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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#14 Double Exposures

James Fitzgerald - Double Exposures

1) Describe how you think this artist created these shots. 

2) What's your reaction to these shots, do they evoke a particular emotion or mood?

3) Given that this will be a photoshop assignment, what ideas do you have to create your own "double exposure" effect in photoshop?


  1. 1.) I think he took two images and morphed them together.

    2.) I like all these shots, they show women but instead of their faces, its a landscape.

    3.) I always think it's fun to combine two peoples faces, I'd also like to see if I could combine a couple cars.

    (Shearer, Max)

  2. I think that he took the photos of the people and then added the extra texture afterwards. I am not really to fond of the pictures. I feel like extra stuff in the photo takes away from the portrait. I think for me to use this on a photo i would have to take a photo specifically for it.
    Reck T.

  3. I think the artist took a portrait shot, and then took another shot of nature or whatever else he wanted to overlap, and then used photoshop to make the other one a filter, edited it and made it lighter and placed it over the photo. I like the shots a lot, particularly the water one. I'm not really sure what I would use for this assignments yet. (Stewart, S)

  4. 1. I believe this artist started out by taking a portait of someone then went to photoshop and placed a design over the top of it.
    2. My reaction to these shots evoke sort of a confused feeling because Why would put something over a beautiful picture. Also it's intriguing because of the design and colors.
    3.Some ideas I have to create my own "Double Exposure" shots are maybe take a specfic photo then put a over lapping texture on it.

  5. Cox, S.
    1) I honestly don't know how the artist created these photos.
    2) I really like these images. It's like the picture has it's own emotions.
    3) I have no idea.

  6. 1. The artist took a picture of someone and then put a picture on top of it to give it that look
    2.I think it just looks different to me, but it's pretty cool.It gives a different feeling to the picture.
    3. Just put another picture or layer of the main picture and then have it fade into the main picture.

  7. I think this pictures were edited by adding a layer on top of the photo.The photos have a nature feel. The last one has a feeling that you are looking through a window. The other two have a antiqueish feel to them. I think it would be cool to make some photos like this. I would use horse photos with a similar effect to the last photo.


  8. 1. I think the artist took the shot of the women then edited them with the layers in photoshop.
    2. I think the photos are really cool and interesting. They're kind of mysterious.
    3. I think it'll require a certain technique but I think you have the original photo then go through the layers and fade them together.

    Thomas, S.

  9. the artist layered backgrounds of nature shots into people's faces. They are moody depending on wether the nature shot is bright or dull. I could use this as a environmental shot.

    Vitek, M.

  10. I think each of the pictures was created using photoshop. The artist took a picture of a person then added something over the top. Then faded out the thing that was added on top. I think all theses pictures are really cool and I wish I knew how to do this. They make me feel kinda intrigued. They have a sort of older feel to them and I like them a lot. I will probably use something softball related because that is a big part of my life. I will use flowers over something kind of ugly to brighten it up. Im not sure what else but I'm really excited about this.

    Anderson M

  11. all of these photos are really creative and have a lot of fashion!!! i think he used a lot of photo shop and took many photos and put them all into one big photo!
    to me these are a little disturbing, i dont like these photos a hole lot, like i think they are very highly skilled photos. but i think there is too much to look at. i am probably wrong.

    michael schumacher period 2

  12. 1. The images all have someone in them and it looks like her layers the image with some kind of filter/pattern.
    2. They're interesting and different and it makes me wonder what made him decide to edit them the way he did.
    3. I don't really have a good answer but it looks like there are two images put together.
    Maguire, K

  13. 1) Describe how you think this artist created these shots.
    I think he took two separate photographs, and then adjusted the transparency on one of the photographs.
    2) What's your reaction to these shots, do they evoke a particular emotion or mood?
    I feel that they evoke a very emotional mood. Sort of a beautiful, peaceful mood.
    3) Given that this will be a photoshop assignment, what ideas do you have to create your own "double exposure" effect in photoshop?
    I'm not sure how I will do this, but it should be fun playing around with it.

    -Montenna Morrison

  14. 1. I think the artist created these shots by taking the picture of the girls and then photoshopped them by adding a design over the top of her face, then edited the background as well, he used multiple layers.
    2. To me they are kind of a sad mood. She isn't smiling and the colors are cool colors and they are just kind of sad to me.
    3. I would use someone and put a cool/weird texture on top of it.

    Walker, C

  15. I think that he laid down the bottom layer as the scenary then laid the portrait on top almost transparent so the background is still visible.
    It seems almost like the portrait is lost or being swallowed by the scenary.
    a nice view with someone looking off to the side as if they are looking out in distance.


  16. 1) I think the artist took two pictures and somehow got dual exposure through photoshop or some other sort of edit like layering.
    2) These shots, in a way, throw me off from what im looking at. I am not a very big fan of these photos.
    3) In my photos that I will use I am going to try and focus on having a good texture like you said.

    -Carpenter, Arthur

  17. 1. There is two layers of photos where one layer has less hardness and you can see through it.
    2. They add a really strong environmental feeling to each photo. They amplify the emotion that each subject is showing.
    3. It might be cool to show the subject in their favorite type of environment or doing and action like skateboarding. Then put that layer in over a straight on shot.

    KC Lopez

  18. 1) I think the artist toke photos of the photos and than put them in Photoshop and then included the different technicians and make it look the the way they look now.
    2) M y reaction is that i love how it looks and the way it looks after the process and i really like it .
    3) My idea to due with the double layered that i can take a picture of the gross and than than take a photo of a person and than put then over each other.

  19. 1) He created these pictures by taking portraits of his friends and used photoshop to make them have cool looking effects. He over lapped pictures on each other.
    2)I really like these shots, they're different and i've never seen any pictures like these. All three of these pictures have something to do with nature and I think that makes it even better.
    3) I could take some portrait pictures of my friends and put another picture on top of them. For example, I could place a texture of wood on their face.

    Samimifar, T

  20. It looks like this artist took two shots and used photo shop to overlap them and make one lighter than the other. I really like this style of photo. It creates a more gentle and soft mood. I think it will look cool if I put different textures or patterns in the background.

    S, Moore

  21. 1. Clashing two photos together to make a collision of different vibes.
    2. They are sort of calming to me. 3 women that you cant really see their faces 100% making it more mysterious and the nature in their figures bring light to the subject.
    3. I don't absolutely know what i'm going to do for this assignment, but i'm sure whatever it is i'm going to have fun, and it's going to look pretty cool.
    Barker, A

  22. 1) These photos were either taken on the same film, or photoshoped from two different photos.

    2) I feel like these photos and this type of photography have a lot of potential to invoke multiple moods and emotions. To me, the dreamlike state of these photos prevent me from getting any strong emotions from them, but there are hints of anxiety, longing, and being lost in each of them.

    3) Using odd angles and shots to draw the eye away from the perceived subject matter. This would be like having a still life taken to contrast the figure it appears next to. It'll be fun to try.

    -J, Brown

  23. I think the artist created these shots by taking both photos and photo shopping them into one picture.

    They are very intriging to look at. The evoke a happy mood for me.

    DeMers, Victoria

  24. I think the artist overlapped two photos to create one.

    I personally do not like pictures like this because I think they are kind of tacky.

    I think branches and a portrait is a good idea.

  25. 1. He cropped the photo over the people
    2. I think these photos are really cool and keep me engaged however, the do not evoke a sense of mood in me
    3. I do not have any ideas right away to create photos like these.

    Taylor Schwindt

  26. 1.) I think the artist had two different images and combined them together, one of a person and one with a pattern or another object that is different than the first.
    2.) I personally think they would take away from the orignal photo but not unless it is done good and looks good
    3.) Use things that the person likes or that their into

    Goldspink, X

  27. 1.) They layered photos with photoshop.
    2.) I don't like these photos because they take away from the photo. I prefer a more natural looking photo.
    3.) I will create an emotion with my photos.
    Devyn Glenn

  28. 1. They took two pictures and put one on top of the other.
    2. I was very puzzled when I first saw these pictures. I can see that the pictures have someone hiding their face somehow.
    3. I think this will be an interesting assignment when I get the pictures because I can see a lot of ways to do double exposure pictures in photoshop.
    - Hegel, A

  29. I think the artist valued out the person and then laid a design over the top. These pictures feel like more of a calm or sad emotion.

    Jarmer, A.

  30. i think he created this photos with photoshop.
    no it doesnt evoke any emotion.
    i am not sure yet i will get to that when im ready to photoshop
    Flores, T

  31. I think they use an overlapping edit in photoshop. I really like these pictures. They just look really cool to me. It would be cool to take a sort of lace design and make it look like your skin is lace.

    Paul Sierra

  32. I think the photographer just took normal face shots of people and photoshopped the rest of it on. I'm not really interested in these particular photos too much. I think you have to edit it the right way for it to look really good. I like the ocean, water one a lot so I might do something like that. Or maybe the last one because it reminds me of snowy weather.
    Chastain, M.

  33. 1.) The photographer made edits of other photo's overlapping or some other effect to it.
    2.) They evoke a bit of gloom and sadness to these photos that make you feel a bit depressed also at least for me.
    3.) You could take a photo and over lap it in the way you want and the erase the parts you dont want in a artistic way.
    (Kierra Campbell)

  34. 1. I think that the artist had the portrait of the human, and then took a photo of a piece of environment and photoshopped together.
    2. They confuse me at the beginning when I first looked at them, because my eyes would either focus on one thing instead of them together.
    3.I have no idea.

  35. They look like he layed a semi transparent image, over another image.

    Calm, or peace.

    Learn about transparency?

    Nathan Matthews

  36. 1. By combining two different images and overlapping them to create something appealing to the eye.
    2. I think they're really fascinating to look at and they are very pretty.
    3. I don't know why but I think it would be really cool to take a picture of someone like looking in a mirror but the face in the mirror and the face the person is making are different.
    Thornhill, Sydney

  37. 1) I think the artist used photoshop to overlap a pattern on top of the original image.
    2) I feel these photos evoke a very serious, yet beautiful mood.
    3) You could take a detailed picture of an eye, then edit it with a picture of the entire person in the center.
    (Brown, K)

  38. 1.He took a picture and then put another texture on top of it.
    2. Sadness, loneliness.
    3.Taking two pictures, put one on top of the other one making it "see through"
    Francisco Ciriza

  39. 1. Photoshopped stuff onto objects.
    2. I like what they did with these photos.
    3. Have the picture be a waterfall and photoshop my face on it.

    Slack C

  40. 1. He made this with set up scenes and some photo shop
    2. i think they are weird and are trying to set up a mental mood or something.
    3. i have a idea of maybe a feild or something
    - CURTIS,A

  41. My first reaction is that these pictures are very cool. I like these photos they are very calming. I would adjust the opacity of the top photo to get the double exposure affect.

    Nelson s.

  42. I think the artist took a picture of a person and then added another picture over the original photograph and faded them together. To me I think these shots are dramatic and moody. I really like what he did as well. I would find a landscape picture and add it over a portrait picture

    Willhite, A

  43. I think this artist created these photos by combining two photos together to make one. My reaction to these shots is that they are too busy and I cant really see them with the clarity I would like. My ideas would be young person layered with something new and vibrant while an old person would be with something old and grey.

    Reneau, Austin.

  44. 1) I think the artist created with an exposure.
    2) My reaction are really simple and nice.
    3) Well I think the project is cool and creative.

  45. 1) I think he used different layers in photoshop, he set a picture of lets say flowers as the second layer and positioned them over the girls face.
    2) I think it entices a sense of inner emotion and beauty of the girls, like the girl with flowers is beautiful on the inside and the outside. It makes me happy.
    3) I think i could also take some pictures of flowers or something like that and postioin them over someone or something.

  46. 1. I think the artist created the image by putting a second layer on top of the photo.
    2. My reaction was that I thought it was really different and it really messed with my mind.
    3. I think you could do that by combining 2 photos.

    George, Serena

  47. 1. He used photoshop to add background to an object
    2. Sad mood because of light colors and emotionless
    3. I think it would be cool to add other photos on top of photos
    Maughan Sam
