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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#5 Andreas Gursky and Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams - Moon Over Half Dome - 1960

Ansel Adams - Jeffry Pine

Andreas Gursky - Bahrain - 1987

Andreas Gursky - Swimming Pool - 1987

  1. In world of art and photography, we talk about “conventional” versus “unconventional” imagery. What’s the difference in your mind?
  2. How would you describe these two photographers, conventional or unconventional? What makes them fall into those categories?
  3. Pick your favorite. Describe what you like most about the photo and the artists’ depiction of the landscape in terms of composition and/or the elements and principles.


  1. It's what's real and what isn't, such as dramatized enough to make it look really fake or not something you can just go out and find. Well the first one is a canyon, something that you can go out and take a picture of as is and the second one is a little dramatized. Yes you can go out and find a tree but to find a tree that crooked with the rocks really flat it looks edited, same with the third picture you couldn't really go outside and find that. My favorite is Jeffy Pine, because it looks really majestic, surreal, and really unique. I like that its black and white it adds emphasis on the tree in the image and makes it non distracting with colors.

    - Nelson, G

  2. 1. Something more ordinary, versus something that is not as ordinary.
    2. Conventional because they seem pretty ordinary.
    3. I like the first one because the black and white really brings out the detail in the cliff side.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1

  3. I think that conventional imagery is cliche and common photos, where unconventional is uncommon and original to the artist. I think that all the photos are conventional except for the image of the road. The road looks like abstract rather than real life imagery. The pool, tree and landscape look like photos you could see everyday, even though they are well developed photos. My favorite image is the image "Moon Over Half Dome." This image shows a lot of contrast and is also in black and white. I really liked the mystery of this photo. You can see the moon in the upper left hand corner, but the rock is all lit up as if it were midday. I really like the composition of this photo.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  4. Conventional imagery is ordinary while unconventional imagery is original. I think that all the photos except Bahrian are conventional. They are all things that other people have taken pictures of a lot. Bahrian looks like a picture of a road, and while lots of pictures of roads are taken, this one is different. My favorite is Jeffry Pine. I think that it looks cool and I've always liked black and white photos. It has contrast, rule of thirds, and black and white.

  5. 1:
    2: Becuase of their color lighting and grand landscape backgrounds.
    3:I like the top picture its very well taken, the color and contrast fits the picture perfectly. the aspect of the moon rising over the mountain side is my favorite part about this picture.
    Tristan Aplanalp

  6. the difference between conventional and unconventional is that conventional is more of the usual, and something that is more considered a good photograph, but unconventional is something that isn't so basic and might that be considered a great picture but they make it work. The first two in my mind are more conventional, its something you see in pictures a lot. The second two are more unconventional because its not something that you would think would make a good photograph. My favorite is the swimming pool one. I like it because its just not usual. It has really bright and vibrant colors and it's just really interesting to look at.
    Shaw, T

  7. I think conventional is when people expect that kind of imagery and unconventional is when people don't expect that imagery. I believe the top two are conventional because they are images I see often. I see a lot of nature and mountains regularly in photos so I expect them. I really like the first photo of the mountain with the moon next to it. I love how everything is in detail, how the shadows play around the image, and how it is in black and white. I think that adds mystery to the photo.
    Smith. C.

  8. The difference between conventional vs unconventional imagery in my mind is a picture that looks and makes total sense to one that maybe doesn't register as making total sense. I would say the swimming pool is conventional because it makes total sense where as the half dome moon is unconventional because of the strangeness. My favorite is the crazy road I like most that the photo is mesmerizing in the way it captured my focus and attention. I admire the way he used leading lines.


  9. I think the difference is that unconventional is something people wouldn't usually expect and conventional is something people can expect or get a idea of. I think the top two are conventional and the bottom two are unconventional because the top two are kind of similar to other things iv'e seen and the bottom two are different something I wouldn't really expect. I really like the 2nd to last one, Im not really sure what it is but it looks like really windy roads, it makes me think and I like that about it.
    Van Voorhis.K

  10. 1) The difference in my mind, between conventional and unconventional, is that conventional are "normal", what we expect paintings, while unconventional is on the abstract and "unique" side of photography.

    2) I would describe Ansel Adams work as conventional because they are basic pictures of landscape. Although they're black and white, they are "normal" pictures. I would describe Andreas Gursky's work as unconventional because it has a lot going on in the photo and as first, you're not quite sure what it's of.

    3) My favorite photo is Andreas Gursky's Swimming Pool because it's busy but I enjoy it. In this photo, he gave you the whole entire scene of what's going on, not just a section. I like that the benches people are sitting on 'frame' the picture on the bottom, and the stairs frame the photo on the right. -N. Hugo

  11. The difference to me is conventional is that the photo is something you would normally see and unconventional doesn't make as much sense. I would say they are conventional because when you look at them you know what it is you're looking at. I like Ansel Adams - Jeffry Pine because it's just one lone tree in the middle of no where and those are my favorite trees. I think the way he did it in black and white made it stand out more and it made the picture better then if it was in color because it looks like it was somewhere sunny and hot and that world be to much going on in the picture it seems like.
    -G Hays

  12. 1.) Conventional means it came out as you expected, unconventional means the outcome was different than you expected.
    2.) Conventional, The photographer obviously knew what he was doing.
    3.) I love Moon Over Half Dome, I really love black and white photos and the way the different light plays out in the photo. There are shapes, contrast, form.
    Miller, S.

  13. The difference between conventional and unconventional in my mind is the difference between if a photo makes sense and if it dosen't. I think that Andreas Gursky's is unconventional, it dosen't make sense and i think they're supposed to be roads but i cant really tell. My favorite image in this set of images is the moon over half dome.

  14. I want to say conventional imagery is a photo taken from ground level and unconventional is taken from above I believe. These images are taken from the outdoors (landscape). I love the Moon over Half Dome, I really like how the artist of the photograph captured it in a low key setting with a high contrast. -Francisco Ferreyra

  15. Conventional imagery is more of a normal imagery while unconventional is very unusual imagery. The 3rd image, Bahrain is an example of an unconventional image because it is very unusual and abstract. The 4th image of a swimming pool is more of a conventional image because it is not unusual in any way, it is more standard. My favorite image is the 3rd one of Bahrain because it is the most abstract and interesting.
    -Allison Kirk

  16. To me, all of these pictures are conventional except for Bahrain.Compared to the other pictures, Bahrain doesn't conform to what's normal, in my opinion. I'd have to say my favorite is Moon Over Half Dome. This is because it reminds me of a place that I go every year that makes me happy. In terms of photography elements, I like how its a little asymmetrical and I like the vertical orientation.
    -Anna Z

  17. The difference between "conventional" and "unconventional" is that conventional is more "normal" and unconventional is more abstract. I think the first two are more conventional because they have a mysterious look to them. My favorite would have to be Ansel Adams Jeffry Pine because the black and white makes it more interesting.

    -Smalley, C

  18. Conventional means that something went the way you expected it to. Unconventional is when the outcome is different then what you expected. The first two images are definitely conventional, because the photo appears exactly how you'd see it in real life. The photo I really like is "Moon Over Half Dome" because of the way my eyes travel along the mountains.
    (Stroh, H)

  19. I think in my own words conventional and unconventional is the difference between something that makes sense and something that dosen't. I think that the "swimming pool" is conventional but i like how the nature is in the background and shows abstraction, also the jeffery pine is interesting and he shows nature in a different way. My favorite shot was the swimming pool the colores really sell it to me. -Murphy,C

  20. 1. Conventional imagery to me is taking something that you would see easily and every day, but captured in an artistic way. And unconventional imagery is taking a picture of something you wouldn't usually see.
    2. Conventional. You'd typically see all these things on a daily basis, he just captured a good picture.
    3.I enjoy the picture of the roads. It looks edited and twirled, the roads look slanted and harshly angled.

    (M, Shearer)

  21. 1) An 'unconventional' photo is a picture that doesn't follow the "rules" of art. Even though there aren't any.
    2) I think they are all conventional, there aren't any rules or guide lines with art, to me. So I think anything could be turned into art, which is what these are.
    3) I like "Ansel Adams", I like how crazy it is and how my eyes don't know what to focus on.

  22. not really sure what conventional and unconventional means, but some of the pictures are so insane they dont even look realistic, but they really are. I think they look really cool from the angles he took them at. I definitely like the picture with the tree. I love the filter he may or may have not used, and I LOVE the angle, and I just like how the tree and the rock are placed. Really great photo.
    Sparks, L.

  23. I think conventional imagery in terms of photography, means that the picture in the photo is something that serves a purpose, like the last two photos. One is a winding road, something that we need; it serves a purpose for us. The other photo shows a pool, something we use to cool off in the summer. I'd say these photos are "conventional" because the subjects of them are beneficial to humans. Unlike conventional imagery, the first two photos are unconventional, because the subjects of the photo are not concretely beneficial to us. My favorite is the Ansel Adams photo. I like that it's black and white, and the subject casts an interesting shadow.

    Vitek, M.

  24. 1. To me conventional means going by rules or accepting standards, ordinary. Unconventional means being free and doing what ever you want, being different.
    2. I would say the second image is conventional because you can tell what it is and it's pretty basic. The third image I believe is unconventional because it is different and unique.
    3. My favorite picture is the first image because I like how we can see the moon and how the landscape and picture are in black and white. There is a lot of value in the photo, a lot of high key and low key values.

    Walker, C

  25. 1. between the two people ansel adams took nature pictures and andreas gursky took pictures of something man made.
    2. The first and last pictures fall into the two categories because one of them is man made and the other one isn't.
    3.I like the first one because i think its a good picture and i like nature.
    Beebe M.

  26. Cox, S.
    Andreas Gursky's swimming pool photograph is conventional to me, because it is clean and "edgy", rather than all over the place like his Bahrain photograph. My favorite is the swimming pool, because it reminds me of summer. I like the contrast and balance in this image.

  27. Conventional photographs are pictures like detail shots or grand landscapes that are like all other photos that are taken, unconventional pictures are abstract or of something from a new perspective that people wouldn't think to take themselves.
    The picture Bahrain is very unconventional i think because i can't tell what it is other then the horizon and the Swimming pool is conventional because it isn't very creative
    My favorite is the jeffry pine because i like the contrast and movement that frames the mountains behind
    Stiff, G

  28. i think conventional is what we believe we see the world as. and uncoventional would.
    the pool is conventional, i know what im looking at. when i se the second photo it gets harder. i looks like roads, but i dont know what it is.
    i really like the leaning tree, i like how i don't see that everyday. it is different. it also uses the rule f thirds.

  29. 1.I feel like conventional is more traditional and unconventional is not traditional.
    2. The first photo of the canyon wall and moon I would describe conventional because it looks natural and simple and traditional. The andre Gurkskey is unconventional because it is not a basic subject and is very abstract.
    3. I like the Ansel Adams because the position of the tree is interesting and expresses the composition technique of leading lines and contrast.

  30. 1. Conventional would be something classic or expected to have a picture taken of. Unconventional would include things that are unexpected or a new way of taking the picture.
    2. Moon over half dome would fall into conventional because of the clearly stated subject and the fact that there are many other photos like this, despite it still being a good picture. Swimming pool is more unconventional because it is something that is unusual to take a picture of.
    3.My favorite is Moon over Half Dome. It is very visually appealing because of the unity and interesting contrast within the photo.

    H. Botts

  31. 1. To me conventional is something that's normal and just ordinary. Unconventional is unique and different than the rest.

    2. The second to last photo is unconventional to me. It has a lot of leading lines and it guides you throughout the whole photo. The last image is definitely conventional though because it's pretty ordinary and a normal picture of an everyday event for some vacationers.

    3. My favorite image is the one i mentioned before with the curves of the leading lines. It almost looks like roads but they aren't roads which makes you really think about the image.

    George, S

  32. 1. Conventional in my mind is when the items in the image go together and help each other have a place in the photo. Where as unconventional is more when the do not tie together at all. The are completely different objects.
    2. I think that these photos are unconventional because the items in the pictures dont not necessarily have meaning. The four photos dont really go together.
    3. My personal favorite is the Moon Over the Half Dome. The black and white of the photo makes it very dramatic. There is leading line from the top of the cliff that your eye follows to the moon in the sky. It also has texture on the stone wall.

    Ford, Justine

  33. michael schumacher

  34. Conventional is more common and not really abstract. It is pretty straightforward. Unconventional is usually kind of weird. It isn't something commonly found and is a little out of the ordinary. It can be abstract. I would say these pictures are definitely more unconventional. They are kind of odd and out of the norm. They showcase things that wouldn't normally be found. I really like the moon over half dome. I like the use of black and white. The picture is kind of intense and I think it looks interesting. I think the moon is really cool and gives it an almost fantasy-like quality.

    Anderson M

  35. The difference between conventional and unconventional photos in my mind is that conventional photos are photos of things that we are familiar with or have seen before. Unconventional photos are like abstract, or pictures of things we may not be so familiar with. These photos seem to be mostly conventional, because I can tell what the things in the pictures are. The only photo that seems unconventional to me is Bahrain. I can't really tell what it is. It looks like it could be a road of some sort, but it is not defined in the photo. My favorite out of these photos is Swimming Pool. I can notice Leading lines in the photo. There's also contrast between the swimming pool with all the people and the forest behind it. There's a high horizon line and a color contrast. It is both a landscape and architecture picture. You can see landscape in the background with the trees and also architecture with the pool and steps.

    Moore, S

  36. In my mind conventional versus unconventional is that conventional is more traditional and a more common form of art. Unconventional sounds like more of a newer form or a form of art that isn't normally seen as beautiful art. I think that unconventional art is art that is not as common. The swimming pool would be conventional. It is conventional because it is something that is seen in everyday life and there is nothing new or out of the ordinary about it. This photo is something that people would see everyday. Bahrain is would be more unconventional. This one is also my favorite. This photo is unconventional because of how it is not clear exactly what it is. It is not something that people see all the time so they would be more interested. I like the way that you cant really tell what it is. There are leading lines but there isnt really a specific place the lines are leading to.

  37. Conventional and unconventional in my mind are like regular and abstract. the difference between the two are conventional is what you see everyday; it's "normal". Unconventional, on the other hand, is like abstract. It's different than other photos and takes longer to decipher exactly what it is and what the vision behind it was. Moon Over Half Dome would be a conventional photo. It doesn't have an abstract feel to it. Bahrain would be unconventional to me because even though you can tell it's a road, it just has a vibe to it that ,makes your eye wander throughout the picture. My favorite photo would be Jeffry Pine. I love the movement of the photo the most. The leading lines of the tree make it interesting and fun. The black and white, however, makes it simple.

    Thomas, S.

  38. 1. Conventional is photography that is simple and easy to understand and is pleasing to the eye. Unconventional doesn't always make sense and is very different from other forms of photography.
    2. I would describe them all conventional except for Bahrain. Is easy to see what is happening in the images and you can see the beauty through simplicity. The other picture is difficult to see what is happening. There is a lot of excitement and it its hard do really know what the image actually is.
    3. My favorite one is the swimming pool picture. It is taken from a interesting angle where you can see an entire scene with many things happening.

    K.C. Lopez

  39. 1) Conventional imagery would be imagery that fits an artistic norm. Unconventional imagery would be something that grabs our attention in a way where, despite it not breaking any of the unwritten artistic rules of photography, appears odd or uncanny in some way. A good example would be an abstract photograph compared to a detailed photograph.. However, there is still a "conventional" and "unconventional" to each of these photography types.

    2) The first image, while still a bit off from conventional due to its filter, retains the essence of a conventional photograph in its setting. The second would be considered unconventional in that the photograph contains elements that people would find to be of the artistic normative variety.

    3) I'll be honest, I really like the first one. The filer hides the fact that it is night-time, but the contrast between the mountain and the sky seems to draw the eyes to moon above. It's just neat.

    -J. Brown

  40. 1. Conventional would be a more realistic picture in my mind. (People, plants, animals, etc.) Unconventional in my mind is more out of the ordinary. (Buildings, streets, inanimate objects, etc.)
    2. 1, 2, and 4 are conventional to me. I've seen all these things before in reality. The moon, rocks, trees, and bushes are all things I see on a daily basis. The last picture I would say is conventional, because it looks like a pool party, and that's an ordinary summer thing to me.
    3. Picture number 3. It looks like a road, but it's so wild, and unconventional if you will. I actually can't really tell what it is. It seems more abstract to me.
    Barker, A.

  41. 1. In my mind unconventional is out of the ordinary and conventional is clear or something like that.
    2. The third picture is unconventional because it's very different and unordinary. It's an interesting photo. One, two and four are conventional because they're very clear and easy to figure out, especially number four because it's very clear, bright and easy to figure out.
    3. I would have to say that number three is my favorite because I can't quite place what the image is displaying exactly, it draws you in because it's out of the ordinary.

  42. 1) In my mind conventional means, something thats accepted or typical by everyone. Unconventional means the exact opposite, which is not being accepted by the society.
    2)In my opinion, the last picture of the pool is the most conventional because everybody has seen a pool or been in a pool. The least conventional to me is the picture of the road. I've never seen a road that twisted and I find it really cool.
    3)My favorite one is the picture of the swimming pool by Andreas Gursky. It reminds me of summer time and brings back great memories. It has a lot of different colors which makes the picture a lot happier. Also, the pool has a cool shape to it and some movement.

    Samimifar, T

  43. 1. Conventional is taking a picture in its "pure" form, while unconventional means.
    2. The two images taken by Adams are conventional and the images taken by Gursky are unconventional.
    2. I really like the Swimming Pool image by Andreas Gursky. I see informal balance.

    Steele, J.

  44. 1) Conventional mean stander to what it needs to be and accepted and unconventional means the opposite so i think unaccepted and not stander.
    2) The two top they are both conventional they are black and white and it brings me to those photos and both of them are natural and they we taken outside and and it is unity.
    3) My favorite is the one on the bottom because the have light and it looks happy and it has texture and emphasis.

  45. 1. In world of art and photography, we talk about “conventional” versus “unconventional” imagery. What’s the difference in your mind?
    In my mind, the difference between the two is man made, and naturally made. The bottom two photographs are the "man-made" kind that I am talking about, and the top two are "natural".
    2. How would you describe these two images (conventional or unconventional)? What makes them fall into those categories?
    I would describe the top two as conventional, and the bottom two as un-conventional. The two that are man the shapes are what makes the bottom two fall into that category, for me.
    3. Pick your favorite. Describe what you like most about the photo and the artists’ depiction of the landscape in terms of composition and/or the elements and principles.
    My favorite photograph is the one labeled "half moon over dome" by Ansel Adams. I love that the moon looks so visible and I like the contrast that he used.

    -Montenna Morrison

  46. 1. Conventional is using normal art items like paint, whereas unconventional is using abnormal things (like the guy who uses Lego's to make things).
    2. I don't see much difference that make these be in those categories.
    3. The pool. It's sunny and makes me think of and miss summer and it takes me back.
    ~Tati C

  47. 1. conventional seems to be more practiced or more formal
    2. first guy conventional because it's more natural pictures
    and the second guy no because his pictures seem to be a little bit stranger
    3.the jeffry pine becuase i enjoy the black and white as well as the focus of it

    Taylor Schwindt

  48. 1. Unconventional, is something you wont see everyday. Conventional, is.

    2. Gursky is definitely more unconventional with his angles, and his imagery shots. Whereas Ansel, is all shot from the the ground, looking at things.

    3. Moon over half dome. Because of it's composition, contrast, and the black and white aesthetic it has. By far, the most visually intriguing.

    Matthews N

  49. To me unconventional breaks the normal spectrum of photos while conventional follows the normal path of photography. I think Andrea Gursky is more of an unconventional photographer because his photos aren't any everyday photo you see while Ansel Adams is conventional. My favorite photo is Bahrain by Gursky because it leaves a question in your mind as to what it is.

    Reneau, Austin

  50. Conventional can be used more; Unconventional cannot. Andreas Gursky looks like more of a downward angle photographer. Ansel Adams is an upward/straight on photographer. My favorite is Moon over Half Dome-1960 because the angle of the camera makes the dome seem so much larger.

    Jarmer, A.

  51. 1. The difference between conventional and unconventional in my mind is that conventional is more traditional and unconventional is more out of nowhere.
    2. I think the 1st two are conventional and the last two are unconventional.
    3. My favorite picture is Bahrain because i like all the roads, it's hard to tell if the roads going uphill or downhill.

    Slack C

  52. 1. The difference between conventional and unconventional is conventional is more traditional instead of out of ordinary.
    2. The first two are unconventional and the last two are conventional.
    3.My favorite out of all these pictures are the first one, which is the rock. I like how the background stands out and how the darkness and different shades of black are all around the rock.

  53. 1) Conventional imagery is when artists use traditional forms of art in order to be more acceptable. This means unconventional imagery would be out of the ordinary and very untraditional.
    2) I feel these photos are unconventional because they are somewhat abstract and they are edited differently than the average photographer may have altered them.
    3) My favorite was the Jeffry Pine because I enjoy the shadow he included of the tree. I also enjoyed that he chose a low value to make the landscape seem bolder.
    (Brown, K)

  54. 1. Conventional is more traditional and unconventional is not as traditional and out of the ordinary.
    2. I think the first two, by Ansel Adams, are conventional because they look more clean cut I guess. The photos by Andreas Gursky are unconventional because they contain more shape, they're kind of random.
    3. My favorite photo of the four is the third one, by Andreas Gursky called Bahrain. I like it because the streets are really abstract and the photo contains rhythm and movement within the streets.
    thornhill s

  55. I believe that unconventional is something that you don't often see like in Bahrain. I think that all but Bahrain are conventional. My favorite one is moon over half dome because it is very beautiful.

  56. I think the difference would be how formal a picture looks versus how informal it is.

    I think Ansel Adams is more conventional because it is just a formal basic black and white photo, very classy. The Andreas Gursky photos are unconventional because they are more abstract.

    I prefer Andreas Gursky's Swimming Pool photo because of the angle and the distance from the subject.

    McVicker, Devyn

  57. Conventional in my mind is more regular and more common. Unconventional would be the the opposite and more rare or different. I would say Ansel Adams is more conventional because their photos are black and white and are also of a simple landscape. The next photographer would be more unconventional because of the bright colors and the weird shapes or objects. Also the photos are more out of the ordinary. I would have to say my favorite is Ansel Adams' Jeffry Pine because the way the tree is bended and the color makes it more dramatic. This picture used low key lighting and a little leading line with the branches. The tree trunk is also in the rule of thirds.

    Willhite, A

  58. Unconventional photographs are out of the ordinary and conventional photographs are more traditional. I would say they are more unconventional because these are unique photos that people wouldn't normally take. I like "Moon Over Half Dome" because I like that the big cliff is there and I like the moon. Its cool that he did it in black and white. He's into grand landscape in this picture.

    Paul Sierra

  59. 1. Convention I think is a one topic photo and unconventional only has one topic.
    2.Andreas is conventional because he has more topics and Ansel is unconventional because hes focused on one topic.
    3. Moon over half dome because theres nature and black and white.
    Maughan Sam

  60. 1. Conventional is something more common, and unconventional is something weird, uncommon.
    2. I would say Ansel Adams is a conventional photographer, because he takes pics of natural stuff, just as they are. Andreas Gursky is an unconventional photographer, because he takes pics of stuff more difficould to find.
    3. My favourite one is Bahrain, i think the road looks amazing from that posotion. Theres a lot of landscape.
    Francisco Ciriza

  61. 1.) The Difference in my mind if I were to guess is that conventional is a view point that is generic and unconventional is un-generic and manmade.
    2.) They have different and weird view points like the winding streets or the moon.
    3.) The black and white moon is my favorite. I like the grand landscape and the shadows and the balance of the moon.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  62. The difference in my mind is that conventional is more traditional art and unconventional is more abstract and unique. The two photographers are more described as conventional because they are using nature as part as their photography. My favorite is the roads because there's a lot of leading lines and it really catches my eye and creates a sense of movement.

    Chastain, M.

  63. 1) Conventional is more traditional and unconventional is out of the ordinary.
    2) I'd say the first one is unconventional because the photos are more out of the ordinary and the other one is more traditional.
    3) My favorite photo is the first one because it is in black and white and the moon is out so it looks like it should be night but you can tell it's day and sunny by the shadows.

    Brandon, Marissa

  64. 1) Well I am not sure what conventional and unconventional imagery.
    2) So I think the are conventional. Well I think the one like black and white and the other likes color.
    3) my favorite is the swimming pool.

  65. 1. The difference is the traditional forms or area in the picture.
    2. Andreas Gurskey I would say would be unconventional because his pictures are more unique forms and sights to look at while Ansel Adams is conventional because his pictures show the traditional forms like mountain and rock matching with the moon in the background.
    3. I would say the Moon Over Half Dome by Ansel Adams is my favorite because it shows the grand landscape look with the moon high out in the background.
    Hegel, A

  66. In my mind, the difference between conventional and unconventional, is that conventional is more planned out, and unconventional is more random and spontanious. I think that both of these artists are unconventional, because all of theses photos look as if they are too perfect. My favorite is "moon over half dome." It is my favorite, because i like the shading, and the way that the figure is presented. -Moon, K

  67. The difference between conventional and unconventional imagery means that one makes sense and the other one doesn't. These two photographer are conventional because I understand what they are trying to do with the images. My favorite photo would be the Swimming pool image because it is happy looking.
    DeMers, Victoria

  68. 1. I think conventional means common and unconventional means uncommon.
    2. I think these photographers are conventional because the pictures they take are pretty common photos that photographers normally take.
    3. My favorite photo is the last one because it reminds me of summer.

    Allen, C.

  69. These photos are pretty unconventional, because you have a lot going on in the pictures or at least the last two. My favorite is the black and white photo of the tree, it seems so dramatic to me, and makes me want to see it in person.
