You will be responsible for responding to daily blog posts with a thoughtful reflection (a thought or opinion about the given image) that is at least three sentences long, using intelligent English. In order for your comments to count for credit, you must sign your blog entry with your first initial and last name!


-Click the little link below that says the number of comments on this blog.

-Type in your COMMENT in the pop-up window.

-End your comment with your LAST NAME and FIRST INITIAL (Arnold, T).

-Select ANONYMOUS from the drop down COMMENT AS menu hit the POST COMMENT button.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

#16 Darren Pearson

After watching the short video in class, go to his web page HERE

1) Pick your favorite image and explain what inspires you or makes you curious when you look at it.

2) What types of ideas do you get for your own long exposure photos after looking at these images?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#15 Klaus Pichler

Klaus Pichler - "Just the Two of Us"

1) Check out the series of portraits by Klaus Pichler Here. Pick one that stands out to for some reason. Describe what catches your eye in this image.
2) What information can we gather about this individual when we look at their costume and the way they're photographed in their surrounding environment?

3) If you could have an incredibly elaborate costume of your choice, what would the costume be?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#14 Double Exposures

James Fitzgerald - Double Exposures

1) Describe how you think this artist created these shots. 

2) What's your reaction to these shots, do they evoke a particular emotion or mood?

3) Given that this will be a photoshop assignment, what ideas do you have to create your own "double exposure" effect in photoshop?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

#13 James and Shauna!

James and Shawna - Wedding Photos - By Brenton Salo 

(Note: This is a wedding shot by my friend Brenton and the couple featured are my close friends James and Shauna)

1) Describe to me what types of portrait photography Brenton covered in the above images (think about the categories I introduced Friday. Feel free to cheat and look on the website at the assignment)? Explain.

2) Which is your favorite and why? Describe the mood that your favorite image conveys and how it does that visually.