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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#15 Klaus Pichler

Klaus Pichler - "Just the Two of Us"

1) Check out the series of portraits by Klaus Pichler Here. Pick one that stands out to for some reason. Describe what catches your eye in this image.
2) What information can we gather about this individual when we look at their costume and the way they're photographed in their surrounding environment?

3) If you could have an incredibly elaborate costume of your choice, what would the costume be?


  1. my all time favorite of all the photos is the creepy yetti in just sitting at the table. I really enjoy all his photos, because he puts these interesting things in normal situations. i love this guy's work. i would wear a unicorn costume.

  2. The one that really stand out to me is the one with the four people in all plack sitting around some candles. I really caught my eye because it kinda creepy looking and it really makes you just stare at it for a little while. Maybe what they like to do and the things they like. My costume would probably be a princess or something along those lines.
    Shaw, T

  3. I like the picture that he's dressed like a rabbit laying with the dog. How bright the rug is actually is the first thing that drew me in. I don't really know what to gather other then maybe he likes rabbits but he does like dogs. My costume would probably be a monkey.
    -G Hays

  4. 1. I like the cookie monster one because his eyes really get me caught into the picture. Also his blue body stands out with the white set picture.
    2. Every character in each picture is really outta place with the scenery.
    3. Id be electra because she is so fine!

  5. Storm trooper pops out at me the most in the pictures. I like the way he photographed the images and how they blend in to the surroundings. My costume would have to be slender man because of how creepy it is.

  6. I like the one with the angel looking at itself in a mirror. What catches my eye is how demonic this angel actually looks rather than holy and that its staring at itself with some feeling of disappointment it looks to me. Also it looks like a weeping angle from my favorite show dr.who. That all of the attention should be on the angel and the way it looks at itself in the mirror. My costume would be corey taylor from the band slipknot.

    -Nelson, G

  7. I liked the cookie monster one because all the other ones are creepy and scary. Well they probably like halloween a lot and they wanted to do a weird/not common backgrounds for each picture to make it look cool. I have no idea what costume I would want. Bjorkman, Kelsey

  8. I liked the unicorn in the bathtub, because you have this sleek and beautiful tub, then you have this unicorn just sitting in there. He looks like he is focused intently on ironing, just like the pic is titled just the two of us. I woud have picked a medevil costume, and set them up in an enviroment befitting them.

  9. I think my favorite Picture is the lizard/ Green dragon in the green house with all of the plants and the mask really blends but stands out at the same time. I think these photos really show there love for a character for cosplay. I would want to be the giant ted in the bathroom.-Murphy,C

  10. My favorite picture from this series is the one with the blue cookie monster. It catches my eye, because it is so simple and clean. Looking at this photo, I think that it looks like he is hungry. If I could choose a costume to wear, I would probably choose a childhood character. - Moon, K

  11. I love the image with green lizard type thing sitting in a house with a bunch of nature in it because of the cool set up. All of these individuals look like they don't quite belong in the space they are in. If i had to have a costume of choice I would choose to dress up as a bohemian princess. -Allison Kirk

  12. I like the one with the monster thing in the white elegant bedroom. It catches my eye because it's this really nice classy bedroom and then there is this monster beast thing. I think it doesn't really fit in there but I think thats what he was trying to do. Im not sure what I would want to be.
    Period 1

  13. 1:I like the one with the jacalow and the colored balls with the red background.
    2:the cotumes match the surroundings and the colors in the photos.
    3:my costume would be a zombie.
    Aplanalp T period:1

  14. I like "Just the two of us" because I like the effect with the mirrors. You can't see his face and with the mirrors it makes this kind of a mysterious photo. He's wearing all black, too, which adds to the effects. If I was going to choose a costume, I would be a ninja.
    Holli Cook

  15. I like the one with the teddy bear looking into the mirror. It doesn't appear to be smiling but then when you look into the mirror it appears that the bear is smiling. It gives the image image an eerie feeling. The bear looks like it's in too small of a space and looks trapped in his house or living space. My costume would be a ninja because then I could do whatever I wanted and have my identity masked.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  16. I like the one with the teddy bear one. I like the way the mirror is angled so that the teddy bear is looking at you, but he is looking into the mirror.We can gather that this is someone who is into dressing up and really into elaborate costumes. They set it up so that the character is in their "own home" instead of in the video game or movie world. If I could dress up as any character I would dress up as Jar Jar.
    -Anna Z

  17. 1) The one that really stood out to me was is the green lit room with a Imperial Star Trooper in the room. I really enjoy Star Wars and the green light made the photo really cool.

    2) The information that we can gather about the individual from their costume is a part of their life. When I looked at each of these pictures, I made up a story for each character.

    3) If I could have an incredibly elaborate costume of my choice, the costume would be a Witch Doctor. -N. Hugo

  18. My favorite picture is the Unicorn in the bathtub because it just shows the head instead of the whole body like all the others. It seems like their being photographed doing what they love to do. I would probably get a unicorn head and bright clothes as a costume.

    Smalley, C

  19. I love the one of the joker-look-alike image where its sowing a clothing together. I like the creative costume the person has and how creepy it looks. The environment gives it that freaky feeling because its looks like its in the basement and gives you the sense that this person is mentally ill. I don't no of a better costume to suit this image in improving it in any way. The photographer did an excellent choice in choosing the costume, environment, and scenario. -Francisco Ferreyra

  20. My favorite photo in this portfolio has to be the cookie monster one. The reason I like so much is because he looks so depressed with no cookies in front of him. I can definitely say that their goal was to make you feel sadness by the way he stares down at the table.If I had to cosplay my costume would definitely be Deadpool.
    (Stroh, H)

  21. I think the mirror photo is awesome. Your eyes follow each reflection through the mirror.Also the bold contrast of the colors helps you easily follow each reflected person. I think the person in the photo maybe likes every thing perfect. THe irons shows him ironing clothes and the room he is in is perfectly clean. So he may be a very OCD person when it comes to cleanliness and organization. I would have an complete old fashion outfit with a full dress and all the props from the old western time.


  22. My favorite picture out of this collection would be the teddy bear picture. It has a lighter mood than the other pictures in the collection which are creepy in my opinion. The individual seems happy, kind and loving. They seem very friendly by the way the picture is portrayed. My choice of costume would be something like an elephant, because that's my favorite animal and they're playful.

    S, Moore

  23. 1. All of the pictures stand out to me. I think they stand out because they really different from pictures we see daily.
    2. The costumes are kinda cool and I really like they way the artist uses mirrors in the pictures.
    3.Im not sure what kind of costume i would have
    Beebe M.

  24. 1. I like the picture with the 4 people in black because its really weird and the lighting of the candles goes good with the black outfits that they are wearing.
    2. We can gather that they like scary and kinda dark creepy creatures in a normal environment, doing normal things that humans would do.
    3. I would have the costume of clifford because hes big and can see everything, and he's also a dog and I love dogs.

    George, Serena

  25. the one that looks like the cookie monster catches my eye because it brings back memories of watching the tv show. it connects with me. and it is really relaxed.
    in this photo it looks like the individual is very hungry and confused. his eyes are popping out of his face looking at the table wanting to know where his plate of cookies are.
    i would chose a old man fishing. but i would make him fishing in his fishtank in his house. i would make the subject so it makes him look like he cant get out of the house ever!!!!
    michael schumacher period 2

  26. 1. I like the image of the alien watching a static TV in a hotel bed.

    2.) You can't see any of their faces so its a mysterious series. They're doing every day things, but with rather odd outfits.

    3.) I'd probably go with a knights suit of armor.

    (Shearer, Max)

  27. 1. I like the one that is featured above. It really stood out to me because his reflection goes off like 3 different mirrors and I think it looks really legit and cool.
    2.We can gather that he likes to take weird and freaky pictures and place people in weird costumes in freaky places that blend with the costume.
    3. I would have the costume of Spiderman mixed with Big Foot, mixed with a hint of Hulk.

    Walker, C

  28. The image that stood out most to me was the one of the person in an army-green body suit sitting on the couch. The way the lighting casts on the wall behind them really brings the picture to life. I can gather that he is very creative and probably really into comics or stories. If I could have any costume of my choice I think I would be a fairy. (Stewart, S)

  29. 1) I photograph that stood out to me the most in this series was, the knight in uniform casually sitting on a couch. This caught my eye because of the odd jusxpation between the two, and I like that the color of silver is carried through out the room.
    2.We can gather that this indvidual is high in class and is a noble knight and is allso brave and valiant and has a sword. Also he looks like he is relaxed and comfortable.
    3. If I could have a elaborate costume for myself it would be a suit of armor like a knight.
    Lyon, Mylie

  30. The one that i like is the photo in the white room with the ugly looking monster. It catches my eye because the room is so beautiful and then you have an uglier object yet the photo is still a nice photo. We can gather that he like costumes and looking and beauty and art in a different way than most. Im not actually really sure about the costume.

  31. 1) I like a lot of them but if I had to pick on to be my favorite, i would pick the first one. I like how since it is called "Just the Two of Us" I like how it's meaning, to me, that even thought the man is alone in the room, he still has his other self to keep him company and that other self will always be there.
    2) I think he looks kind of sad, his head is hanging down and he just has a depressing mood to him.
    3) Actually I would be the same as one of the people who had already been photographed, I would be the Weeping Angel from "Doctor Who". Weeping angels are known for the fact that in order to move, they can't have anyone looking at them, so I think that it would represent that even when someone isn't looking and watching you, you still have yourself and your freedom.

  32. I think my favorite picture is the Cookie Monster picture. The red roses and the white background really catch my eye. I also like how simple this one is compared to the madness of the other ones.
    The information I gathered about this person was that they are simple. There isn't a lot going on in this picture and I like how that looks. He is really sad looking.
    If I could have an incredibly elaborate costume of my choice there would be no way for me to choose. I would have to do lots of costumes. They would all be over the top and ridiculous. One I would like to have would be a giant princess costume( what girl doesn't want to be a princess) I want big hair, a big dress, and make it completely dramatic.
    Anderson M

  33. I like the second photo of the yeti in the kitchen, i like how it is so bright and the yeti fits in with the whites of the kitchen.
    It seems like they want to show these creatures that normally would be placed in fantasy/outdoors settings and placing them in normal everyday boring activities.
    I love to have some crazy alien costumes, like the ones on faceoff.

    Stiff, G

  34. 1) My favorite picture in the series is the one with the person in a bunny suit laying on the floor next to a dog. I like that picture because of the lighting and the colors. Also, it's not as scary as the others.
    2)I can tell that person loves animals and nature. They have a grass looking rug and plants in the background.
    3)I would have a costume as spiderwoman! Its not as creepy and weird as the one's Klaus Pichler took but its close enough!

    Samimifar, T

  35. 1. The one that stands out to me is the picture with the fox sitting in the dark room on a tiger rug. It just caught my eye cause the black light makes him glow and it looks cool.
    2.I don't really know what this says about the person because these are all just pictures in very every day settings with weird costumized people.
    3. I would want to be Spyro.

    Allen, C.

  36. 1. The four people in the room sitting aligned up and straight up probably stand out to me most. I'm curious as to why all of the people in the images are masked.
    2. In every picture there is a costume in a house doing normal everyday things I guess you could say. Each and every costume is what really draws your attention each time because it stands out.
    3. I would be in a costume that is cool and interesting.
    Maguire, K

  37. 1) I like the one that has the golden person in the photo that thing that stand out to me is the the golden person just sitting there and reading his paper like a normal person.
    2) that the individual has to show how to be in a normal play an every day place and they want to be different.
    3) If i was going to choice the costume it will be a princess.

  38. 1.I think the one of the lady in gold reading the newspaper because it was just kinda interesting and funny.
    2. You can gather information about the person, what they like, a little bit about their personalities.
    3. I'm not sure.

    Thomas, S.

  39. Coxs, S.
    1)The one that stands out the most for me is the picture with the fox sitting in the dark room on the tiger rug. It stands out to me because the black light made the fox glow, and the way he was positioned was interesting.
    2) I don't know what information we can get about the individual other than he likes foxes.
    3) I don't know what costume I would pick.

  40. 1) Check out the series of portraits by Klaus Pichler Here. Pick one that stands out to for some reason. Describe what catches your eye in this image.
    I like the ironing one the most. This one caught my eye because of the mirors, and I like the black and white and how the colors look together.
    2) What information can we gather about this individual when we look at their costume and the way they're photographed in their surrounding environment?
    The information that we can obtain from these photographs is that they all have unique lives and they aren't just nerds because they like comic characters, and they aren't just normal either.
    3) If you could have an incredibly elaborate costume of your choice, what would the costume be?
    I would definitely be IRON MAN. I love him, and his costume is radical.

    -Montenna Morrison

  41. 1. The one I picked was the first one with the dark mage type costume. I like it because it shows an unusual image of something that is supposed to instill fear into people.

    2. Our person is depicted sitting on a counter top with his head down. He could be reflecting on something or in deep thought about something.

    3. Easy, I would create an assassins creed outfit.

    K.C. Lopez

  42. 1. I like the unicorn in the bath because it's al white and I like how elegant it looks.
    2. They like to be crazy? They like horses?
    3. Cinderella

  43. 1. The horse in the bath because it looks elegant
    2. They like horses?
    3. Cinderella

    Steele, J.

  44. 1) The one with the four synthetically silhouetted women is the one that stood out the most to me. ...Well, not really, it's actually pretty mundane compared to the rest of the set, but it stood out to me nonetheless. There's a certain silence in the image that really catches my attention, if that makes sense. It seems as if there's this tention, but no movement.

    2) They have a lot of expendable income. Other than that, Pichler seems to enjoy taking very ambiguous, juxtaposed, surreal shots using the contrast of the odd costumes and the photo's locations; presumably taken using the interior of his house as a backdrop.

    3) Something simple, obscuring, and ambiguous to the point of being terrifying.

    -J, Brown

  45. My favorite is the madhatter picture because it has a creepy feel to it. It looks like he is working in a basement and he's all by himself. He looks creepy and almost miserable because he has a smile painted on his face. It's kind of like the joker also. I think doing a Spider-Man costume would be amazing if I could do a cool costume
    Chastain, M.

  46. 1. this image catches my eye because it is a costume from a video game I enjoy
    2. We can figure out their likes and dilikes or their emotions and behaviors
    3. I would choose the a spartan costume

    Taylor Schwindt

  47. 1) Probably the dark tones, the excellent lighting, and THE BATTLEAXE!

    2) They put a lot of work into their costume, and they really like hardwood furniture.

    3) Vriska cosplay ayyyyyyy! (I already have one. Vriska Serket from Homestuck)

    Matthews N.

  48. 1) I liked the one where the knight is doing puzzles at the table while he contemplates which goes which. It's interesting and has a lot of humor to the photo. Specifically his background settings and the juxtaposition of it all is humorous.
    2) He takes a lot of time to do something and is dedicated since the puzzle itself is gigantic.
    3) I would dress up as gumby.
    (Kierra, Campbell)

  49. 1. I really dig the photo of the unicorn in the bathtub because it is funny. I really love all the photos but I was only able to choose one to write about.

    2. We can't gather much information from the individual, because in this photo you are assuming there is actually a person under that mask; it is possible that there is not a person under the mask.

    3. A costume of me, because I am the best. And I would create an army of children dressed up as myself to rule over the western world.

    - Kameron Bates

  50. My favorite of the series is the little storm trooper on the couch. The reason it stands out is most of the colors are browns and greens but the little trooper is white. This photographer took people in bazar costumes and placed them in our everyday environment. It's not where you would usually find these people. There isn't an exact costume I would have but I would want it to be more on the creepy/scary side because those came out as the best pictures in my opinion.

    Willhite, A

  51. 1. The cookie monster one stands out to me. it makes me want to know what hes thinking its a weird guy having a consentrated stare maybe looking at flowers.
    2. he likes to dress up people weird and creepy.
    3. My costume would be of Tony Flores.
    -Curtis, A

  52. 1) I think "just the two of us" stands out to me because there are so many reflections and it's pretty random with this creepy guy ironing.
    2) I can tell that this photographer likes very weird and out of the blue photos. Many of these are creepy but very cool. A lot of the costumes blend in with the room but some also stand out. They are very detailed.
    3) I think a super hero would be pretty cool like spiderman.

    Brandon, Marissa

  53. The one that stands out to me is the rabbit thing with the guitar. The black guitar in the white background catches my eye. We can gather sort of the dark side of normal people in these images because evil creatures are doing average everyday things. If i could have a costume it would be an elaborate dinosaur.

    Reneau, Austin

  54. 1) The picture that stands out to me is the two star wars characters in a hallway. The juxtaposition between the red and white symbolizing good and evil draws your eye and makes this photo individual.
    2) They enjoy using average backgrounds with interesting point of interests to make the photo unique.
    3) I would choose a costume that represented an era from the past.
    (Brown, K)

  55. 1. The mirrors reflection of the picture stands out.
    2. Playing character in a certain surrounding/
    3. A superhero
    Maughan Sam

  56. 1. The picture of Batman, because i love Batman and he is the best super hero ever. I like the fact that he is playing the drums.
    2.The costumes are positioned in a weird environment, that does not match the costumes.
    3. A batman costume, with stuff so i could fly.
    Francisco Ciriza

  57. My favorite picture is the one with the cookie monster looking guy because I like the colors in the picture and how the white and blue and red and purple contrast together. They like to watch elmo or something and they are probably humorous people. If I could dress up in any costume I wanted to I would like to bea disney princess. I would probably be Ariel or Jasmine.

    Paul Sierra

  58. 1. One that stands out to me is the one with the guy in the dog suit and its blue and white around the costume. The costume just stands out and so does the color blue.
    2.They tried to get the costume in the complete opposite environment.
    3. a hamster

  59. I like the picture of the alien laying on the bed watching tv, just because I really like aliens.

    The photographer is very passionate about his work. He is good at putting the costumes on in a place where the costume would look OUT of place.

    I don't think I would wear any costume.
    McVicker, Devyn

  60. 1. The photo that stands out to me the most is the photo of four people sitting on a couch dressed in a black body suit with a table covered in candles. I don't know what it is exactly that I like but it's really interesting to look at for some reason... I like how the people are standing out from the browns in the room and the way their shadows are lightly cast onto the walls.
    2. Each of the photos contain people in costumes that are kind of creepy or fictional characters that are set in a well kept, pretty looking room or place.
    3. Hmmm, I honestly have no idea. I like zombies so maybe a zombie or something.
    Thornhill, Sydney

  61. 1.) I like the one of Mater Chef from Halo sitting on the couch because he looks so intense and masculine but he looks like he is in his grandmothers house surrounded by puppy pillows.
    2.) The two subjects like the person and the background are two very different and opposite things.
    3.) I would full blown dress up like Stevie Nicks...just cause.

    Goldspink, X

  62. 1.) The unicorn in the bathtub is my favorite because I like the high key lighting it gives off a fun emotion.
    2.) It's like their normal life vs. the life of the person he dresses up as.
    3.) I would dress up as a sloth.
    Devyn Glenn

  63. 1. I like the one with the Alien sitting in the bed watching tv. What stands out to me is that he is watching static.
    2. They are characters and they kind of blend in with the background.
    3. Transformer costume

    Slack C

  64. 1) Really like the white room with the dog like fox picture.The eye catching thing about the white room with the dog like fox is eveything.
    2) I have no idea.
    3) A care bear.
