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Thursday, April 10, 2014

#7 Smithsonian Photo Contest

1) Look through these photos HERE and pick one that stands out to you. Vote for one of the finalists below!

2) Explain what makes the photo interesting or inspiring for you to look at in terms of its subject and/or its composition.


  1. I LOVED most all of the photos, but my favorites would be the very small chapel in the sunset and the old run down chapel from the inside. I loved the photographers work a lot!

  2. I voted for #5 under natural. I think it's cool because the owl is camouflaged and I couldn't tell that it was there at first. It just looked like a tree trunk. It has formal balance.

  3. I liked the photo of the tree because it looked really peaceful. The picture had a lot of bold colors. It also appears to follow the rule of thirds and also has sharp focus. The photo just looked very unreal, and imaginative. I liked that it seemed to be such a simple image of a tree, but seemed so unique.
    -brianna higashihara

  4. I like the photo of the sea turtle because I enjoy the creativity of the lens and the options of whats in the picture such as the turtle and the water and the sun it shows two worlds that are so close and at the same time they are very distant from one another.

    -Nelson G.

  5. I like the action in the rodeo picture and how he got it right before the cowboy hit the ground.
    -G Hays

  6. 1) My favorite photo from this selection is the grizzly bear in the Nature section.

    2) What makes the photo interesting to me is that it looks so desolate and abandoned and then there's this random movie theatre looking building in the middle of it. The compositional technique that I saw is Contrast in the sense of the pale dust around this black building. -N. Hugo

  7. The one that stands out the most to me is the first one with the bug leaf and water droplets. This picture stands out because of its clarity and sharp focus of the topic and its surroundings.

  8. I really like the picture of the two cheetahs running with one of them holding a dead animal in their mouth. When I first looked at it, I thought the cheetah in the back was attacking the other, but then I noticed it was just holding a dead animal.
    -Anna Z

  9. I really like the photo coming over. It has leading lines which lead you to the sunset at the end of the road. It has a crisp clear feeling and a sense of early winter. I also like the random old church.
    Van Voorhis, K

  10. I really like the one of the owl, I like how he almost blends right in with the tree. And I like the one of the little red barn with the mountains in the background. I just like how it's not just the barn or the mountains how its everything.

  11. My favorite photo is the photograph of the eastern screech owl by Graham McGeorge because it is interesting how the owl almost camouflages into the tree.

    Smalley, C.

  12. I really liked the photo of the frog. Just him being bobbing above the water makes me smile. Above the water, it looks like a frightening aligator. But then if you look below the surface, it's just a silly little frog.
    (Stroh, H)

  13. I love the owl in the tree and how he is practically camoflauged in the tree. I love the owls look, he looks like he wants to be left alone like its a Monday or something. The colors are perfect, and the balance of the photo is great.

  14. My favorite photo is the up close detailed picture of the bear splashing in the water. It is my favorite, because it is so up close and detailed. -Moon, K

  15. I vote for Eko Adiyanto's picture that he took about the close up of the Yellow Jacket. It gets a close up of there body structure and is so crisp. -Francisco Ferreyra

  16. 1: I chose number 9 in altered
    2: I liked this photo because of the guys tattoos and jewlary and him looking off into know where even though he is.

  17. 1.) My vote would be the second picture. The one of the bear in the water.

    2.) I like how fast he must have captured that image. And the timing that goes along with it.

    (M, Shearer

  18. My favorite picture is the owl that is blended into the tree. I admire the fact that someone was even able to see it and get such a beautiful photo of it. I find it pretty because if you aren't looking for it, the owl could be completely invisible to the naked eye.

  19. I voted for number five under Americana. I love how there is an equal amount of the brush on the ground and the mountains in the background. Everything is very balanced and noting takes over to much of the photo. The tree and the barn also help balance each other.

    Ford, J

  20. i like the on of the cheetas running, its a action shot, there is a lot of movement in the photo!

    michael schumacher

  21. I think the most interesting thing about a photo is all the detail. The more intricate, the better. My favorite photo is the one of the two snails. I love how the photo was taken from a straight on angle, and how you can see all the different coloring of their shells and the lines on their bodies. (Stewart, S)

  22. My favorite picture i think is Okefenokee Swamp with the eastern screech owl sitting at the edge of its nest, the fact that the owl has evolved so much that it almost blends in seamlessly with the type of tree it lives in is what makes this so inspiring to me.

    Stiff, G

  23. 2. I picked the photo of the saddle bronc rider getting bucked off because of the expression of the cowboys face and how we have all had that same oh crap moment this is going to hurt. Also I like the movement and positioning of the bronc in the air.

  24. My favorite picture out of the finalists is the "Absolute Head Scratcher" with the Blue Macaw. There is a lot of color and contrast in the picture. I also notice some selective focus and rhythm in the feathers. It is a straight on camera angle, which emphasizes the subject of the photo, which is the bird. I really like all the different, vibrant colors on the bird's feathers.

    S, Moore

  25. I think a lot of the photos are interesting. Theres alot of them that have eye popping colors to them and different types of shading. All of them were just interesting to me.

  26. Neist Point Lighthouse at dusk.
    2. The place where the photo was taken is very interesting to me. The small road has a leading lines effect. I like the way the water and sky look also.

    H. Botts

  27. 1. The altered photo of the baboon stands out to me.
    2. It's a baboon and the background looks like it's fading away.

    Steele, J.

  28. The photo that is most interesting to me is the photograph by Peter Zajfrid. The picture is of a sunrise on a horizon with the main object being the church and a house in the back ground. This picture inspires me because there are human made objects but this picture captures a moment when it looks peaceful and inhabited. It has leading line back to the house but the lines also kind of lead to the sunrise. There is also a lot of texture on the ground with it being frosted over which gives the feeling of its cold outside.

    Reck. T

  29. 2. I chose the sea turtle in the water. I chose it because I like the affect of the double image and the sea turtle under water contrasts the water and I really like how the sun is really bright and hits right on the spot of the water putting a lot of emphasis on it.

    Walker, C

  30. My favorite was the Photograph by Candy Feng (Starkville, Mississippi) with the glacier. It was a very cool image that had a great use of space. The subject was the glacier but the man in the picture was a great addition that created a feel of isolation.

    K.C. Lopez

  31. My vote goes towards the bear photo. I like that the photographer was brave enough to get this photo. It shows lots of detail, and the way he captured the splashing water around the bear, is amazing.

    Vitek, M

  32. 1. I like the picture of the bear in the water the best.

    2. It's interesting to me because of how close it is to the bear, and you can feel the texture of the water almost and of the bear. The brightness and contrast really stands out as well.

    George, S

  33. 1) I voted for the blue parrot.
    2)The bird picture istands out to me because i used to have a parrot and I can relate to it. Also, I really like the colors and how clear the photo is and you can see every detail of it. I like how its looking right at the camera.

    Samimifar, T

  34. 1) The one that standout is the sea turtle in water.
    2) The way it standout is the water and the rocks behind the turtle and the way they take the photo. The way that it is dark in the water and lighter on the surfs and everything about it and i like the water a lot. Everything is clear.

  35. 1. I voted for the sea turtle underwater.
    2. I like how the image was captured underwater but also captures the scenery on top of the water. Its clear and a gorgeous photo.
    Maguire, K

  36. I really like the photo of the parrot. The bright colors really catch your eye and the detail of the feathers is really cool.

    Allen, C.

  37. Hiking break at Devil's Wall. I really love this photo. What stands out is obviously where he took it from. I love how he is in the cave looking out into the horizon.
    Sparks, L.

  38. Cox, S.
    1.The image that stands out most to me is the one taken by Christopher Doherty. The photograph is name Breath At Sunset.
    2.I like this photo, because there is so much detail. The high horizon line is rounded, which is very unique. You can see the ripples of the water, and it gives me a feeling of a more "real" photo. Also, I really like sea turtles, so it draws more attention to the photograph for me.

  39. 1) Look through these photos HERE and pick one that stands out to you. Vote for one of the finalists below!
    I vote for the Light House photograph.
    2) Explain what makes the photo interesting or inspiring for you to look at in terms of its subject and/or its composition.
    For the photograph of the light house, I like the way the photographer used the big isle of land to be a leading line towards the light house. Also, I love the way the horizon blends the sky and the water together, almost making it so that you cannot see where they split.

    -Montenna Morrison

  40. 1) Okay.

    2) The clash between the baren landscape background and the small portion of urban establishment at the center of the photo creates a sense of curiosity and surrealism that can't really be replicated easily. What really makes me uneasy about this photo, though, is the fact that there are two figures at the door and only one bicycle in the frame. I suppose that's more "nit-picky fridge-logic" than anything, but it bugs me nonetheless.

    -J, Brown

  41. 1. The one with the turtle.
    2. This picture really drew my eye, because under water you can only see the turtle. So, nothings clear until you come above the surface, and see clouds, a blue sky, the sun, giant rocks, and ripples in the water.
    Barker, A.

  42. My favorite photo is the picture of the bird flying over the water with its reflection.
    The photo is interesting to me because I like the balance within the photo, I also like how in the reflection, we get to see the details inside the birds wings and the different colors that they have instead of just white or grey.
    thornhill s

  43. 1) My favorite photo was the picture of the monkey.
    2) This photo was interesting because it had a nice color scheme along with a straight on camera angle. The sharp focus made the picture more enjoyable because you were able to see a lot more detail of how the monkey looks.
    (Brown, K)

  44. The photo that stands out the most to me is the one by Carol Lynne Fowler. The photo is interesting and funny to me because the bull had bucked the man off of him and the man was in the air upside down.
    DeMers, Victoria

  45. i think it is just a dope picture the way the drops are all frozen and its so clear.
    Flores, T

  46. The turtle stands out to me because the photo is half underwater and half above it so you can see both sides of the turtle. Also the photo's colors really stand out. They are all very bright and happy feeling.

    Brandon, Marissa

  47. 1.My favorite picture is the one with the penguins with the snow mountain in the background.
    2. This photo makes it interesting to look at because the penguins on the ground make you realize how big the ice mountain really is.

    Slack, C

  48. 2. The photo with the bear because it is a very epic photo with a high focus and a cool contrast

    Taylor Schwindt per. 5

  49. The photo that stands out to me most is the bear in the water. It stands out to me because of the water and the bear look completely still. Even though they were actually moving fast in real life. Also his fur texture stands out a lot also.

    Reneau, Austin

  50. My favorite picture is the cowboy and the horse. It caught my eye the most with all the detail through out the whole photo. The black and white just draws my attention.

  51. 1) (Oak Alley Plantation, Vacherie, Louisiana, October 27, 2013, iPhone 5)

    2) Two words. Leading lines.


  52. 1. I voted for the picture of the yellow jacket.
    2.I think its really cool close up picture, and i really like the little water bubbles.
    Francisco Ciriza

  53. My favorite picture was the Wonderland because it had a lot of dark emotion and kinda has that creepy feeling.

    Jarmer, A.

  54. I enjoy these photos because they are taken by modern day photographers and are all very beautifull.

  55. 2.) The image of a blue arch of a mosque caught my eye the most because it's amazing how someone can capture that much detail and color in a simple phone camera.

    Devyn Glenn

  56. Well the one I pick was super interesting because it looked colorful and beautiful.

  57. The one that stands out to me is the most is the photo of the turtle in the water. I like it because for one I really like turtles but I also like it because of how clear the water is and how the sky reflects off the water. Another thing that stands out to me is the color of the turtle that stands out from the dark color behind it.

    Willhite, A

  58. 2. Portait of a mentawai, because the photo brings up a lot of questions, why does he have that blank stare on his face? what is he looking at? what you he possibly be thinking? I also like all the good detail it has on his body features and the way he shot the smoke.
    - Curtis, A

  59. 2. I liked the Penguins on Ice picture because of the contrast between the penguins and ice, and the flow of the shape of the ice and the wavy water below the ice.
    - Hegel, A

  60. The Picture Babylon by Dina Bova is a beautiful photograph to me. It's a peaceful photo to me and yet also happy and bright. It has a wonderful rhythm thats very dramatic in color and also the color of the ocean mixed with the lighting on the houses makes it a very stunning photograph and I also like how sharp and detailed the photograph is.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  61. I like the photo with the frog in it. It is cool that it shows under the water and above the water. And I like how focused on the eyes of the frog very well. And I also like the picture of the penguins because that isn't something you see everyday.

    Paul Sierra

  62. 1.) My favorite is a Photograph by Tandis Khodadadian, "the image of a blue arch of a mosque, "was taken in my birthplace which I visited after ten years"" Because it Is so STRONG in color and it is something you dont normally get to see.
    2.) It is so interesting because here in america we dont get to see stuff so detail specially in architecture.

    Goldspink, X

  63. The picture I find most interesting is the photo of the young Suri boy by Sergio Carbajo Rodriguez. This photo stands out to me because I think it is beautiful. The lighting and the contrast creates an awesome feel to the photo. I think the Ethiopian culture is an amazing one and the photo really captures the essence of that.

    Thomas, S.

  64. 1. I like the one with the cheetas because the colors blend well.
    2. Dont know what those are.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1
