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Thursday, April 17, 2014


Giorgio Morandi 

Pablo Picasso


Juan Gris

1) Above are a variety of historically important painters who excelled in their representation of found objects in the medium of paint. This study of objects, known as "still life", is a long standing tradition in the fine arts. Why do you think almost every artist in history (including photographers) has used still life as a study in their work?

2) Which painting is your favorite? Explain what strikes you in terms of their style and composition. 

3) What historical time-period would you place your favorite piece in? What gives you that idea?


  1. 1) I think that almost every artist uses still life because it's like the backbone of art. It's one of the simplest, most beautiful ways to capture art. When you're first starting off with art, still life is one of the best places to start.
    2) My favorite picture is "Vermeer". I noticed that some of the objects are abstract. I don't know what they are and/or don't know what is going on. That's another thing I love about this painting, I don't know what to look at, they are all different object with different stories, and yet they all look beautiful together.
    3) I would say the 1600s. Art from that time. I think. all have a darker tone to them. They all use darker shades and low key lighting. In this painting, it's really dark and there is just a small bit of light that is shining down on the skull in the front.

  2. 1. vermeer, these paintings seem to just be abstract and not have a lot to them
    2. the 19th century just what is in the photo and how it is painted like the color and texture of it

    Taylor Schwindt

  3. 1) I think artists use still life objects as a study in their work because they make the picture look more normal.
    2)My favorite one is the Pablo Picasso one because it has a lot of different shades of bright colors and it really stands out from the rest.
    3)I would place an old looking photo frame to the picture just because it would fit in and it would make it look better.

    Samimifar, T

  4. 1. Because you can have more things for your eyes to focus on and still life is easier to capture.
    2. I like Vermeer's painting because there are a lot of items and they are in high detail.
    3. I like modern today graffitti because that seems like some of the hardest and most beautiful artwork around.
    Tanner Leitner
    Period 1

  5. I think for a lot of these artists it is inspiration to them and has an effect on their mindset. My favorite is the vermeer one, it reminds me a lot of a pirates with the skull and gives a mindset of a hidden treasure. 16 to 1800s would have to be where I would put my favorite piece.


  6. I think that every artist uses still Life because they mainly want to focus on a main object. I like the vermeer the most out of them all because it almost looks so realistic like its actually a photograph. I think the vermeer was set in the 1600-1800 because it reminds me of pirates and stuff with skull and swords.-Murphy,C

  7. I think almost every artist in history has used still life because it as an easy subject. You can move around it and it stays still. My favorite painting out of these is Vermeers painting, it almost seems as if it were a photo to me, its really realistic, and 3-d looking. Id place this painting somewhere in the 20th century, it new looking and just looks as if it were painted during then with the types of details it has and the objects on the desk.
    Van Voorhis,K

  8. 1:Pablo picasso
    2:The paiting in the middle by virmeer everything about it is very unique.
    Aplanalp T

  9. I think that almost every artist in history uses still life in their paintings, because it makes it more dramatic and adds importance. I like the Vermeer photo the best, because I like how the empty space is used, and how it is off center. I have no idea what time period this photo is taken place in. -Moon,K

  10. It is easier to capture still life and it looks more peaceful and saves the condition in that time. I like Vemeer because the colors he used are low lighting but still the objects in it are well lighted so that you can get a clear image of what you are seeing and with the dark colors in the back it emphasizes that object. Probably around the early 2000 because that is a time i know very well and miss, when all of the good rock and styles were out and when everyone did not have as much problems as they do today.

    -Nelson, G

  11. I think they use still life because it's easier to take a picture or paint something if it's not moving. I like the Vermeer painting because it has so many random thing in that you normally don't see together and that really interests me. I really don't know what time period this piece would be in because there is modern day things and past day things.
    -G Hays

  12. Both photographers and painters use still life because they want to set up a painting or picture that means something or that they want to show everyone. My favorite is Pablo Picasso because its just really abstract and has a lot of bright colors. I honestly have no idea what time period I would place this in.
    Shaw, T

  13. Artists and photographers use "still life" to capture moments in real life. It also gives artists complete control of the painting/photograph. My favorite painting is the Vermeer painting. I chose this one because they took ordinary objects mixed with some strange objects and just placed them on a table to make a really appealing picture. Though all the objects are simply sitting on a table, they give you a sense of a story. All the things remind me of pirates. Which gives the photo a sense of action, without actually having captured action. The photo has rule of thirds and leading lines with the light. I think the painting is around the 1600's because pictures that are more recent are more abstract, whereas painters a long time ago painted exactly what they saw.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  14. I think that every artist in history has used still life as a study in their work because they can control every aspect because nothing is moving, so they don't have to rush. My favorite is the one by Vermeer because it looks the most real. It used rule of thirds and leading lines. I think that it is old, like maybe 1600s or 1700s. Paintings that are more recent seem more abstract and not as crisp, while older paintings seem more crisp to me.
    Holli Cook

  15. My favorite is the painting by Vermeer. I really like the ray of light that shines down on the still life, I like that its not abstract and it seems so real, as if you were to just take a picture of it. the painting seems like it would have been painted in Shakespeare's time, just because it seems so random with the skull, pots and other interesting objects.

  16. I think that almost every artist has used still life because it is so simple, and you can easily manipulate them into what you want them to become. I love Vermeer's painting the best, because the objects are so simply stacked that to me it is appealing to my eyes. I also like it because of the single ray of sunlight streaming onto the object, it gives me a sense of leading line. I would say more of the Renaissanse time period because the objects portrayed are realistic and simple. As like the Renaissanse.

  17. 1) I think that almost every artist in history has used still life as a study of work because it also them to arrange the objects in any way that they want. Still life gives them the opportunity to place and manipulate the objects in a way that they want.

    2) Vermeer is my favorite painting because I like how crisp and realistic the painting is. I like that Vermeer incorporated a light source which creates an interesting contrast between the light and dark of the painting.

    3) The historical time period that I would place Vermeer in would be pretty recent or not too long ago. The piece of art gives me the idea to place it there because Vermeer shows that he understands how to make objects look realistic in his painting.

  18. It opens your mind about a certain object(s). It enhances your vision in the way you look at a certain differently. It bring out the importance of an object.I loved Verrneer's painting in how to puts in his time to detail and make the painting realistic. The light reflects of the skeleton so it draws the viewers focus to that object. Im going to say this drawing was in the Renaissance, when many artist where drawing an improving their art work. -Francisco Ferreyra

  19. I think people use still life because there are different angles to photograph from or paint it and still life can't move unless you move it. My favorite painting is by Giorgio Morandi because of the way the objects are placed in a line, but they are all unique and different sizes. I'd say the painting was from mid 1900s because the paper looks old, but not ancient.


  20. Because still life is easy and probably the first thing you do when you become a photographer or painter. I like the 3rd one the most because it is very detailed and it looks cool. I can't tell what time-period it was made, it looks like it could be a really old picture or a new picture. Bjorkman, K.

  21. My favorite painting is by Vermeer. I like the light coming onto the objects and I like how the objects are random, but in a way they all go together. I think they use still life because it is a subject that doesn't move while trying to paint it. You can leave it there for as long as you want and come back to it and it will be the same. I would put it into the 1600's because the objects in the painting seem to be from around that time and because that's when Vermeer was around.
    -Anna Z

  22. I think almost every artist has used still life because it gives you a different view on things and it is very abstract most of the time. My favorite painting is Vermeer's because I like the shadows, lighting, and all of the random objects in the photo make it very abstract. His painting also looks historical and it is very sharp for a painting.
    -Allison Kirk

  23. I think every artist has used still life because it's necessary for the experience. I really like the still life that Vermeer created. I like how everything is very realistic and crisp about it. I'd guess that the photo by Vermeer was made in the 1700's Because all of the very realistic paintings seem to come from around that time.
    (Stroh, H)

  24. I think artist use still life because they wanted to show a new kind of art, they did not just want to do nature or stuff like that. I really like the one that Picasso did. I just like the colors and how abstract it is. I would say that this painting was done somewhere in the 1900's. I think this because that's when Picasso was painting and was well known for his art work.

  25. I think that the painters use still life because it is easier to paint something that is not in motion. And still life there is no movement so pieces stay the same and you can spend multiple days on the same art work. Whereas when you paint nature it can be different everyday. My favorite painting is the painting by Pablo Picasso. I like how it is a mixture of abstract and realistic. There is also a nice contrast of colors in the painting. I think that the painting is from the 19th century. Because The painting is very red and Pablo Picasso was around in that era.


  26. I think still life has kind of a dramatic effect and its a lot easier to manipulate it to make it an even better photo. I like Juan Gris the best out of all the photos. I think it has a lot of really great colors that really pop out at me. I really like how it makes a guitar shape. This photo looks like an abstract photo to me. It has a lot of movement and leading lines. It has a lot of pattern and rhythm. I would say this reminds me of the time period of Mozart, I think because of the essence of the photo and the guitar shape.

    Moore, S

  27. 1.) Still life in my opinion is one of the true tests of skill. Simply because the artist is in control of everything. You can manipulate the background in whatever way you want, and move the object in focus to exactly where you want it.

    2.) My favorite work is Picasso's piece, the second painting down. He take' still life objects and adds his own artistic twist to the objects.

    3.) BASED ON THE PIECE (I don't think this is when Picasso lived! I'm not this dumb) I'd place the painting in the second medieval period, around the 1100A.D. I'd guess this based on the skull and the object give it a vibe of the knights in armor era.

    (M, Shearer)

  28. I think artists use still life in their work because it's a basic place to begin, and it's a way of taking objects that are already there and transforming them into a different way of looking at them. My favorite painting is Vermeer because it looks so realistic, more like a photograph than a painting. I would place this painting in the Renaissance because of how objects in the painting. (Stewart, S)

  29. 1. It makes the image look normal and stand out more than some. Some are easy to figure out and some are a little more difficult to figure out.
    2. I think I like the second image the best because its different and I can't quite figure out what exactly is in the image. Also the different colors are cool and they draw my attention more to the image.
    3. I would say maybe in the 20's or 30's because it looks like stuff from the mid evil age times. It also reminds me of some props that would be used in a play and just how it's set up.
    Maguire, Kadyn

  30. 1. I think every artist has used still life in their study of work because it's so easy to do but it can also be anything and be used to take a unique picture and you can make it more complex and different.

    2. My favorite painting is the first one with the vases and the orange making it stand out. Color is definitely on of the main parts of it, as well as contrast.

    3. I'd probably place it in like the 1900s because its so simple but it is also kind of old looking with the tan colors and the orange.

    george, s

  31. 1. i think a huge reason the they use "still life, is because you can control the enviorment and how you shoot or paint the photo.
    2. i like vermeer because it has so much stuff in the photo. it just gives so much to look at.
    3. mine would be in like kinda the ship days with tresure and stuff!!! the skull and the amour shows me that

    schumacher, michael

  32. 1. I think the reason artist have used life as a study in there work is because everyone can relate to it and share there feelings about the artwork .
    2.I like the Juan Gris picture. I just like all the colors and how its something everyone can share something about it and how it makes them feel.
    3.I think it is more modern time because it looks like documents and it reminds me of like homework.
    Beebe M.

  33. 1. I think almost every artist in history has used still life in their study because it is just as important to know how to photograph or paint inanimate objects as it is living objects.
    2. My favorite painting is the one by Juan Gris because of the colors and their style which wasn't exactly realistic but sort of abstract.
    3. I would place it in the same era that Picasso was in or a little later because of the style and technique


  34. I think that every artist has used still life as a study in their work because it is something that is easily related to the everyday life of people. I think people can make more personal connections with this art. My favorite painting is the one done by Vermeer. I like it because it looks so realistic. In a way the painting makes me feel like i have just witnessed the end of a battle or war. I would place this painting back in the 1800s because there is a sea shell on the table. This makes me think that the photo may have been inside a battle ship and many lifes were taken because of the skull.
    Reck T.

  35. 1. I think every artist in history have used still life because it's a simple concept to people and it's also it's really interesting but beautiful at the same time.
    2.The painting that's my favorite is Pablo Picasso. Because I love the contrasting colors and the skull and how it's intereputated in such a different way and shape. also the compostition is off set.
    3. The historical time period I put my piece in that chose is the 1800's. And it gives me that idea because of the stary back ground and how old and oddly shaped the pitcher looks.

  36. 1. I think artists use still life because they want to try and control their environment and tried it out for as one of their styles.
    2. My favorite is the 3rd one by Vermeer. I like it because I like the light that beams down on the skull and other objects. The light contrasts the darkness behind it giving it a cool effect.
    3. I would put my favorite in a time period of medieval because of the skull and conch.

    Walker, C

  37. 1. They have used it because it is a main focus of art and an important skill to learn.
    2. The painting by Vermeer is my favorite. I like how the light hits the objects and how the rule of thirds is used.
    3. I would place this in the Shakespearean era because of the colors and the way the objects are placed. There's also a skull in the painting so that also gives me that impression.

    H. Botts

  38. 1. 'Still life' captures art with everyday objects.
    2. The first one because it's colorful.
    3. Late 1600s because the jug of wine and the animal skull on the desk.

    Steele, J.

  39. I think almost all artists have used still life because it is easier to use multiple days. If you need another day to take a picture or need to continue the picture the next day then you can continue and it will still look the same. If you take a picture of nature or are trying to paint a picture of it, it won't always look the same the next day. My favorite picture is the third one. I think it is really cool I really like the use of the skull and the mixture of items used in this painting. This is something I would like to be able to paint. The time period I would place this picture in is the 19th century. It has an older feel to it. It fits in with other art that was created back then.

    Anderson M

  40. 1) I think a lot of artists work in still life imagery because it's not too difficult to arrange one, it forces the artist to draw or paint objects and forms they usually wouldn't, and each still life has a way of telling the viewer a bit about the artist's life or environment.

    2) Vermeer's painting interests me because of the composition, lighting, and the objects that make up the still life.

    3) Probably the mid-1600's. I got this impressions from the objects painted in the photograph, and the fact that Vermeer was born and died in the mid-1600's. Unless Vermeer had perfected the art of posthumous painting, I don't see the piece belonging to any other time.

    -J, Brown

  41. 1. I honestly don't really know. I can't speak for these artist or think why they would use
    'still life"
    2. The 'Vermeer' photo is the one I like the most. Just all the objects in the photo and the way they are set up is what I like about it. Plus the shadowing/light in the photo looks really good.
    3. Anywhere to be honest. These are common objects from all times.
    Campbell, T

  42. Cox, S.
    1) I can't speak for these artists. I don't know why they did still life. I would do still life, because i think most of the still-life photographs turn out cool.
    2) My favorite painting is Vermeer, because the pieces may look randomly put on a table, but I think he is trying to display a story behind it.
    3) I would place Vermeer in an older time period. Maybe 1700's, because it has a bizarre 17th century vibe.

  43. 1. Something that's still is easier to paint, draw, or take a picture of.
    2. I personally favorite Vermeer out of this selection of paintings. I like it, because it's dark, and the objects on the table are mostly useless from a desk; unless they're there purposely to be painted, drawn, or captured with a camera. Like why would you ever need a skull, a seashell, or sword on your desk?
    3. With the sun pouring in the window as it looks, I would say in this painting it's either summer or spring during the day.
    Barker, A.

  44. i think most artists use still life because you can minipulate so much in the photo.
    I like picassos and vermeers the best, vermeers just besause the skull and detail of objects with the lighting perfect. picassos because the abstractedness and vibrant colors he uses.
    i have no clue what time periods fit what types of art.
    Stiff, G

  45. 1) I think arts like to use still life because they can control the lighting and how they put in the painting or photo and the persons ho taking or painting it controls everything.
    2) I like the one with the the skull head because i looks cool and it is different.
    3) I would put my favorite piece in a desert because that will be an unusual place to put it in.

  46. 1) Obviously, they used real life as a grounding anchor point because of it's ease to recreate on paper. It gives them a visual feedback.

    2) Vermeer's. Because his looks more real, as opposed to most other's sureal style of capturing.

    3) Medieval. Cause what other time, could you have a skull on your desk?

    Nathan Matthews

  47. 1.) I think you can get anything you want basically talking about angles and P.O.V
    2.) My favorite is the one with the skull by Vermeer because It looks so dark and chilling
    3.) It looks like it is stuff that A person has collected over the years

    Goldspink, X

  48. 1. Probably because it looks cool and abstract.
    2. I like Picasso's painting the best because he has a way of taking one thing and making it look like something else.
    3. I'd think the 1700's or 1800's because of the skull and the lamp.
    thornhill s

  49. I think a majority of artist and photographers use still life because it is easier for them to manipulate and control their subject. My favorite is Vermeer's because of the lighting and contrast of the warm colors. I believe this picture belongs in the Medieval time period because of the Skull, and the old Vase.

    Jarmer, A.

  50. I think everyone used this because it brings a new variety to there work that breaks out of the norm. My favorite is the last one by Juan Gris. What strikes me and catches my eye is the vibrant blue and the abstraction of it.I'd say it is an older photo where modern abstract art was becoming more popular instead of just nature photos.

    Reneau, Austin.

  51. 1.) The artist can manipulate the objects they're using any way they want.
    2.) The first painting by Giorgio Morandi is my favorite because I enjoy how simple it is. I like the use of monotone colors and the rhythm of the vases.
    3.) I think this was painted in the early 1900's
    Devyn Glenn

  52. because it is easier to paint and take pictures of.
    i like pablo picaso painting, to me it just looks kind of trippy and grabs my attention.
    I would guess the early 1900's.
    Flores, T

  53. 1. Looks cool and abstract.
    2. vermeer, because its a mixture of different objects.

  54. 1. It can provide background to each still thing shown and a story could be behind/ made up about it.
    2. I like the Juan Gris one because it leaves mystery behind of what the letters are about.
    3. Its hard to tell but I would say 90s because people dont write as many letter now as before.
    Maughan Sam

  55. 1. I think still life is used by most artists because it can be any kinds of abstract and can give a sense of sudden movement soon. Plus for artists, when they began, this is an easy way to paint.
    2. My favorite would be Vermeer because it looks likes its items on a desk that an explorer is using on his exploration on a hidden island.
    3. Looks like it would fit in the old days where people would use boats to travel and explore, because the items makes it look like an explorer's desk.
    -Hegel, A

  56. 1. I think they used still life because it is interesting.
    2. I like Pablo Picasso's painting because it's kind of hard to concept and it's cool looking.
    3. I think it's from the Greek times.

    Slack, C

  57. 1) I think they have used still life as a study in their work because it is interesting and can also look like real life.
    2) My favorite painting is the third one because it is very detailed ad the objects look real. Also the rule of thirds is shown in this painting.
    3) The painting just looks modern because it has everyday things in it.

    Brandon, Marissa

  58. 1) I think that almost every artist has chosen to use still life as a study in their work because it is interesting to look at. Although it is basic, some seem abstract and unique.
    2) My favorite painting is the Pablo Picasso because it has a nice color scheme and is abstract. I also liked how they blended nature and architecture.
    3) I feel this picture was based on early greek history because of the look of the vase.
    (Brown, K)

  59. I think photographers use still life to show abstract things and it looks cool. My favorite painting is the one by Pablo Picasso because the bright colors catch my eye and I think he is a very good painter. I like that there are lots of shapes and designs in the painting. It looks like its from like the 1960's because of the bright retro colors.

    Paul Sierra

  60. I think almost every artist in history has used still life because it gives you some control over the subject in the picture. My favorite one is vemeer, I like it because it draws your eye to the skull, and I like skulls.I have absoulutely no Idea as to what period this picture is from.

  61. 1. i think lots of artist used still life because it makes you think and wonder whats the meaning, plus also adding that they look cool and abstract. One main reason they might use still life is because they have control over their pictures.
    2. Pablo Picasso pice is my favorite, because even though its not realistic it is very interesting and trippy. Its makes me think about this painting. i do not really understand them and what its about. this painting is very still.
    3. i would place this piece in the 50's because they had lots of weird styles and colors like this picture.
    - Curtis, Andrew

  62. I think artists use still life because it is an easily portraited image and the image is controlled and they know it won't go anywhere.

    My favorite is Vermeer because it is like rule of thirds and low key lighting

    I think it is from around the 1700's.

    McVicker, Devyn

  63. 1) The history still life is I think from france or any other country like Italy and when I mean still life, I mean abstact.
    2) My favorite painting is the Vermeer painting.
    3) I would put my favorite piece in 1895.

  64. 1. Because then artist could get the viewer's attention wherever they wanted.
    2. My favorite painting is the first one, because i like abstract and bright colors in it.
    3. I would place it in the late 1800 early 1900
    Francisco Ciriza

  65. 1. Still life is just an easy resource to find probably.
    2. I like Vermeer the best because it is the most realistic.
    3. I think it is probably from a very long time ago because of the things that are in the picture.

    Allen, C.

  66. 1. Because they learn about the effect of light and altering their image.

    2. My favorite is vermeer. The subject is very interesting and the leading line from the ray of light really adds drama to the painting.

    3. I would say during the renaissance because there is a large variety of objects on the table that appear to be from all over the world.

    K.C. Lopez

  67. I think a lot of the reason photographers and painters use still life because its simply easy to capture a photo/painting is the subject is still life. The last painting is my favorite because its very colorful and it stands out above the rest. Lets go with the 90's.

    Sparks, L.

  68. 1) Above are a variety of historically important painters who excelled in their representation of found objects in the medium of paint. This study of objects, known as "still life", is a long standing tradition in the fine arts. Why do you think almost every artist in history (including photographers) has used still life as a study in their work?
    I feel that most photographers use still life in their photography so that they can have control over some of the photographs that they are taking.
    2) Which painting is your favorite? Explain what strikes you in terms of their style and composition.
    My favorite painting is the "Vermeer" painting. I like that it is very realistic and the lighting that is portrayed in this photograph is amazing.
    3) What historical time-period would you place your favorite piece in? What gives you that idea?
    I would place this painting in the Christopher Columbus time period because it reminds me a lot of what Christopher Columbus's desk would look like.

    -Montenna Morrison

  69. I think everyone has used still life as a study in their work because they are realistic images.

    The painting that is my favorite is the Pablo Picaso because you can have multiple interpertations of the image. It gives you imagination a chance to create a picture.

    The historical time-period I would say the Pablo Picaso was drawn was in the early ninteen hundreds, because that's when he became famous for his art work.

