balance and angles her camera downward. It's seems like she uses dark colors(Black and White) for more of her photo's. I like Vertigo #3 more because it feels like the stairs could be never ending.

    Jarmer, A.

  47. 1) The strongest technique used in these photos are a down angle to take them.
    2) In the second photo rhythm is used with the stairs. Also, both photos are black and white meaning they are low key lighting.
    3) My favorite piece is the first picture because it is simple and easy to follow unlike the second which seems to be a little busy and more unattractive.
    (Brown, K)

  48. 1. The photo was taken at a downward angle.
    2.Leading lines
    3.Second one because it's kind of a illusion
    Maughan Sam

  49. 1.) In the second photo the technique I noticed was rhythm/pattern. In the first photo I noticed the camera angle was looking down.
    2.) I noticed that she is also working with low ley lighting in her photos.
    3.) My favorite is the first photo because it is a picture of a city and the way it looks so empty is cool

    Goldspink, X

  50. 1. The pictures are at a downward angle, which makes the eyes think that the viewer is much bigger than the items below.
    2. The first photo is horizontal and the second is vertical.
    3. I prefer the bottom one because i like the way the stairs look.
    thornhill s

  51. 1. The strongest compositional techniques that stand out to me are the depth and the lighting of both images.
    3. My favorite picture is the bottom one with the stairs, I like how you got a whole few of the stair cases and steps.
    Loosmore, logan

  52. 1. Contrast, and saturation, as they both have their fair share of the light and dark elements.
    2. Both of the above I mentioned.
    3. Top

    Nathan, M

  53. 1)The compositional technique that stands out to me as the strongest in both photos is probably camera angle down because I feel like I am towering over and looking down on everything.
    2) She also uses low key lighting and her camera distance is far. There are also leading lines.
    3) I think my favorite piece is the second photo because the stairs really make me wonder where the man is going and what's down there.

    Brandon, Marissa

  54. In the first photo it looks like she is making the camera angle down to make the people look smaller. In the second picture I think she is using leading lines because it draws your eye to the center of the picture. She also used framing in the second picture. My favorite piece is Vertigo #3 because I always though about using leading lines but looking straight at something but in the photo she is looking down the stair case and it still makes the same effect. It give me some different perspective.

    Paul Sierra

  55. In the untitled photo by Eva Besnyo what stnds out to me the most is the leading lines down the stairwell. I think she is using other compositional techniques also like: camera angle down, framing with the walls and stairs, and informal balance. My favorite is the Untitled because it tells a story.

    Reneau, Austin

  56. The one that stands out to me the most is low key lighting. The photographer also used camera angle up. My favorite picture is the Stamberger Street because its just a simple black and white photo a street.

    Willhite, A.

  57. 1. They are both really high angles and are both in black and white. Depth is also a huge compositional technique used.
    2. There are tons of different techniques with this picture, they seem very dark, there is no light in them.
    3. I like the piece "untitled" because it's a picture of something people dont usually see, the picture is take on the roof looking down the stairwell.

    Slack C

  58. In both of the photos there is a downward camera angle and a lot of contrast, because of the white and black. Rule of thirds might slightly apply to the second photo, but that doesn't stand out as much as the strong camera angle.

    Of course she is using a lot of techniques in her photography. Leading lines in the second photo, for example. Your eyes follow the pillars until you see the bottom floor. You also have an idea of the texture of the materials used in building the stairs.

    I prefer the second photo because you can make up a story. Not only is it just a very nice picture, but you follow his hand and then follow it around the stairs. You get a lot out of a simple photo.

    Kameron Bates :~)

  59. In the first photo, there is very low key lighting. In the second photo, the camera angle is facing straight down.

    In the second photo, leading lines could potentially fit in here because of they way the stair case leads your eyes down to the bottom of the stairwell.

    I think the second photo is my favorite because it reminds me of M. C. Escher's Relativity. The way the stairs look very odd and distorted almost.

    McVicker, Devyn

  60. In both pictures she uses downward angle and in vertical 3 she kind of uses rule of thirds and uses leading lines as well as a pattern.

    Nelson S.

  61. 1. Downward camera angle
    2. yes leading lines
    3.the untitled one because it keeps me interested

  62. 1. camera angle down
    2. leading lines
    3. The second piece of the stairwell is my favorite piece, because it gives me a sense that i am falling through the staircase.
    - Curtis, Andrew

  63. 1) The compositional technique that stands is the highlight in the first picture.
    2) There are a lot of techniques and different designs.
    3) The Vertigo picture is my very favorite because it makes me think that I am in a box or something.

  64. 1.) In the first photo called Stamberger street the techniques that stand out the most to me are the cool colors and the far proximity and the downward angle. In the second photo that seems to be untitled has a vertical line that catches your eye; really nice sharp focus; and also the downward angle.
    2.) She's working leading lines and down angles. She also has dark contrast of cool grey colors.
    3.) The second photo is my favorite because of the vertical line of the stairs that make you feel like your about to fall through the air.
    ~ Campbell, Kierra

  65. 1.) The techniques that stand out to me are camera angle down and contrast.
    2.) I noticed that she used contrast, space, low key lighting, rhythm, and leading lines.
    3.) I like Untitled (Vertigo #3) the best because your eyes follow the stairway and I like the contrast of the lighting.

    Devyn Glenn

  66. In the first photo i can see that the camera distance is far, and its angle is down. The key lighting would be medium. half of the photograph is in the shadow, while the other half is lighted up. The photograph orientation is vertical.
    In the second photograph, we see there are leading lines. the camera angle is down. there are patterns, and a low key lighting.

    My favorite photo is the second one, because you can easily see what the artist is trying to take our attention with, and she uses the stairs and the mans arm so if we follow them, it leads us the the center of attention.
    Francisco Ciriza.
    p: 5

  67. 1. I think the strongest technique used in both photos is low key, because they're both dark and sort of mysterious.
    2. There are multipul techniques used though. They both use a downward angle, and the 1st picture has a medium camera distance technique as well.
    3. I personally like the second picture, because the stairs remind me of Harry Potter
    Barker, A

  68. weird to look at a different angle, than the norm.

    hecker, jacob

  69. the one without the name is mine

    Taylor Schwindt

  70. 1. Look at these photos by Eva Besnyo and describe what compositional technique stands out to you as the strongest in both photos.
    The Compositional technique that stands out to me the strongest in both photographs would probably have to be leading lines. the leading lines on the stairs are obvious, but the in the second photograph, the sidewalks are the leading lines.
    2. Is there more than one technique that she’s working with? What other techniques or elements/principles of visual art do you notice?
    I noticed the amount of brightness and contrast he used in both photographs really compliment the black and white he used.
    3. Which piece is your favorite and why?
    My favorite photograph is the one of the town. The photograph of the town is my favorite because the way the light shines on one half of the town, and not the other shows me that there could possibly be something dark, and maybe not-so good over on the side.

    -Montenna Morrison

  71. 1. The pictures are taken by looking down at something and theres pattern in one of the photos too.
    2. Down angle and pattern
    3. I like #3 because there is a lot of pattern and i like how the stairs are going down and how the artest got the picture,
    Beebe M.

  72. I notice that she angles the camera down in these photos. There is a lot of value/shadow and low key lighting. The camera distance is far. There is leading lines and movement especially in the second picture. The technique that stands out the most to me is shadow/value. My favorite is the top photo, because it is simple, yet engaging.

