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Monday, March 17, 2014

#1 Joseph Niepce

"View from the Window at Le Gras" - 1826

Illustration of a Camera Obscura

This is thought to be the earliest recorded photographs Created by Joseph Niepce (a French inventor) using one of the very earliest forms of the camera called the "camera obscura". This grainy, crude image was an attempt to capture the view from outside his apartment window and took about eight hours to capture! This marks the beginning of the revolution of photography, but also the development of all the visual arts (drawing, painting, etc.) towards a modernism.

1) What's your first reaction to this first photograph? Does it make sense to you?

2) How does this photo remind you in a crude way of modern art?

3) Do you think the world we know today with the internet (facebook, instagram, etc.) would exist without this guy's invention? 


  1. 1. I had no clue what I was looking at.
    2. It's kind of abstract because you can't really tell what it is.
    3. I feel like someone would eventually invent something like it, so yeah, I think the world with internet would exist.

    -Dani Bolton

  2. My first reaction to this photo is that it's interesting how far we've come with technology since it took eight hours to capture this photo and we can now take one in a matter of seconds. I do think that the world today would still exist with internet because someone else would have probably thought it up if Joseph Niepce didn't, although it may have taken longer to get to the spot where we are with technology today. (Hugo, N.)

  3. This photograph is hard to recognize what it is, but its a great step in the evolution of photography. This photo is taken to get the image of the outside world. The world today would be so different since you won't be able to share your moments with friends and family. You won't be able to record those special moments and have something to look at in the past and remember.

  4. When I first looked at this picture, I didn't know how to react to what I was seeing. I noticed that there was not a lot of detail but certain things that i really found interesting about this piece. Such as it seems vintage now from today, the grain and contrast are not so clear, and I noticed that when I read the title of this picture I then understood that it was taken from a window however the picture is still unclear to me

    - Nelson, G

  5. This photo is pretty good considering this was the first camera but you can't really tell what's in it because the quality is so low. This photo is similar to today's modern art because we also take many photos of buildings and architecture and sometimes we even blur them to add effect or emphasis on something else in the photo. The world wouldn't be the same without pictures.
    -Brianna Higashihara

  6. My first reaction to this first photograph was, it's hard to understand at first what i was looking at and tell what it was. This photo reminds me of crude art in many ways one being it looks as if he put a filter on the photo. Without this guys invention i dont think instagram would have existed for sure, but facebook would be more of a "blog" spot with no pictures.- Murphy C

  7. My first reaction to this photo was that it obviously wasn't the best quality, and almost looked like it was drawn rather than someone photographed it. It makes since though because it was the first picture taken on record. It reminds me of modern art because in photos now, people will use photo editors, and in this picture it almost looks as if someone just took the photo and edited it. The social networks we use today would not exist with out this invention of the camera. All of the networks on the internet usually revolve around photographs.

  8. The photo seams a little confusing and blurry, but I do see buildings so it's not completely unclear. This photo does make sense to me the longer I look at it. I see the roof to a large building along with the chimney, and the building beside it. This photograph reminds me of modern art because we do a lot of architectural art in this age and this is showing two buildings. If we didn't have this guys invention I don't think we would have these sites today, but I do believe we would have them in time. With his invention we created the internet much faster than we would've without it.
    (Smith, C.)

  9. I think it's really amazing how far pictures and technology has come along. It's crazy that it took about eight hours to capture this photo, now to take a picture it takes less than three seconds. I think that the internet world would exist today even without this guy's invention. I just think the internet world came sooner than it would have without his invention.
    Mackenzie Wille

  10. Yes this photo makes sense to me I compleatley understand what he was trying to capture. This reminds me of how simple it is to capture something random and turn it in to a peace of art and make it into something people can enjoy. yea I dont think any soial media would have the the abillity to take pictures without the guys invenstion of the camera. Aplanalp T

  11. I think that the first ever recorded photo looks like a drawing. It makes sense, and looks like a man possibly writing something at a counter. This reminds me of modern art, because it looks like the picture could have been edited. No, I don't think that the internet we have today would exist without this guys invention. - Moon K.

  12. My first reaction to this photograph was that it looked a little strange and mysterious. I found it interesting how far we've gotten from using such a big box that takes up a lot of space to a little device that could fit into our pockets. C.Smalley

  13. well, at first, I couldn't tell what it was. But, when I read the description. That's pretty awesome. I always wondered what the first picture was.
    This reminds me of modern art by the terrible graininess of the photograph. It's dark, and almost intense. but, it's a good kind of intense. like the kind of tensness you get from watching a horror movie.
    These are my thoughts: I don't like facebook, or instagram. I'm more of a Tumblr person. but, i don't think the world would be what it was today without the invention of the camrea.
    ~Kendrick Denton

  14. My first reaction to this is that this man had patience and control. 8 hours is a long time to spend trying to create this picture. Of course something like this makes complete sense because this mans invention has shaped the way that we can live our lives. This photo reminds me of modern art because in comparison to photos that we can edit now, this photo looks like it has a filter to make it look that way. It also has a certain look to where it could just as well have been a painting. I do not think that the world we know today would exist without this guys invention and even if we did have all of these social media it would be a bunch of comments and posts with no pictures and no profile pictures.

    Webb, R

  15. My first reaction to this piece was that it was, in a sense, amazing. Especially if you think about the time period it was made in. Their idea of a picture before the camera was a painting. So, yes this does make sense to me. This picture is so crude that it looks like something we would make with our hands, but it does not remind me of any modern art. The internet might exist but it would not be as advanced as it is today without photography. Niepce made a huge step in advancing us forward in technology.
    - Miller, S.

  16. My first reaction to this picture is that even though it was one of the first pictures it's still pretty clear but it also shows how things kinda looked back then. It reminds me of modern art because everything doesn't have to be beautiful and colorful. It can be in black and white and a picture of nothing. Our world would not be the same with out him because most of the social media websites we go on are mostly for photos.
    -G hays

  17. You can tell that this photo is one of the first photos taken because of how you can barely see what is in it. A lot of pictures today are of things around us, like buildings, and this picture is of a building. I think that without this first photo, the world would be a little behind, but would eventually be the same because at some point someone would probably invent a camera.
    Holli Cook

  18. My first reaction is that the photo is really old, you can't really tell what is happening in the picture.It doesn't really make sense because the picture is hard to see. It reminds me in a crude way of modern art because it shows black and light figures. I think the world we know today with the internet would exist without this guy's invention, because i'm pretty sure someone else would have made the invention or close to the same invention. But if no one invented it I think the internet would be completely different.
    Bjorkman, K.

  19. My first reaction to the photo is that it is different from photo now in days. One other thing is that it is not very see able and not clear. at first it didn't make sense but, after I reading about it than i know what it was. It reminds me of crude kinda way because you really don't know what it is by just looking at it. Not really because if he didn't invented we won,t have anything.
    Linet Cruz

  20. When I see this photograph, it reminds me just how much our world has evolved in the last few centuries. When I look at it, the first thing my eyes are drawn to is the background. I wonder what was beyond what we are able to see and what the picture looked like through the eyes of the first to see it. This photo reminds me of how modern art can be anything you want it to be. The world we know today would not exist without this guys invention. The internet and websites like Facebook are based around the photographs that people are able to post and share with the world.
    (Anna Z)

  21. At a first glance, I thought this photo was just a vague drawing of a view from a building.
    After realizing that it might be the first photo ever taken, it made me appreciate how far photography has come. However, I see no relation between this photo and modern art. Without Joseph's invention, we would still have facebook and instagram. The only difference is that this discovery of photography may have taken another couple of decades.

  22. If I did not know the story behind this image, it would not make a lot of sense to me because of how unclear the image is. I think this photo is interesting because it was taken with the first camera model and it may not be the most beautiful and clear photo, but it does have a history. Without this photograph, cameras and pictures would have not evolved to what they are today.

    Allison Kirk

  23. I think the photograph isn't very clear but it shows the outline of the buildings.It shows contrast between light and dark,light being the sky and reflection of the building and dark being the building and surrounding objects.I dont think the world of social media would exist because a lot of things on social media is pictures.

    -Kaylee Van Voorhis

  24. Hey Buddy

    Arnold T

  25. 1. It looks old, obviously because it's the first photo. It makes sense when you read the name, "View From the Window"
    2. It's super dark looking.
    3. If he didn't invent it, someone else would have.

    Steele, J.

  26. 1.) My reaction to the ""View from the Window at Le Gras" - 1826" isn't much of a reaction at all. It's a boring photo, but I do however see how it is such a great memorabilia, it's a step for mankind and the first real image ever captured by machine.

    2.) The photo to me has very simplistic relations to modern art. The only true tie I can make is that he chose to capture the landscape, along with architectural design, which you often see in modern pieces.

    3.) No, if the camera were never invented the world would be quite a different place, and I think art would hold a much higher value if the camera weren't around to capture the image.

  27. My first reaction to the first photo was that it looks very blurry and boring, due to it being black and white. It didn't really make sense to me at first because it was so blurry. I could barely tell what it even was of, till I read the description below.

    It reminds me of modern art because of the fact that it has different value to it, in the black and white photograph.

    I don't think our world function the way it does now, without his invention. Our world revolves around what we see, and how we document it. It's how we make history and document our lives.

    -George, S

  28. (Max, S) Forgot to put my name

  29. 1. The picture looks like two people standing on top of something and working on something.
    2.It is kind of dark but I don't see how it would be a crude way of modern art. It just looks like a picture.
    3.Maybe, because technology has done a lot for our generation and maybe it could have helped him out and his invention but I don't see how it would be a lot of help since Instagram and Facebook, ect, would help a whole lot because it's mainly just photos and stuff like that.
    Maguire K

  30. i have no clue what the picture is, my idea is it is a building of some kind.

    this photo is abstract it kinda has no center to look at, so your eye doesn't know where to focus. i like it.

    i think the world would be a lot different without joseph making the first camera, but i do think we would have photos and other cool stuff, maybe just in a different form.

    schumacher m

  31. 1) This picture really caught my attention because you can barely tell what it is and will make you want to look at the patterns to figure it out. I don't think think I'd know what it is without the description.
    2)It reminds me of crude art by the shades and the emphasis on the picture.
    3)I think they all would invent because if he didn't invent it then someone else would.

    Samimifar T.

  32. 1) What's your first reaction to this first photograph? Does it make sense to you?
    My first reaction, or emotion to this photograph was i was interested. I can't really see what is going on, so of course I wanted to know what it was, who took it, and why it was the very first picture on the blog. It does not make much sense to me.
    2) How does this photo remind you in a crude way of modern art?
    This photo, does not remind me of a crude was of modern art. If I had to pinpoint it, I would say that it being the first picture ever recorded that it is not very telling.
    3) Do you think the world we know today with the internet (facebook, instagram, etc.) would exist without this guy's invention?
    I feel that if this picture did not exist then it would have been another person, down the road to accidentally come up with a way of taking pictures, and recording them.

    -Montenna M.

  33. 1) Technology has come a long way since the 1800's. It sort of makes sense to me that it would be the 1st picture, because of the black and white filter. (There weren't colored fliters back then)
    2)This photo reminds me of modern art in a way, because the quality of the camera is so bad that it looks as though it was sketched with a pencil or pastels.
    3)Well, if it weren't for Mr. Niepce there never would have been a camera or at least not until much later on in society, and with that being said the technology probably wouldn't have been this developed by now.
    Barker, A

  34. I just think it's strange. Its super blurry and you can't even tell what it is. It's like a modern photographer would use a filter to make it look like that. I think the social media sites definitely would have existed eventually, just not as soon, because someone else would have eventually invented something pretty close to it, or almost exactly like it. It's just confusing to me.

    Sparks L.

  35. 1.My first reaction to the photo is that I wasn't quite sure what it was, but then I read the paragraph and it makes sense to me. The lines are very soft and blurry, and the color is dark having a saddening affect. The colors, however, contrast. The black makes the white stand out and white makes the black stand out. The space in the photo is kind of clustered in the middle, but then your eyes move past the other building where there is an open space and a clear open sky.
    2.This photo reminds me of modernizing days because it is black and white, and not very good quality.
    3.I do not think modern things like Instagram would exsist because that photo was just the beginning and everything has evolved since then. This guy basically created all the new apps we have today.

    Walker C

  36. My initial reaction to the photograph was confusion. The photo makes little sense to me because of it's grainy texture and lack of clarity. This photo reminds me of modern art in that modern art is not always clear; sometimes it takes time to decipher what it is portraying. I do not think that the world we know today would be the same. A lot of the things we have today, like the internet, probably would either not exist, or be very different from how it is now.

    Thomas, S.

  37. This picture just looks like shapes to me. It doesn't really make sense. You can really tell tho how art has change between then and now. I don't think it would exist
    Michael B

  38. 1. In the first photo there is a high level of contrast and value. I feel that if I were to have taken the first photo I would have made it more interesting and something that is more recognizable.
    2. It has a lot of moderen elements of art. Contrast and form are very visible in the image. It is also abstract which is very popular today.
    3. I dont think that we would have all the social media we have today if it wasn't for the use of cameras. We use social media as a way to share our daily life's through pictures and text.

    Ford, J

  39. My first reaction to the photograph was that i didn't really know what the picture was. It was hard for me to make out shapes and detail of what the objects were in the photo. It reminds me of crude modern art because it is shades of black and white. The objects are also not very defined. I think that cameras may be a little different but i do think that as human evolve someone would have come up with an idea similar to his. His invention had a large impact on how soon cameras and photography evolved though.

    Reck T.

  40. When I first saw this photo, I noticed it was very grainy and had a lot of different values, since there was no color then. I also noticed there was a lot of different textures to form the photo. It's kind of hard to tell what some things are in the picture. It reminds me of how in modern art today there is abstract paintings or drawings, because there isn't a definite shape to everything. I don't think that any of the social media would really exist without photos, because the media is based on photographs and visuals.

    Moore, S

  41. If I didn't know that this was a picture of a view out of a window, I would have had no idea what this was. It makes sense that there are a few buildings/ pillars out the window, but not much else. This photo reminds me of modern art in the way that it is so unclear. I feel that making a picture grainy is a technique of modern art. It uses the elements of value, shape, and space. Because the picture is so unclear of what it is; it also relates to the abstract styles of modern art. Finally, the internet today would not be comparable without Niepce's invention. Instagram would be nonexistent as would Facebook and other sites.

    Botts, H

  42. My first reaction to the first picture was thinking it was like a building falling. After looking more I see that the quality isn't great so under the house is just blury that looked like dust at first.
    This picture is set up as a view from a window of the horizon and buildings. It is in black and white and the quality is low but, if enhanced it would be a desent photo.
    Someone will always be inventing and coming up with the next big thing. If he didn't create the camera someone else would of, maybe not the same look or style but probably with the same outcome.

    Stiff, G

  43. 1) I honestly cannot make out most of the details of the photograph, bar a few man-made structures and a tree. It's a little erie, actually.

    2) Well, it reminds me of certain forms of modern art that glorify all of art's previous hardships and failures. Like photographs that were partially deleted from a computer's hard drive, then restored to show what distortion the photo went through.

    3) Probably, in some form other than photography. It would be a lot different, though.

    -Jakob B

  44. 1) My first reaction to the first photograph was it's very interesting but doesnt really hold my attention. No it doesnt really make sense, and it's confusing because I dont know what the picture is suppose to be.

    2) It reminds me of modern art in a crude way because it doesnt really make anything or resemble anything as a object, but yet it still means something to someone or symbolizes something in it's own way.

    3) Yes I do think the world of internet, twitter, instagram and facebook would exist without this guys idea. someone would eventually come up with the idea.


  45. My first reaction to the photograph was that it is really grainy looking. I think it is interesting that this is the earliest recorded picture. I think it is kind of weird that the first picture he took was just out the window of his apartment.
    The picture is a crude reminder of modern art because it is abstract. It is different and not exactly perfect. It is mostly the shapes and forms in this picture that reminds me of modern art.
    I do not think that these things would exist without this invention. Instagram is an all picture website, Facebook is really only there to creep on other people's pictures. Pictures are a way for us to communicate. They capture a moment and help us show what is important to us.

    Anderson M

  46. My first reaction to this photo is that it looks ancient, because of the black and white color value, and the rugged texture it contains. Not a very clear photo. However, it does make sense to me. I see that this photo is the view from Niepce's apartment window. I saw that before I read about the photo. In a crude sense, this photo looks abstract in modern art today, because of the random pattern it contains. I think social media would still be existing today, without Niepce's invention. As a world, we are growing. Technology is always improving. I'm sure someone in the 1800's would have the same idea of re-creating a physical picture, if the camera obscura was never invented.

    Vitek M.

  47. 1. My first reaction to the photo was confused. I didn't know what the picture. It also made me wonder what time period it was in and was the photo suppose to be blurry?
    2. The first photo is just simple and it doesn't have any effects or modern photo techniques like we use today in modern art.
    3. No, because his invention is the reason why we know the internet and why our world is so involved in photography.


  48. 1) My first reaction to this photograph of "View from the Window at Le Gras" is that it is very simple, there is not too much going on in this picture. The photo to me doesn't make too much sence simply for the fact that it is hard to dipict what is.

    2) The simplicity of this photo and the inability to tell what it is can compare to modern art.

    3) No, if he hadn't created this we would have a very different world with out us being able to closely relate to each other through photos.

    -Artie Capenter

  49. I can tell this is gonna be a good class. My reaction to the "View from the Window La Gras" was that it looks like you would be someone enter a small village town in like one of those movies, kinda like Rango or something.

    Tati C

  50. my post was deleted

  51. 1. my first impression is that the photograph seems an abstract drawing.
    2. Because its blurry and you can't really identify what is in it
    3. I don't think so.

    Francisco Ciriza.

  52. When I first saw this picture, it made me feel like I was looking at a horror/ghost picture. The reason I felt this was because it's blurry and has an erie feeling for me. The photo reminds me of a older picture because it is not as high def as we have now. I do not believe we would have the kind of technology we have today if Mr Niepce hadn't taken this picture.

    Jarmer, A

  53. My first reaction to this comment is that it is very bad quality. It makes sense, it is supposed to be a view from a window. It reminds me of modern quality because people try to make abstract art and it turns out looking like this. The internet would be a lot different without pictures we could take.

    DeMers, V

  54. 1. My first reaction to the photograph was that it is really obscure. It does make sense to me because you can see the walls and a roof so you can tell its a city.
    2.It reminds me of modern art because it is hard to tell at first glance what it is.
    3. I think it would be a little different but close to the same because eventually someone would have came up with an invention similar to his.

    Reneau, Austin.

  55. It does make sense, of course. The spire of other houses are visible, though, as the caption says, crude. I believe however, if touched up, and given color, the view would have been amazing.

    This photo, brings to mind modern art, in the respect that it doesn't make a lot of sense unless you know about the author. You need a little peek at him, to show you just what you are looking at.

    Yes. Humans will always have the desire to capture. While we may have developed it much later, I think someone, at some point in our world, would have looked outside, and decided he wanted to capture the sunrise. Though, Joseph Nipce, might have kicked off our #instagram age, sooner than if we had someone else try and capture something.

    Nathan Matthews

  56. 1) it looks like he is standing on a rooftop shooting photos of the ground below.
    2) it reminds me in a crude way of modern art because it is a little ellegible, but it captures a whole scene of the way we used to take photographs and create art.
    3) None of the technology today would exist without the invention of the first camera because we would have nothing to advance off of and make newer and newer models with more features.

    Mollie Thurber

  57. 1) My first reaction to this photograph is just that you can't really tell what it is.
    2) This photo reminds me in a crude way of modern art because it is abstract and not very clear.
    3)I think that eventually someone would figure it out and all of our social media would still be a thing.

    Marissa Brandon

  58. 1. I'm surprised that it took 8 hours to take that photo! It's shocking that someone figured how to do it, but it's amazing at the same time. I don't really understand what the photo is trying to represent.
    2. This photo reminds me a little of modern art because it's abstract and unclear.
    3. No, I don't because a lot of the internet consists of photos.

    Madisen Chastain

  59. The photo makes sense to me because I know the perspective. I believe that the photo has a decent enough quality for the time it was originally taken, nearly 200 years ago.

    It reminds me of modern art because it is basic, and full of shapes. It is obscure and abstract.

    I do believe the world would have photography at the standart it is at now, but just not at the same time. It might take this other, Joseph Niepce-less, alternate universe a bit longer to get the type of photography technology. It's the butterfly effect.

    -Kameron Bates :~)

  60. It has an erie feel to it. Like one of those creepy old pictures with a hidden ghost or something. Its very difficult to see what it supposed to be but it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. In todays photography there is such high definition so its intellectually straining to take a photo that isn't cut and paste what the photo actually is. It causes you to use your imagination on what shadows could be. Without cameras the world would be totally different. People wouldn't be able to see exactly what other people saw.

    K.C. Lopez

  61. My first reaction to the first photograph was that it was very crude and blurry. It doesn't make sense to me.

    The photo reminds me of the grunge style that is popular in modern photography.

    The world today would be completely different if this man hadn't created the "camera." I doubt that cameras would be as advanced as they are now if he had not created this invention. Eventually, they may have been created later. But there would have been more trial and error which would require more time to make.

    McVicker, Devyn

  62. I think the picture is pointless and kind of weird. Most of the pictures of modern art are kind of pointless and weird. I dont think it would exist a big part of social media is pictures.
    Flores, Tony

  63. 1) This picture was very dull, but the window view made sense.
    2) It is very undefined and blurry.
    3) I believe the world would have advanced to the same point of technology without this man's camera in some way.

  64. 1.) My first reaction is that it was blurry and a little hard to see, But I could make out a person looking at a triangle.
    2.) It reminds me of modern art because of how simple it looks and how little contour lines are showen.
    3.) I guess that it wouldn't be the same with out his invention because it started a "trend" that became popular.

    Goldspink, X

  65. that's radical bra

    hecker, J

  66. 1. My first initial reaction to the photo was its very dull. Not much energy into the picture.

    2. It reminds me in a crude way by the picture not having any character into it and not much abstract like today's pictures.

    3. I honestly think this world would have this invention, even if he didn't invent it, today's modern world would have eventually figured out " The camera".

    Loosmore Logan

  67. My reaction to this photograph initially was that it is very blurry and you can't really even tell what the picture is trying to capture. It makes me wonder why someone would take there very first image through their window of pretty much nothing. It reminds me of modern art because it is very abstract and not a clear picture. The photo just looks like different black and white shapes. I don't think that social media would be the same today because many times when you go on these websites you are looking at pictures of people to keep up with their lives. And without photos there would be no such thing as Instagram. Social media websites would not be as entertaining without images.

    Sierra Paul

  68. This photo is very interesting. Without it we would live very different lives, facebook would be very different and Instagram probably wouldn't exist. It looks abstract, but you can just barely make out shapes, like modern art.

    Nelson S

  69. 1. I like that the photo is kind of blurry and black and white without some sort of editing and a filter. The picture kind of reminds me of something from a scary ghost movie or something like that, or maybe a picture from a book about haunted places.
    2. The photograph reminds me of modern art because it's abstract, and original.
    3. I think that we would still have internet, but no Instagram or any photo apps like we have. Everything would still be the same but there wouldn't be any pictures to know what something looks like without actually seeing it with our own eyes.
    Thornhill, S

  70. When I first look at the photo I don't quite think it looks like a photograph. I don't think it makes much sense but its nice in a way because you can try and imagine what it looks like creating your own image. This picture is very blurry and you cant really tell what it is. I don't think the internet would be the same because there are pictures almost everywhere you are. If we didn't have cameras then it would mostly just be drawings and not all drawings are as good as a picture.

    Willhite A.

  71. 1.) My first reaction was that the photo looked really grainy. It reminds me more of a sketch that someone drew not a photograph.
    2.) It reminds me of modern art in the way that it's simple and it allows you to interpret your own meaning.
    3.) I don't believe social media would exist without his invention. For sure Instagram wouldn't exist because it revolves around photos.

  72. 1. My first reaction is that the picture is really old, it doesn't really make sense to me how he took it.
    2. This photo reminds me in a crude way of modern art because it is very abstract and blurry.
    3. I think Instagram, Facebook, and the internet would not exist, because this guys invention started everything. Without him we probably wouldn't have invented photography until later.

    Slack C

  73. 1. The photo was unclear and hard to understand at first, until i saw it was from a hotel window, that changed my view of what the photo was about. At first, I thought it was a guy sitting at a table.
    2. It had some texture in the picture from what I could understand.
    3. I think it would exist but some things would be different, and sometimes harder to do certain things.
    Hegel, Anthony

  74. 1.The photo looks a little unclear to me. I first see two tall building, one to the left and one to the right. They look like they are part of a prison.
    2. This photo is not complex. Because of it being the first picture, he seemed to have just been testing his camera to see if it works.
    3. No not at all, most apps and social medias are all based on photos.
    -Maughan, Sam

  75. I thought it looks like a triangle flying. I make a little sence to me about the first photograph. It does remind myself of a crude way. Well i think the world of internet like Facebook, Instagram and etc. will maybe not be part of the internet in the future.


  76. Illustration of Camera Obscura-
    My first reaction to this photograph is it looks almost like he's projecting something. In some ways I think it makes sense to me. It looks almost like he's trying to take a crude photograph through this big version of todays camera. It reminds me a lot of modern art because modern art is usually up to interpretation. Facebook and Instagram and all of those sites might exist but not the same way since Instagram and Facebook exist with art work in one form or another. I suppose they might not exist though because practically all of it is made up of art if you think about it.

    View from the window at Le Gras-
    My first reaction to this photograph is it looks to fuzzy to comprehend what is there. I think it makes some sense to me. It almost looks like a man holding a brick of wood near a fence. Thats my interpretation I got from the photograph that Joseph Niepce took. Again the photo looks up to interpretation and the angle that the photograph was taken looks very modern with its shape and edge to the photo.

  77. My first reaction to this photograph is that is almost looks like he's projecting something. In some ways it looks like he's taking a older version of a photograph compared to todays modern day version, so I think it makes sense to me. The photo is up to interpretation and every one has different ideas of what a photo may look like, and this photo is one of those photos were you can see many different things. The photo is very edgy also. Most likely Facebook and Instagram would not exist today in this world if the invention did not exist. Art makes up most of Facebook and Instagram. It makes up all of practically.

  78. 1) I think the "Fountain" was denied exhibition because it's not beautiful or elegant ,or very appealing to the eye. And also was most likely considered a insult or disgrace to the art world. Marcel's point for his "Ready-made sculpture" is to sort of rebel against the direction art is heading to, and to prove art doesnt always have to be beautiful.
    2) I see a toilet in this image. some compositional elements I see in this photography are leading lines, contrast,vertical orientation, close camera distance.
    3) The artist's intentions for capturing this photo is to show that art isnt pretty and everything can be considered beautiful whit repositioning. And take it out of it's normal context and get people to think differently.

  79. 1. You can tell this is an older photo but it looks like it is a picture of building roof tops. It does make sense, it is just hard to tell what it is.
    2. You still see pictures of builds and stuff like this, but the are just a lot more clear now.
    3. I don't think all of those web sites would be up with out his invention because everyone likes taking pictures and posting them online for other people to see.
